Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 886 I Was Bitten by a Man-Eating Red Ant

Chapter 886 I Was Bitten by a Man-Eating Red Ant

"Just now they found out that you were filming, so they cast a spell to warn you, don't you harm everyone." Da Peng said.

"Ah?" Tosor was taken aback. He recalled the scene just now in his mind again. It seemed that he was really discovered by the two head-down masters. Otherwise, how could there be a previous scene? One and two different bolts of lightning.

In desperation, he had no choice but to put the mobile phone in his pocket again with a resentful expression.

Although the dark clouds are very thick, the lightning that burst out from the large piece of dark clouds floating around is enough to show that the fighting inside is quite exciting.

Unable to take pictures, Tosor had to record everything that happened in front of him with a resentful face.

Yang Tianlong also saw the flickering light in the dark cloud, looking at everything in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, and then, his consciousness was injected into Meng Diao again.

Since Apsa's body can't be destroyed, it shouldn't be a problem for him to check the fighting scene above with his consciousness.

The fierce eagle itself was unwilling by 1 people, but it still couldn't resist the host's order, so it flapped its wings vigorously, took off rapidly, and looked into the dark cloud with piercing eyes about 1 km away from the dark cloud. scene.

I saw Master Su Ren's head and Apusa's head tossing and turning in the dark clouds.

A big black snake flew out of Apsa's bloody mouth, and flew towards Master Soren like a sharp sword. centimeter long centipede...

The black snake and the centipede drew a tie, and they also began to writhe in the dark clouds.

Master Soren released a red figure again, and the red figure flew towards Apsa as quickly as if it was a shadow of a person.

Apsa did not show weakness, releasing a figure wielding a broadsword.


The fight between the two was inseparable, and they didn't seem to be separated.

Yang Tianlong looked at it for a while, and seemed to think that there was nothing interesting about it, so he quickly regained his consciousness.

"Hold it..." Suddenly, the voices of the lowering masters came from downstairs.

"They are going back to their bodies." A voice came out again.

"They are going to rest." Da Peng could understand the Dai language, and he quickly translated the words of the descendants downstairs.

"Xie Te, you can still rest under such circumstances?" Tosor looked puzzled.

"Of course they do. Head-down masters are human too. They all want to take a rest when they're tired. But judging from the current situation, they should still be in a tie," Dapeng explained.

As soon as Da Peng's words fell, two golden lights flashed out from the dark clouds, and then the heads of Master Suren and Apsa flew towards their respective bodies like arrows leaving the string.

"Go, go down and have a look." Da Peng said, frowning tightly.

Everyone nodded, followed Da Peng and quickly walked down the stairs.

Sure enough, in the hall on the first floor, Master Su Ren's face was covered with sweat.

"Apusa has been possessed by demons, and my current skill is barely equal to his." Master Su Ren said.

"Master, why don't we destroy his body." At this time, his chief disciple couldn't help but say.

"Destroy? Hehe, it's easier said than done..." Master Su Ren shook his head helplessly, "Although Apsa is alone, he has already set up a phantom circle around his body. Anyone who gets near the phantom circle , After arriving there, he was completely unconscious, and if he wanted to destroy his body, it would be pretty good if he could come out alive."

"What about using weapons?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

His question seemed to be earth-shattering, and it immediately lowered the surrounding atmosphere a lot.

"Weapons?" Master Su Ren frowned, then shook his head again, "People's consciousness is controlled by the phantom array, what do you think weapons are for? Weapons at that time were our suicide weapons."

After Master Su Ren's words, everyone became silent again. Looking at it now, this road is not going to work.

"I'll go up to fight with him later, don't take pictures." Suddenly, Master Su Ren's head was aimed at Tosor.

Although his eyes were invisible, his empty eyes stared at Tosor, and he couldn't help feeling numb for a while.

He even nodded subconsciously.

"Get ready for chicken blood, dog blood, I am currently tied with Apusa, but I have these to replenish my strength, but Apusa does not, so we can only fight a protracted battle with him at present." Master Su Ren said.

At this time, Yang Tianlong and the others noticed that there was actually a bowl in Master Su Ren's hand, which contained blood.

"Yes, Master." The chief disciple said while winking at Dapeng. Dapeng understood, and immediately ordered his subordinates to go outside to collect chicken blood and dog blood.

"Okay, we're about to start again, so hurry up and avoid it." Master Su Ren naturally didn't want ordinary people like them to see himself using the flying head drop.

Da Peng and the others nodded, and quickly trot upstairs.

Sure enough, within a minute of waiting for them to go upstairs, the dark cloud suddenly became a little brighter, and the heads of the two head-down masters shot at the dark cloud again.

As usual, there were scenes of fighting inside.

There is no sound in this picture, and it can only be supplemented by brain.

It is impossible to destroy Apusa's body by relying on people, so it can only be done by fierce carving.

After Yang Tianlong heard Master Su Ren's words just now, he had already made up his mind in his heart, that is to destroy Apusa's body, only in this way can he fight quickly.

But how would he destroy Apsa's body?After all, none of the methods just now worked, an unmanned attack aircraft?Unfortunately, there is no signal there, and he cannot control the unmanned attack aircraft to attack.

Pythons and hyenas are even more impossible, and they cannot go to that island.

Suddenly at this moment, Tosor's screams could not help coming over.


From Tosor's screams it seemed that he was in pain.

"What's the matter? Old man." Everyone couldn't help but asked with concern.

"This damned ant." Tosor said, pointing to the red ant corpse under his feet.

As he spoke, he lifted up his trouser legs and pointed to a small blood bag.

"It's a man-eating ant." Da Peng was surprised.

"Shet? Man-eating ants?" Tosor was taken aback.

Dapeng nodded, bent down with a serious face, and picked up the cannibal red ant corpses on the ground.

"A specialty of Marsilia."

Suddenly, Yang Tianlong burst out laughing.

"Hey, buddy, what are you laughing at?" Tosor looked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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