Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 895 African Affairs

Chapter 895 African Affairs
Yang Tianlong quickly sent the photos of these villas to his wife Elena, and after sending them, he made another phone call.

It took a long time for Elena to speak.

"Honey, I managed to put Phyllis and Gianni to sleep just now." Elena said with a smile.

"How are the two of them recently? Are you disobedient?" Yang Tianlong smiled.

"It's okay, Phyllis is more naughty than Gianni." Elena said.

"My dear, you have worked hard. I will come back in a few days and take the whole family to Reedsburg for vacation." Yang Tianlong said, the whole of Europe is currently in a cold snap, the temperature is very low, especially It is the country of Germany, and there is a snowstorm from time to time, which makes it difficult for people to travel. Although there is heating in the villa, the weather outside is still quite harsh after all.

Compared with the coldness in Europe, the weather in Reedsburg in the Middle East is quite good. The blue sky and white clouds and the temperature of about [-] degrees are really a good place for vacation.

"Mom and Dad are also planning where to go on vacation. If you put it this way, I might as well suggest that they also go to Reedsburg for vacation." Elena said with a smile.

"Okay, did you see the picture I sent you just now? My dear." Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"What picture?" Elena was a little surprised.

"On your mobile phone, Prince Hussein has awarded me a title. They have such a tradition in the country of Karta, that is, once a person is knighted, they can get a villa for life, plus 8 servants. I have two luxury cars, and I don’t know what kind of villa to choose, so I’ll let you refer to it.” Yang Tianlong still decided to leave the choice to his wife, in his opinion, as long as his wife chooses, he will definitely like it .

"Prince Hussein has knighted you?" Elena was really taken aback this time, she never thought that Prince Hussein would...

You know, no matter whether you are a native or a foreigner, you need to make outstanding contributions, but it seems that your husband really hasn't made any outstanding contributions to the country of Karta.

Thinking about it carefully, maybe she didn't know about some situations. Out of curiosity, Elena couldn't help asking her husband, what kind of earth-shattering things did he do that made Prince Hussein knight him .

"Did you forget the Falcon Conference at the end of last year?" Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Oh..." After being reminded by her husband, Elena suddenly remembered that it was because of her husband's help that the country of Karta won the championship.

But can this also be considered a meritorious service?Elena frowned.

"Honey, you can think about it today and see which villa is suitable for us. As you know, I have difficulty in choosing a suitable villa." Yang Tianlong said modestly.

Eileen naturally wouldn't believe her husband's words, and she also knew that the reason why her husband let her choose was out of love.

"Okay, I'll turn around and take a good look." Elena smiled and said.


After finishing the call with his wife, Yang Tianlong did not fall asleep, and even the ache in his head disappeared suddenly. Because he was basically sleeping during the flight from Dai to Bunia, so he arrived at At this moment, he actually found that he couldn't sleep at all.

Since he couldn't sleep, he simply took out the laptop from the warehouse of the plane, and sorted out the work that he needed to do when he returned to Bunia.

Although he didn't need to complete these tasks by himself, after sorting them out carefully, it still took nearly an hour.

Study the battle plan against Musala; send more than ten security members to Rosalia; Belen reports on the tourism cooperation project with Emim; fly to Catalia and Tutan to load the wood into the plane Warehouses; Lake Sand sales, and even motorcycle test drives...

All in all, his time on the continent will be busy.

By the way, there is one more important thing, and that is to buy arms.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong felt that since he couldn't sleep, he might as well go to the cabin to get the ammunition out of the plane warehouse.

Without hesitation, Yang Tianlong put on his coat and walked towards the cabin.

After the formalized management, the black people here in Boke Village no longer like nightlife like the villagers in other places. Generally, after eleven o’clock in the evening, most of them returned home. In the huge modern village, there are less than A dozen guards are on duty.

When these guards saw Yang Tianlong, they looked respectful.

After greeting the guards one by one, he drove a pickup truck, and Yang Tianlong quickly drove towards the cabin.

Not long after, he came to the small wooden house. Since the villagers often came to clean up the weeds, the small wooden house did not appear to be barren, but rather clean and tidy.

After looking around and seeing that there was indeed no one else, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the plane warehouse.

As for what kind of tanks, armored vehicles, and even armed helicopters to buy, Yang Tianlong had already made up his mind.

The most cost-effective German-made Leopard 2 improved tank is selected, and the price of each tank is about 400 million US dollars; a total of 10 tanks were purchased, with a total price of 4000 million US dollars.

The armored vehicle also chooses the "Boxer/Boxer Dog" armored personnel carrier made in Germany. This armored vehicle has great strength and fast running, mainly due to its modular design of driving modules.It is equipped with an 8-cylinder supercharged diesel engine from MTU with a power of 530 kilowatts; it is equipped with a sophisticated Allison automatic transmission and advanced tires, and there are two types of suspension and running gear modules to choose from.Therefore, it has strong tactical maneuverability, with a maximum road speed of 103 km/h and a maximum travel distance of 1000 km. It can carry 12 soldiers at the same time, and has the characteristics of comfortable ride.

The reason why these two types of land equipment are made in Germany is because tanks and armored vehicles also need to emphasize mobility and practicality while attacking with firepower. Compared with products from other countries, it is a recognized fact that Germans are very durable. .

As for heavy weapons and equipment such as rocket launchers, self-propelled howitzers, and anti-aircraft missiles, because there is no need to place too much emphasis on mobility, Yang Tianlong chose Chinese-made equipment for a simple reason. Compared with Omi equipment, domestic equipment is extremely cost-effective. high.

After selecting all of this, there is almost 2000 million US dollars left, and this 2000 million US dollars will be used for the purchase of gunships.

(End of this chapter)

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