Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 889 Inciting the Crowd

Chapter 889 Inciting the Crowd
The sound seemed to be a thunderclap on the flat ground, and it immediately attracted the attention of the people present. They all turned their heads and saw more than 20 residents on the island walking towards their position with angry expressions on their faces.

They carried hoes, shovels and the like in their hands, and they looked unkind to the visitors.

Yang Tianlong and the others were also taken aback. They didn't expect that something unexpected happened in the middle.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can't talk nonsense here." The mayor couldn't help scolding with a face full of shame.

"We are not talking nonsense, but telling the truth." The expression on the face of the leader was extraordinarily angry.

After he was stunned, he roared and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, these guys are the real culprits. The head-down master was with them last night. They deliberately created these smokes to confuse We, these are all their carefully woven lies, let us islanders wear those paper clothes, the purpose is very simple, just to collect your souls, don't you think about it carefully? What kind of people would Wearing paper clothes, isn’t that only the dead wear paper clothes?”

This guy's words were full of inflammatory and offensive. When the other island residents heard it, they seemed to explode. What do people do in paper clothes.

When the mayor heard this, he couldn't help but turn green and pale. He had a good time thinking about what he said just now, and what he said seemed quite reasonable.

"Why are you all yelling?" But in order to prove that he was not wrong, the mayor hesitated, and decisively stood by Yang Tianlong and the others.

"Did you forget what happened last night? If they were in the same group, then who killed the head-down master?" The mayor refuted loudly.

As soon as these words came out, all the people suddenly became silent again. They looked at Yang Tianlong and the others expectantly, and suddenly lost their minds.

"Apsa should have used some kind of trick on that group of people." Master Su Ren couldn't help whispering secretly.

Yang Tianlong, Dapeng and the others also looked at the group of people in front of them just now, and seeing that they all had unkind faces, they couldn't help but agree with Master Su Ren's opinion in their hearts.

"Ah..." Suddenly at this moment, an islander who had just tried on the paper clothes just now suddenly fell to the ground. It is generally poisoned.

"They must have done it, kill these evil guys." The guy in the lead raised his arms and shouted angrily.

The other islanders behind him also raised their arms and shouted, shouting words like "kill them".

They started to rush towards Yang Tianlong and the others with hoes, shovels and the like.

The previous islanders were more or less ready to move, and some of them began to become vassals.

However, Yang Tianlong and the others are not easy to provoke, especially those horse boys in Dapeng, who more or less know some Dai boxing, and all of them look extremely tough on their faces. Seeing some crazy islanders rushing towards After them, all these horse boys took off and threw away their coats, revealing their vigorous bodies.

However, Master Su Ren didn't care about these things, only to see that he began to mutter a spell, and the skull magic weapon in his hand also emitted a frightening light.

After the group of guys saw this daunting light, they were immediately discouraged a lot. Those who were not determined began to stop, but only those who were brave and foolish were still as excited as before.

"Stop..." At the critical moment, the mayor's words were still effective. He took a big step forward, and then stood in front of those guys with a majestic expression.

The mayor has a lot of aura. If he doesn't have a lot of aura, it is impossible for him to become the mayor of Serasan Island. Therefore, he still has a natural deterrent to these guys.

Those guys were stunned for a moment, and the picture seemed to freeze all of a sudden.

"He, the mayor, is just helping tigers, get rid of them." After the leader was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but yelled loudly again.

These words shot into the ears of the islanders again like a magic voice, and they once again raised the murder weapon in their hands.

"Ding..." Seeing that the crazy islanders were approaching, suddenly, Master Su Ren took out a string of red talisman papers, and when he chanted the spell in his mouth, the string of red talisman papers resembled flowers. Like a red rose thrown from the air, it fell on the islanders.

The red talisman paper seemed to have a sticky effect, and after it fell on the islanders, it stuck to the islanders again.

Sure enough, it was a fixed spell, those guys became motionless all of a sudden, no matter how loud they shouted, they still remained motionless.

"Try them on paper clothes." Master Su Ren said loudly.

His disciples quickly took out the paper clothes and put them on for the settled islanders.

The rest of the islanders looked dumbfounded for a moment. It doesn't matter who they believe at the moment, the important thing is that the old blind man can know these spells. They are not stupid, and no one wants to be the first bird.

After trying it on for a while, none of the islanders fell into the eyes of Master Su Ren.

"Has everyone in their family come?" Master Su Ren asked with a frown.

The people below were stunned, and some dared not speak until the mayor lost his temper. Then he spoke, "The guy in charge still has a couple of children who haven't come."

"A pair of sons and daughters?" Master Su Ren couldn't help but frowned tightly again.

"Yes, that fellow has a son and a daughter," added the mayor at this point.

"Where is their home?" Master Su Ren hurriedly asked.

"On the edge of the island."

"Take me there quickly." Master Su Ren said while shaking the magic weapon that had stopped, and by feeling, he knew that there must be something tricky there.

"Okay." The mayor also sensed something unusual from the eager tone of the old man in front of him. He nodded quickly and turned around to lead the way.

Unexpectedly, they had just taken two steps when the policeman from before ran over with blood on his face.

"It's not good, I'm eating people." When he said this, the guy had a look of fear, as if the man-eating monster was right behind him.

"Oops, that guy has already started breeding individuals." Master Su Ren couldn't help but screamed in his heart again, and then quickened his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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