Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 885 The fierce battle has already begun

Chapter 885 The Fierce Battle Has Begun
When Yang Tianlong reacted, his body had already fallen heavily on the ground. Fortunately, the floor was made of wood, otherwise, he might fall very painfully.

"What's going on?" Looking at the lion head who also fell to the ground, Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Hey, buddy, you don't have a show, do you?" Lion's head was very surprised. Just now a stone the size of a washbasin flew over directly. Everyone noticed it, except Yang Tianlong who was still standing there stupidly.

The lion's head pointed to a big rock not far away, and then pointed to the broken window, Yang Tianlong suddenly understood.

A gust of wind mixed with rain came in all of a sudden, and the raindrops the size of soybeans slapped on the windows and the floor, as if the enemy's machine gun bullets were firing unscrupulously.

"Chirp..." Yang Tianlong didn't have time to talk to the lion head, suddenly the cry of the fierce eagle came from the back of his mind, the cry of the fierce eagle seemed to be different from the previous ones, so this time he felt the fierce The trembling mixed with the eagle's cry.

It could be seen that Meng Diao was also a little scared.

Yang Tianlong quickly injected his consciousness into Meng Diao again.

At this time, he was surprised to find that there was a wisp of green smoke rising from the center of the island.

Meng Diao began to consciously stay away from the small island where Apsa was, but Yang Tianlong's consciousness forced Meng Diao to approach the small island. Based on his feeling, he knew that there must be something unusual behind the wisp of green smoke.

Unable to resist the strong consciousness of the host, Meng Diao had no choice but to fly over the wisp of green smoke.

At this time, the scene in front of him surprised Yang Tianlong again, he actually saw Apusa.

However, his eyes saw Apsa in two steps. The first one was Apsa's body without a head, and the other half was Apsa's head hanging on the window sill of the cabin.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, this was the first time he saw such a mysterious scene, because although Apsa's head and body had been separated, both his body and head could move.

Under the glare of the sun, Apsa's face became extremely fair, and it was a bloodless white, as if a thick powder had been smeared on her face.

Apsa's head stayed on the window sill for a while, and then flew to the body again. This time, his head was not attached to the body, but chose to stop the head half a meter away from the body.

I saw the arms on the body slowly stretched out, and then began to comb Apsa's messy hair.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling goosebumps all over his body.

He knew that Apsa would attack later.

Quickly regained consciousness, it happened that this was Master Su Ren and they also returned to the small hotel.

"Master Su Ren, Apsa's head has been separated from his body." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying at this time.

"Separated?" Upon hearing this, Master Su Ren couldn't help frowning tightly again, and then he said loudly to the disciples around him.

"Quickly set up the formation."

"Deling..." Master Su Ren's disciples also felt the seriousness of the current situation. They didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly set up formations with things such as magic weapons, red thread, and talisman paper.

Of course, all these formation procedures started after Yang Tianlong and the others were invited away.

"Hey, the dark clouds seem to have dissipated." At this time, Tosor first discovered the clue.

Everyone searched for the sound again, and sure enough, the dark clouds had slowly dissipated, and even the violent storm just now seemed to have reduced a lot.

The expression on Dapeng's face became a little excited at this time. He pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said, "Guys, look at those dark clouds. In fact, the fighting skills of the head-down masters are unfolded in the dark clouds."

"Battle with clouds?" Tosor asked subconsciously and curiously.

Dapeng shook his head, "It's actually not like this. Master Su Ren is also a head-down master. He can fly his head down, and Apusa, who is mad, can also fly his head down, so they all separate the body from the head, so they His head is in the cloud."

"Ah? Two heads in the dark clouds?" Tosor was taken aback again. He couldn't help but took out his DSLR and tried to stare wide-eyed, trying to capture a picture that would interest him, no, the whole world. Come.

After listening to Da Peng's words, Yang Tianlong was also very surprised. He also didn't expect such a picture to exist. It seemed that he even thought of Huaxia's "Feng Shen Bang" TV series.

Suddenly, he had an idea in his mind, what if Apsa's body was destroyed?
Thinking of this question, Yang Tianlong quickly asked Dapeng.

When Da Peng heard this question, he couldn't help shaking his head, saying that he didn't know.

However, there are still huge waves on the beach right now, so you really have to think twice if you want to cross the sea. If you are not careful, your entire life will be confessed here.

But Yang Tianlong didn't need someone to destroy Apusa's body, he immediately thought of Meng Diao.

Let Meng Diao go about this kind of thing.

However, just when he was about to inject his consciousness into Meng Diao's body, he suddenly realized that Meng Diao couldn't destroy Apusa's body. At most, he could use his claws to scratch him hard a few times, but it wouldn't do much. If you really want to destroy it, you must destroy Apsa's body, preferably by turning it into ashes.

In desperation, he had no choice but to withdraw his consciousness again.

"Falke, I saw the head." Tosor observed very carefully, he tried hard to find the heads of the heads-down masters in the thick dark clouds, and sure enough, in the fleeting time just now, he never A head was found flying out of the thick clouds.

However, the time stayed was too short, so short that Tosor couldn't even blink his eyes completely.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to turn on the SLR all the time. As long as those heads were exposed from the dark clouds, there would be absolutely no problem with his high-configuration SLR.

However, Tosor's calculation was wrong. Not long after he took out the SLR, he suddenly saw two bolts of lightning hit the SLR one in front of the other, and a burst of blue smoke burst out of the SLR...

"Fak... Shet..." Seeing that the DSLR was actually destroyed, Tosor jumped up and down angrily.

After he finished cursing, he couldn't help but took out his mobile phone again.

"Put your phone away." Da Peng said with a stern face.

Tosor was taken aback for a moment, with a rather puzzled expression on his face, "Why? Old man."

(End of this chapter)

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