Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 894 Granting the title

Chapter 894 Granting the title
Vasily nodded, "The only thing missing is some heavy equipment, and everything else is almost ready."

"I have already contacted my friends. The heavy equipment will arrive in Bunia in a day or two. I just heard from the peacekeeping force's Bro that Musala's army massacred a village on the border yesterday?"

"Really?" Vasily was also taken aback. He had no idea that Musala had seriously violated international humanitarianism.

"You don't know?" Yang Tianlong was surprised again.

Vasily shook his head, "Our news is definitely not as fast as theirs, but this should be a good sign for us." After speaking, Vasily showed a smile on his face.

"Why?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

"The more brutal Musala's army is, the more favorable the political position will be for us." Vasily said with a smile, "And this can also explain another point, that is, Musala's army may be in the decline stage Otherwise, they would not have massacred civilians for no reason."

Yang Tianlong recollected Vasili's words carefully, and he felt that it was indeed reasonable. It seemed that their expedition this time really won a good fortune.

"That's right." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.

Wilmots and the others had a good time thinking about what they said just now, and they all couldn't help but nodded accordingly.

"Morale is the most important thing. How is the morale of our troops now?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Vasily smiled and said, "Boss, everyone's morale is at a high stage now. Even General Sardin and the others have begun to rectify military discipline. Everyone wants to win a good battle."

Seeing that Vasili said that the morale on their side was at a high stage, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded, and he even clenched his fists with excitement, expressing that the war could be carried out as soon as possible.

However, after thinking about it thoroughly, Yang Tianlong still couldn't help raising his own question, that is, if they captured the oil field, would they be able to hold the oil field.

In this regard, Vasily also patted his chest and said that there was no problem. He even said that if the oil fields cannot be defended, what is the use of launching this war?

"Okay, I fully support you." Yang Tianlong also expressed his position at the last moment.

Seeing that the boss supported them with confidence, Vasili was naturally very happy. He even invited Yang Tianlong to watch the training effect of the troops tomorrow.

To be honest, Yang Tianlong really wanted to see the training effect of the troops. Maybe after watching it, he became more confident in winning this war.

After dinner, we chatted with everyone for a while. Because Wilmots had something to do at the hotel, he left and went home after nine o'clock in the evening.

I don't know what happened, but not long after Wilmots left, Yang Tianlong began to feel some pain in his head.

Seeing that his complexion was a bit unwell, Vasili hurriedly asked someone to bring some medicine.

"No, maybe I should be jet-lagged." Yang Tianlong smiled helplessly.

"Why don't you go to bed earlier." Vasily said quickly.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and he told Vasily to watch the training of the troops tomorrow morning.

After explaining all this, Yang Tianlong left decisively and returned to the room.

Back in the room, I poured myself a cup of hot water and drank it all in one gulp, only then did I feel a little better.

The indicator light of the mobile phone has been flashing, until this time, Yang Tianlong had time to check the information on the mobile phone.

It was the message from the wife and the lion's hair.

Yang Tianlong first read the message from Lion Head, after all, he is going to do a dangerous thing today.

After reading the information, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. The lion's head has already taken Mana on the ship from Dai to the Middle East. If it is fast, it should be able to reach the Middle East in about ten days, and then it will take another week. It is possible to reach Bunia.

"Dude, pay attention to safety, if you need anything, just say it." After Yang Tianlong thought for a while, he quickly sent a message to Lion Head.

The next step is to check the message sent by his wife, but this message has not been fully opened, only to see the phone ringing suddenly in this silent night, this sudden ringing startled Yang Tianlong.

After recovering, he saw that it was Bazar calling.

Before the special plane from Dai country to Bunia took off, he informed Bazar that he had wiped out the head-down division.

Bazar called him to tell him about Prince Hussein's attitude.

It turned out that His Royal Highness was very happy when he learned that the head-down master had been completely eliminated, and even rewarded Bazar with a Rolls Royce.

"Old fellow, His Royal Highness said that he intends to grant you a title." Bazar said with a smile.

"Give me the title?" Upon hearing this, Yang Tianlong was taken aback. He hadn't expected this at all.

"Yes, you must know that there are very few crooked nuts that can be knighted by our head of state." Bazar's tone was not lacking in excitement.

"Then I would like to thank Prince Hussein. After I am done with my work, I will take my family to Rydesburg to meet His Royal Highness." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Now I have a question. His Royal Highness has prepared a villa for you. There are several spare villas. You can see which one you like. I will send the information of the villa to your mobile phone later. Tell me when you have made your choice, so that I can arrange for the servants to stay and provide you with the best service during your trip to Reedsburg." Bazar said.

"Thank you..." I originally thought that the conferment of the title was just a symbol of honor, but who would have thought that there would be material rewards now, which was really unexpected for Yang Tianlong.

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore. You can choose carefully. These villas are all good. I'm afraid you will have difficulty choosing." After a hearty smile, he briefly exchanged greetings with Yang Tianlong, Bazar just hung up the phone.

Less than half a minute after the call was hung up, Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang again.

He quit the message from his wife and opened the message from Bazar.

Sure enough, there were several villas in this message that he needed to choose.

Some are by the sea, some are in the mountains, some are in the suburbs, and some are in the city center...

Yang Tianlong looked at these beautiful villas, suddenly, he had a difficulty in choosing, and he didn't know which villa to choose.

But soon he had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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