Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 890 He Actually Has Two Heads

Chapter 890 He Actually Has Two Heads

Yang Tianlong and the others did not evade this time, but followed Master Suren closely. Compared with their striding meteors, the mayor of Serasan Island gradually slowed down. The reason for this guy's slowing down It's very simple, because he is still quite afraid in his heart.

Fortunately, the island is not big, so it took them less than 5 minutes to arrive at the house of the leader.

At this time, a bloody scene shocked all of them. A little boy had already fallen in a pool of blood, but his eyes did not close, but blinked of.

"He doesn't seem to be dead yet?" Da Peng couldn't help saying at this moment.

After saying this, Dapeng was about to move forward, but Master Soren scolded him not to let him approach the little boy.

"Stay away from him, all of you, he is going to reproduce individually." Master Su Ren frowned and said, and after saying this, he began to practice quickly.

"Haha..." Just as Master Su Ren was about to perform the ritual, unexpectedly a girl's sharp voice sounded from inside the house.

"Bang..." There was a sound of glass breaking, and a man in red with disheveled hair flew out from the glass on the second floor.

At this time, Yang Tianlong and the others discovered that the man in red was just the body of a five or six-year-old girl, and what was even more frightening was that she actually had two heads.

One naturally belongs to the master, while the other naturally belongs to Apsa.

The scene in front of them looked quite terrifying, and Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help feeling numb all over.

"Accept the move..." Master Su Ren had already expected this move, and he quickly threw the magic weapon at the two-headed monster.

Apusa, who turned into a two-headed monster, was caught off guard and quickly dodged, only to see the magic weapon flying over his scalp.

"Today either you die or I die." The two-headed monster who landed looked at Master Su Ren fiercely and said, after he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Yang Tianlong and the others again.

"You Huaxia people used dirty tricks to make my two apprentices die unjustly in Huaxia's prison. I will settle the account with you. I will come to you again after I clean up this old blind man Settle the bill." The two-headed monster Apsa said with a vicious expression on his face.

"Apsa, today is your death day. Your body has been wiped out by us. If you are sensible, I advise you to get off this little girl as soon as possible. I can still ask someone to save you." Su Master Ren said to the two-headed monster Apusa with a stern face.

"You have a good idea, old blind man. Even if I die, I'll have a few backs." After saying this, I saw Apusa turned around, and the little girl's face was directly aimed at Su Ren. mage.

Compared to the cute little girl who petted the parrot before, she is now extraordinarily terrifying, her whole face has no blood at all, she looks like a living dead.

"Hahaha..." The little girl's terrifying and sharp laughter came out again in the air, and after she laughed, a green snake spewed out of her mouth.

Master Su Ren had already foreseen all this after Apsa's body was destroyed, but Apsa's action speed was faster than he imagined.

For this green snake, Master Su Ren has his move. To be precise, this move was made by his disciples, and the chief disciple quickly released a chicken.

Of course, this chicken is not a real chicken, but made of red paper-cut.

I saw that as soon as the paper chicken was released from the hand of the lowering master, it quickly flew towards the green snake as if it had internal force attached to it.

Tosor on the side looked stunned, and he even forgot that he was going to take a camera to take pictures of the chicken.

The paper chicken kept getting bigger in the air, from the size of a palm at first, to the size of a bucket when it reached the green snake.

The paper chicken was not polite to the green snake, and pecked at the green snake fiercely with its long beak.

The green snake dodged deftly, avoiding the attack of the paper chicken.

But the paper chicken is not a vegetarian, and its claws grabbed the green snake at the bottom of its feet fiercely.


When Apusa, the two-headed monster, looked at it, his entire face became profusely sweaty.

Master Su Ren's disciples were not idle either, they also released all kinds of voodoo to Apsa from all directions, after one pass, Apsa had only to deal with it.

Perhaps everyone's attention was attracted by the fight between Master Su Ren and the two-headed monster Apusa, but no one noticed the little boy on the ground.

I saw that the little boy on the ground had moved from the blinking of his eyes at the beginning to the movement of his limbs. When Tosor accidentally caught a glimpse of him, the little boy had already got up from the ground, and he was like the little girl. Same, face full of alternative fear.

"He, he, he is alive..." Tosor was naturally frightened, and he was also the closest to the little boy, so when he spoke, he stuttered quite a bit.

After being reminded by Tosor, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look, and sure enough, they saw that the little boy had come back to life.

"Ah..." Suddenly, the little boy jumped towards Tosor.

Tosor was taken aback, he had no idea that the little boy would pounce on him.

However, he soon calmed down. After all, he was a tall and big man. Could it be a problem to deal with a little boy?
However, Tosor made a mistake, and saw the child rushing towards him like a calf. He wanted to reach out to grab him, but he was hit by the little boy on the ground.

"Ouch..." Tosor's abdomen was hit hard, and he lay on the ground and yelled.

Seeing this, Dapeng's boys couldn't help but quickly surrounded the little boy.

"You are not his opponent." A head-down master couldn't help but said, after saying this, he came to the little boy with a big stride.

At this time, the little boy's face was ferocious, his originally cute facial features had already become distorted, and his eyes even turned red.

"Hurry up and find the boy to piss." The lowering master said loudly.

"Ah... boy peeing?" The boys couldn't help panicking, and repeated it in their mouths.

"Yes, hurry up and find the boy to piss." The lowering master said anxiously again.

This time, these guys were no longer dumbfounded, and hurried away to find the so-called boy urine.

"Ah..." The little boy rushed towards the head-subduing master.

(End of this chapter)

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