Chapter 888
This time Apsa's head had no base, and he could only wander on the deserted island. He was not willing to be defeated like this. After turning his eyeballs, he began to chant spells in his mouth.

Soon, Apsa turned into a parrot, and then quickly flew towards the small island of Serasan.

He even removed a lot of the formations he had set up before, so right now, the entire Serasan Island is quite sunny, and it suddenly returned to the era of light from the darkness just now.

Master Su Ren was also very surprised. He never thought that the sky would recover so quickly, so fast that he couldn't even imagine it so fast.

"Master, Apsa has already been defeated?" His disciples couldn't help showing excitement and surprise. They looked at everything outside curiously, as if this was a strange world.

"No, he's still alive." Master So Ren shook his head.

"Then it seems that his death is coming soon." Master Su Ren's disciples were quite optimistic.

"Hurry up and give me another bowl of blood, I have to find out." Master Su Ren became a little impatient, he wanted to know why Apsa's mana disappeared so much all of a sudden, which is very inconsistent Apsa's current ability, although his body has been destroyed, his mana will not decline so quickly.

Master Su Ren's disciples did not dare to be negligent, and quickly brought a large bowl of steaming chicken blood. Without hesitation, Master Su Ren raised his neck and drank it all at once.

After drinking the fresh chicken blood, he didn't even have time to wipe off the chicken blood around his lips, but quickly separated his head from his body again, and flew towards the dark cloud that was still hanging leisurely in the sky.

At Wu Yun's place, Master Su Ren looked at the small island where Apusa was located. This time it was beyond his expectation, he didn't see Apusa's head.

Master So Ren couldn't believe everything in front of him, he couldn't help but concentrate on looking at the island again, this time the result was the same as before, he didn't find Apusa's head.

An ominous feeling suddenly flooded Master Su Ren's heart. It seemed that Apusa had come to the island without a trace.

Seeing this, he quickly flew down.

"Master..." Seeing that Master Su Ren had returned in only two or three minutes this time, his disciples were also very curious, and they all hurriedly gathered around.

"Hurry up and bring my magic weapon, you and I will go out now, Apusa has come to the island in disguise." Master Su Ren said nervously.


Hearing that Apsa had come to the island in hiding, his disciples were all taken aback. You must know that hiding can only be used by flying head-down masters unless it is absolutely necessary. The damage to their blood essence is quite large, and if the concealer has strong mana, and the caster's magic weapon has limited mana, it is really difficult to find the concealer.

None of them dared to be negligent, and quickly took out Master Su Ren's magic weapon, and at the same time, each of them also took out their own magic weapon.

Coincidentally at this moment, Yang Tianlong and the others came down again.

"All of you must stay together now, and all of you must not be separated, even to go to the bathroom." Master Su Ren said, looking at them blankly.

Yang Tianlong and the others were taken aback, and Dapeng knew something about it, so he couldn't help but nodded, and immediately asked his horse boys to gather all the people in the hotel together.

Master Su Ren led his disciples out of the hotel in a mighty manner, holding magic weapons.


Affected by the sunlight just now, some residents on the small island forgot the mayor's previous words. They thought that all the bad luck had passed, so they pushed open the doors and windows one after another, and even walked out.

"What a beautiful parrot." A little boy couldn't help but said looking at a beautiful green-headed parrot.

"It's so beautiful." A cute little girl couldn't help but say.

"I'll get a bird net to catch it." Seeing the green-headed parrot flying around them, the little boy hurriedly said.

The little girl nodded lightly, but she soon discovered that the parrot stopped in front of her and looked at her motionless.

"Don't be afraid..." the little girl stretched out her hand as she said, and touched the parrot's body.


After searching on the island, Master Su Ren and the others failed to find Apusa. In desperation, they had to ask Yang Tianlong and the others to invite the mayor out.

The mayor was a little puzzled, and asked why in private.

Yang Tianlong and the others told the mayor that Apsa should have taken the body of a certain resident on the island as his own right now, so everyone must come out, and they have to verify one by one.

The mayor was naturally a little worried when he heard that the mad head-subduing master still had this mana. After all, if that guy is not eradicated, their island will not be peaceful for a day. Without further ado, the mayor quickly let the town The staff here went door to door and rushed people to the square.

Master Su Ren and the others are also nervously making paper clothes.

Wait a minute, all the residents in the town need to wear paper clothes. As long as Apsa's soul is attached to the body, flaws will definitely be exposed.

In less than 10 minutes, more than 100 residents of the town mayor gathered together one after another.

"Is everyone here?" A head-down master couldn't help but looked at the mayor and asked.

"Is everything here?" In fact, the mayor himself didn't have a B number in his heart, so he couldn't help turning his head to the staff at the side.

The staff scratched their heads, but they were also a little unclear.

On the contrary, the policeman in charge of public security in the town shook his head. He told the mayor that there were more than 20 residents living on the far side who did not come.

"It's been more than 20 minutes, why haven't they come?" The mayor seemed a little unhappy. The island is not big after all, and it took more than 20 minutes to walk back and forth twice.

"Why don't I go and have a look." The policeman in the town couldn't help but said.

"Okay, go and have a look and let them come over quickly." The mayor said quickly.

"Let's not wait for them, hurry up and try on the clothes one by one, and then register." A head-down master said quickly.

When the mayor heard this, he couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, yes, everyone hurry up."

The residents on the island were obedient, and under the command of the mayor, they all began to try on the paper clothes.

No problem with one, no problem with two...

Tried about half of them on, and nothing seemed wrong.

"You've been fooled. They are head-down masters, and they came here to inject poison." Suddenly, at this moment, a voice sounded from behind the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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