Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 884 A fierce battle is about to begin

Chapter 884 A fierce battle is about to begin

After a long but rich morning, at about one o'clock in the noon, Master Suren landed on the island surrounded by Dapong horses.

Yang Tianlong found that since Master Su Ren landed on the island, his brows seemed to have never been relaxed.

In fact, not only he found out, but even the lion's head discovered this situation. Seeing this, the lion's head couldn't help but gently poked Yang Tianlong's arm with his elbow.

Yang Tianlong nodded slightly at the lion head.

Master Su Ren has been communicating with Da Peng in Dai language, so as for what the two said, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head still don't know, but they only know that Master Su Ren and Da Peng seem very serious. It can be seen from the expression that things this time are not as simple as they imagined.

Sure enough, after Master Suren finished talking to Dapeng, Dapeng began to translate what Master Suren said to him just now.

"The master is the master. He guessed what happened last night as soon as he came to the island." Da Peng said with a rather helpless face.

"Then does he have confidence in killing Apsa?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

Dapeng nodded, "I still have some confidence, but in Master Soren's view, this will be a fierce battle."

"Battle?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help but frowned.

"Because he felt that Apusa would never give in obediently. He would take the initiative to make his meridian disorder, so that he would go crazy and become a big devil." Dapeng said seriously.

"Dude, what I'm concerned about is if Apsa becomes a big devil, is Master Soren sure to kill him?" Lion Head asked seriously.

Apsa continued to nod, "Of course, as I said earlier, this will be a fierce battle."

"Since it's a fierce battle, we need to be prepared. What can we do to help?" Lionhead asked again.

Dapeng shook his head, "We don't need to help Master Suren to do anything, he told us that we just need to stay in the house like local residents, and there are those head-down masters who will assist him."

"This?" Seeing that he lost his share all of a sudden, the lion's head was suddenly discouraged.

His expression is not the most exaggerated, but Tosor's expression is the most exaggerated, "What? We are watching from the sidelines?"

Da Peng nodded expressionlessly, "Yes."

"Oh my God, I just wanted to see how they fought, but I became a bystander." Tosor looked puzzled and full of helplessness at the same time.

"If you don't want to live, you can go out for a walk." Dapeng looked at Tosor with contempt and said.

Tosor didn't seem to be joking when he saw Dapeng. He had to restrain his curiosity temporarily, and began to think quickly in his heart, trying to find the best solution. After all, this wonderful fight , he doesn't want to miss it.

The four of them were talking, and Master Su Ren came out again surrounded by his disciples. This time he changed into a gray robe, holding a magic weapon made from the skull of a young baby in his hand.

All of their faces were serious, as if a bloody war was about to happen in front of them.

Seeing this too secretive and serious occasion, Tosor couldn't help but feel extremely shocked from the bottom of his heart, he began to believe what Dapon said just now, this is not like a child's play house , This is a life-and-death struggle.

"It's time, let's board the ship." Master Su Ren said with a blank face.

His disciples nodded, and then the chief disciple babbled at Da Pong, and Da Pong nodded quickly, motioning everyone to go into the house and hide.

No one dared to neglect, because only after making sure that all of them entered the house, they would take a boat to the small island where Apsa practiced.

In less than 5 minutes, the entire Serasan Island became extremely silent. All the living people hid in the houses, and the doors and windows of all houses were closed extremely tightly.

Through the window, Yang Tianlong and the others saw Master Su Ren and they began to board the speedboat at the pier on the island.

Right now, even the crew driving the speedboat is operated by the head-down master.

Chug chug..., a puff of smoke came out from the engine at the tail of the speedboat.

However, at this moment, as if returning to last night suddenly, large dark clouds began to approach the small island of Serasan, and the whole island was immediately flooded by strong winds, which swept the small island The trees were blown up and down, and even the roof of the iron house across the road was blown up by the force of the strong wind.

"Could it be that Apusa has become a big devil?" Dapeng frowned suddenly.

"Hey, look, they're back on the shore." At this moment, Tosor pointed to the pier on the shore and said loudly.

Looking for the reputation, I saw Master Su Ren and the others boarded the shore, leaving only the speedboat in the rough sea.

"It seems that Apusa is really ruined." Dapeng said again with a serious face, and his hand began to gently stroke the saber at his waist.

"Fake...such a big wave." Lion Head couldn't help but yelled at this moment, and when everyone searched for the sound and looked over, they saw that the speedboat had been swallowed by the waves.

"Hey, where's the speedboat?" Tosor couldn't help asking with his eyes wide open.

"The speedboat has been swallowed by sea water." Lion Head said with a serious face.

"So scary?" Tosor also had an extremely incredible expression on his face.

"Guys, get ready, it seems that Apsa is really going to go crazy and become a big devil." Dapeng couldn't help but yelled at this moment.

At this time, the visibility of the entire island has become as invisible as in the middle of the night.

Everyone couldn't help but their hearts sank, it seemed that Apsa's mana was far higher than that guy from last night.

Yang Tianlong's eyes were fixed on Haili all the time, but when he heard Dapeng's words that Apusa was going to go crazy and become a big devil king, he couldn't help but quickly put his thoughts back.

Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong injected his consciousness into Meng Diao again, and Meng Diao, who had already been near the small island, soared again.

Sure enough, this time it was Apsa's approach, because the weather on the island was very good, and the sun behind the house shone on the entire island.

"Huaxia Dragon, hide quickly." Caught off guard, Yang Tianlong only felt his body sink, and then there was a sound of explosion in his ear.

(End of this chapter)

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