Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 887 The Devoured Body

Chapter 887 The Devoured Body
"I have a way to destroy Apusa's body." Yang Tianlong looked at Tosor and couldn't help laughing.

Tosor understood immediately, and he blurted out without hesitation, "Did you use cannibal red ants?"

"That's right." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Da Peng and Lion Head also understood at once. In their opinion, this method is really good.

But another problem began to make them all a little bit unable to help thinking about it, that is how to lure the man-eating red ants to Apsa's body. Right now, this is a technical job.

The lion head looked at Yang Tianlong, and saw that this guy was full of confidence, and he couldn't help but relax. He knew that as long as he saw Yang Tianlong's expression, he would definitely have a solution.

Yang Tianlong quickly packed together the remaining food on the second floor, and then opened the window at the back, only to see the fierce eagle flying in with flapping wings.

"Meng Diao..." The lion's head suddenly smiled.

Tosor and Dapeng also had incredible expressions on their faces. They never thought that the extremely ferocious eagle on the African continent would be as cute as a little sparrow when it came to Yang Tianlong's side.

Yang Tianlong looked at the fierce eagle, and gently stroked its head with his hands. The fierce eagle nodded subconsciously. It has already begun to accept the host's instructions, and the instructions this time are not very difficult.

It only needs to airdrop food onto Apsa's body, and as for luring others, the parrot on that small island will help him complete it.

The parrot knows the location of the man-eating red ants on the island, and it only needs to lure the red ants to Apsa's body.

After a simple instruction, the eagle flapped its wings obediently again, then spread its wings and quickly disappeared from their sight.

Yang Tianlong began to inject his consciousness into Meng Diao's body.

Meng Diao flew in the predetermined direction, getting closer and closer to the small island.

But when he got to the island, he didn't immediately give instructions to let the vulture drop the food, but quickly switched his consciousness to the parrot.

After the order, the parrots also began to look for man-eating red ants on the island.

All these preparations were just completed when Master Su Ren's head returned to his body again.

Under the leadership of Da Peng, Yang Tianlong and the others came to the hall on the first floor again. This time, they saw Master Su Ren's face as if he had just been soaked in water, and his expression was full of exhaustion.

"Apusa is too powerful." Master Su Ren said panting.

"Quick, give me chicken blood." When Master Su Ren said this, his voice had become extremely weak.

The disciples quickly brought several big bowls full of blood, and after taking the big bowls, Master Su Ren drank all the blood in one gulp.

"Master, I thought of an idea." Seeing that Master Su Ren's face recovered a bit, Yang Tianlong said in a low voice at this time.

"What idea?" Master Su Ren asked quickly.

"Use cannibal red ants to get rid of Apusa's body." Yang Tianlong said quite calmly.

When Master Su Ren heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly. This idea...

To be honest, it's really good.

"You mean that I need to hold Apsa as far as possible so that his head doesn't return to his body?" Master Su Ren couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, this will give us enough time."

"Okay, I will try my best to hold him back, but you still need to move faster." Master Su Ren said.

After resting for a while, Master Su Ren asked Yang Tianlong and the others to evade again. It was obvious that he would continue to fight Apsa in the dark cloud. After several rounds of fighting, there were not many dark clouds left in the sky, and the wind The torrential rain stopped completely, and golden eyes shone in from other places, illuminating the entire sky with unusual brilliance.

Not long after, light burst out from the dark cloud again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Tianlong controlled the consciousness of Meng Diao and the parrot.

The parrot is worthy of being an aborigine on the island. It took less than 2 minutes to successfully lure thousands of man-eating red ants to Apusa's body, and then hung the food on Apusa's body at once. On Sa's body, he smelled the delicious man-eating red ants rushing towards Apsa's body like a red flood.

The fighting power of the man-eating red ants is really good. After a short while, they devoured the food. After the food was devoured, they quickly aimed at Apsa's body.

With one bite, a blood blister suddenly appeared in Apsa's body.

Not only that, but thousands of man-eating red ants are also rushing over.

They have completely eaten Apsa's body as a delicacy.


Apsa, who was fighting with Master Suren in the dark clouds, also discovered that his body was being swallowed by man-eating red ants, but he couldn't escape at all, because Master Suren wrapped him very tightly. The only distraction is to let him be attacked by Master Su Ren's poison one after another.

In desperation, he had no choice but to continue to bite the bullet and fight with Master Su Ren.

However, Apsa's mind was completely restless, because the depths of his brain had already transmitted the infinite pain, which was the feeling after the body was swallowed by ants.

This taste is really...

But Apusa still couldn't separate himself, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to entangle with Master Soren.

Seeing that Apusa became a little distracted, Master Suren became a little brave, and he used big moves to Apusa one after another.

Apsa knew in his heart that once his body was devoured, he had to use his mind to kill an ordinary person, and then install his head on someone else's body.

But it's not easy to kill an ordinary person with his mind, not to mention that if this is the case, then he will live a life alone forever.

The devouring speed of the man-eating red ants became faster and faster, not long after, Apsa's fingers had already turned into white bones.

This time Apsa had no way out, he simply made up his mind and fought with Master Suren wholeheartedly.

The two fought in the air for an hour in this round before they separated.

Without the body as a stronghold, Apsa's head can only wander in the air, and now he must defeat Master Suren before he can kill an ordinary person wholeheartedly.

But judging from the current situation, it is not easy for him to kill Master Su Ren.

(End of this chapter)

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