Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 891 Soul Out of Body

Chapter 891 Soul Out of Body
The lowering master had already been prepared for this little boy. After seeing the little boy attacking him, he quickly took out the magic weapon he had prepared, raised it high, and prepared to hit the little boy's Tianling Gai.

Seeing that the magic weapon was about to hit the little boy's Tianling Gai, who would have expected that this guy's skill was exceptionally agile, and he slipped away from the side all at once, then stretched out his foot, and slapped the lower head master hard on the waist. foot.

"Ah..." The lowering master didn't expect the little boy to be so agile. He was completely unprepared, so he obediently took a kick, even throwing the magic weapon in his hand aside.

The little boy's eyes were very sharp, and he immediately found the magic weapon discarded aside. He hurried forward and picked up the magic weapon all at once.

"Fuck..." The lowering master felt that he was ashamed and thrown at home. Not only did he not clean up the little boy, but he picked up his magic weapon instead.

The little boy smiled ferociously, and brandished the magic weapon of the lower head master, and hit him.


Right now, the two sides seem to be in a stalemate. For some reason, Master Su Ren has also tied with Apusa.

At this moment, Dapeng frowned and said: "Apsa's soul has begun to spread in the little girl's body, we must hurry up and help Master Su Ren, otherwise, once his soul completely invades the little girl's body, At that time, this little girl may not be able to survive."

"So scary?" Lion Head's eyes widened, and he tried hard to find Apsa's shortcomings.

"However, how should we help Master Su Ren?" Yang Tianlong said very puzzled.

"At this time, we can only attack Apsa's Tianling Gai, but with our ability, we will definitely not be able to get close. Maybe we can find a long bamboo pole, hang a hook in front of it, and use the hook to hit the little girl's Tian Ling Gai. said Dapon.

"Where did the bamboo come from here?" Lion Head looked around in surprise.

Dapeng also hurriedly looked around. There is indeed no bamboo here, and even the nearby trees are tall and strong tropical plants...

"Fuck..." Da Peng couldn't help cursing secretly.

"I have a solution." Yang Tianlong suddenly said softly at this moment.

"Use a fierce eagle to attack the little girl's Tianling Gai?" Lion Head quickly answered.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "That's right, that's the way."

"That's right." Lion Head nodded.

Before the Lion Head could finish saying this, Yang Tianlong had injected his consciousness into the consciousness of the Meng Diao. Fortunately, the Meng Diao was hovering in the airspace near them, so it didn't take long for the Meng Diao to come near them. of the air.

"Attack his Tianling Gai." Yang Tianlong decisively ordered Meng Diao with his consciousness.

"Chirp..." After receiving the order, Meng Diao suddenly adjusted his body, and quickly plunged towards the position where the little girl was.

Its speed became faster and faster, and when it was 50 meters away from the little girl, Meng Diao suddenly stretched out its pair of sharp claws.

Under the sunlight, those claws looked unusually dazzling.

The two-headed monster Apusa also felt the attack of a foreign object above his head, but Master Soren's pressing step by step made it impossible for him to separate himself.

And Master Su Ren felt that he had support, so this time he basically used his whole body's skills, and the sweat on his face began to drip down continuously.

Now Apsa couldn't separate himself, and he had to use his last strength to deal with Master Suren's attack.

Wait another 2 minutes, as long as his soul completely invades the little girl's body, then it's time for him to fight back.

He couldn't let his efforts go to waste, and Apsa also gave instructions to the little boy.

After receiving the order, the little boy turned around quickly, and he saw the fierce eagle less than 20 meters away from Apsa.

"Ah..." He yelled, revealing several long fangs inside the front teeth.

"What the hell, can you make your little bastard rebel?" Tosor said as he poured the urine that the Dapon horse boys had picked up on the little boy.

The little boy's hand was just about to throw the magic weapon, but unexpectedly, it was splashed by the boy's urine. He couldn't help screaming, and then fell to the ground. The magic weapon in his hand was not thrown at Meng Diao, but It fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Apsa was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that the puppet he created would lose its fighting power all of a sudden.

In this moment of stupefaction, Meng Diao's claws were suddenly inserted into the little girl's Tianling Gai.

"Ah..." Apusa screamed, and then the little girl's body rolled eyes, and Apusa's head was suddenly carved out of the little girl's Tianling Gai.

"Look at the trick." Master Su Ren saw that the effect of the soul out of his body was quite good, and his mood immediately became extremely better. Taking advantage of the victory and pursuing the attack, he saw that he hit several pieces of talisman paper in his hand at once. Apsa.

Yang Tianlong saw that the talisman paper flew into the sky and turned into a guy like a fireball. He quickly used his consciousness to control Meng Diao, but Meng Diao didn't look right at all, so he dropped Apusa's head and flew away all at once. gone.

Apsa's head was rapidly free-falling in the air, before he could react to what was going on, he was hit by the red fireball all at once.

"Bang..." There was a loud noise in the air, and Apsa's head turned into a brilliant blood flower in the air following the loud noise.

"Beautiful..." Lion Head and Tosor couldn't help shouting, and they even raised their arms and shouted.

Master Su Ren spit out a mouthful of blood all at once, and his body staggered back a few steps. Thanks to his disciples who discovered it early, they didn't fall to the ground.

"Master, thank you." Seeing the pale face of Master Su Ren, Yang Tianlong stepped forward and said apologetically.

Master Su Ren didn't answer Yang Tianlong's words right away, but after panting for a while, he couldn't help saying: "You're welcome, as long as Apusa is cleaned up, in fact, I still want to thank you, no With the help of that fierce eagle, maybe Apsa's soul has completely penetrated into the little girl's body."

As soon as Master Su Ren mentioned the little girl, Yang Tianlong and the others remembered that the two children were already lying on the ground.

"Are they all right?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking quickly.

Master Su Ren shook his head, "They are fine, I will prepare some medicine for them later, and they will be fine after taking it for a few days."

Seeing that the two children were fine, Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help but relax.

And the mayor of Serasan Island came out of nowhere at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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