Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 896 In Africa, Arms Are King

Chapter 896 In Africa, Arms Are King
In the choice of armed helicopter, Yang Tianlong decisively chose the cutting-edge Wuantesa light armed helicopter developed by Russia. This helicopter integrates reconnaissance, target designation, fire attack and near-ground support. It is a technology An advanced light armed helicopter with excellent performance, the price/performance ratio is also quite high.

The Antesa armed helicopter is equipped with two short wings on both sides of the fuselage, and there are four pylons under the short wings. The pylons can be equipped with four lgla (Igla) air-to-air missiles, and can also carry two 4mm caliber rocket launchers. , A semi-buried "rock" 4mm machine gun is installed on the starboard side of the fuselage, with a rate of fire of 58-12.7 rounds per minute.Although the rate of fire is slightly slower than the YakB four-barreled machine gun on the Mi-650V, it is sufficient to deal with some unarmored targets.In order to complete battlefield monitoring and reconnaissance tasks, it can also perform certain fire suppression tasks, comparable to the "Kiowa" of the United States.

More importantly, the pilots of the helicopters will all be Russians, so choosing weapons from their country is more conducive to the organic combination of people and equipment.After buying all these, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and Yang Tianlong didn't call Yom, but went directly into the cabin, took out a sleeping bag from the warehouse of the plane, got into the sleeping bag beautifully fell asleep.

Maybe it was because sleeping in the sleeping bag had a fresh and strange feeling, so Yang Tianlong slept until the phone rang.

The time is already pointing to 07:30 in the morning.

In a daze, he took out his mobile phone, only to see that it was a call from Vasily.

"Boss, are you not in the room?" Vasily asked eagerly.

"I'm here in the cabin. Last night my old buddy brought the ammunition here. I happened to stay here. Old buddy, bring your brothers and come here quickly." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Those munitions arrived so soon?" Vasily was very surprised.

"Yes, it's that fast." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Okay, I'll bring my brothers over now." Vasily replied.

After finishing the call with Vasily, Yang Tianlong quickly got out of the sleeping bag, packed up everything here, and after wandering around for a while, took a deep breath of fresh air here. Bring someone over here.

Looking at these brand-new guys, all the people couldn't put it down. They even stroked these guys slowly like touching a woman's skin, and all of them made a sound of amazement. .

"Boss, these guys are very practical." Vasily said excitedly, "In this way, we are more confident in winning this war."

"Really? But it is not an easy task to transport these equipment from Bunia to General Sardin." Yang Tianlong looked at Vasily calmly and said.

Vasily nodded, "There are many tribes to pass along the way, and some of them have certain fighting power, so I sent Doc and the others to investigate and try to establish a good relationship with the tribes along the way. It's best to pass through those tribes without anything happening."

"Have you considered the participation of Stones and Zakyev?" Yang Tianlong looked at Vasily and asked.

Stones also has a scenic area in Bunia's Lake Albert, which is adjacent to Raff's. This can be regarded as an eyeliner that Stones inserted into Yang Tianlong and the others.

"I've thought about it, so I arranged for Peter and Ukoya to go to Kinshasa to purchase communication equipment, and let them hack into Stones' mobile phone network system again." Vasily said seriously.

"They invaded Stones' mobile phone network system?" Yang Tianlong frowned again, "After learning the lesson from last time, I feel that Stones and the others will definitely strengthen their defenses and won't just let it go."

Vasily nodded, "Yes, according to Peter, Stones, Zakyev and their confidants have installed powerful protection software on their mobile phones, and they are now trying to meet and discuss issues together."

"Where is Stones now?" Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"He returned to the United States."

"Where's Zakyev?"

"Should have gone to Sierra Leone."

"What happened there?"

"A civil war broke out."

"It seems that this is another good opportunity for him to make money in arms." Yang Tianlong said with a cold smile.

"So Zakyev may sooner or later be tried by the International Military Tribunal," Vasily said.

As soon as Vasily mentioned that Zakyev and the others would be tried by the International Military Tribunal sooner or later, Yang Tianlong suddenly remembered what Claire said to him before leaving Africa.

In fact, Yang Tianlong has also thought about this sentence, maybe it is really like what Claire said, they seem to have made ill-gotten gains on the surface, which seriously violated humanitarianism, but in the end, they may not accept it. deserved punishment.

Thinking of this sentence, Yang Tianlong couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, and looked at Vasily from the corner of his eye, only to see the old man's resolute face.

Yang Tianlong smiled, then nodded, "Yes, they will be punished as they should be."

"Boss, don't worry, even if I, Vasily, die on the battlefield this time, I will definitely snatch the oil field." Vasily patted his chest again, and said with confidence.

Yang Tianlong took a serious look at the old man, then nodded.

He believed that Vasily had such abilities.

Soon, Hank, Albuquer and the others also came to the scene. Under their command, everyone drove all these heavy guys into the village of Berk.

Seeing so many weapons and equipment added to the army, the villagers also became extremely excited, and they firmly occupied the roads on both sides of the village.In their view, weapons and equipment are their greatest guarantee. With these awesome guys, who would dare to bully them.

The equipment was quickly put into training. Yang Tianlong watched the training of the troops all morning; in the afternoon, he personally tested the motorcycles produced in his factory. The highest quality level is built, and bulletproof steel plates are specially added to the fuel tank, strong horsepower, comfortable ride, and superior workmanship...

Everything is according to their plan.

After dinner, Yang Tianlong, Vasily, Hank, Albuquer and others ignored the exhaustion of the day, and came to Yang Tianlong's room, planning and arranging the weekend's actions two days later.

(End of this chapter)

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