Chapter 897

This action plan is mainly aimed at their long-distance maneuver from Bunia to the small town of Subi in South Sudan.

Helicopters are easy to say, flying at low altitudes, the radars in African countries have far less detection range than those on other continents. As long as they fly at ultra-low altitudes, radars will never be able to detect them. As for the specific routes, Vasily and Hanke have already drawn them up.

The current focus is on the transportation of heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles. According to Vasily's current thinking, it is to ask Wilmots to help and hire some local drivers to transport them. At that time, at least 50 large transport vehicles will be needed. .

"Just one line?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked involuntarily.

Vasily nodded, "Yes, just one."

"I don't think it's appropriate to say one thing." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

Everyone doesn't need to think deeply, they all know the meaning of Yang Tianlong's words, if they are attacked along the way...

However, Yang Tianlong quickly saw the clues from their embarrassed faces. Maybe they were not very easy to find the second route, so they had to formulate the plan according to one route.

"I suggest two routes, one in charge of Albuquerque, and the other in charge of me." Yang Tianlong said.

"Are you going to participate too?" Vasily and the others were taken aback.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, I will also participate, and I suggest that we color print some logos, all using the logos of the United Nations forces."

"Use the logo of the United Nations troops?" Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but light up. This idea is really good. After all, no matter how brave Musala and Stones are, they dare not attack the convoy of the United Nations troops.

"Nice, that's a good idea," Albuquer exclaimed.

"Yes, I also think this idea is quite good, why didn't we think of it at the time?" Hank also agreed with his expression.

"Then let's talk about it, everything is pretending to be a United Nations force." Yang Tianlong smiled, and after a pause, he said again: "As for the second route, I think it is necessary for us to study it carefully. , the three caves of the cunning rabbit, we must also ensure that we can't line up in a long line, as long as there are two convoys, even if the other one is attacked, the convoys can support each other..."

After talking eloquently, Vasily, Hank, and Albuquer kept nodding their heads. In their opinion, even if this idea wasn't perfect, it was still a good idea.

"But it's really hard for us to find this route." Vasily also expressed his difficulties.

"I know which one we can choose." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, with a very confident look on his face.

"Which one?" Vasily and the others asked quickly.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you the map." Yang Tianlong said as he walked into the bedroom.

In fact, he has also been studying how to fight this war. From the most basic logistical support to the long-distance maneuver of the troops, and then to the situation of both the enemy and ourselves, he has also made a comprehensive analysis and prepared a lot of information. He also used high-definition electronic maps to print out the maps of Bunia and Subi towns.

A map from Bunia to the border between DRC and South Sudan almost covers an area of ​​more than ten square meters, covering two-thirds of the floor in the living room.

Everything on the map is clearly visible, so when everyone looks at it, it feels very clear.

"Look, more than 20 kilometers away from the small town of Bunia, there is a small road and a main road. We are currently driving along the main road, but the distance between this small road and the main road is actually no more than seven miles away. Eight kilometers, and after driving about 100 kilometers, there is another auxiliary road, which connects the two roads again, so my suggestion is that we go separately at that time, I am on the small road, and Albuquer is in charge of the main road.” The area is too large, so when Yang Tianlong said this, he simply walked on it with bare feet.

In order to be more intuitive, Vasily and the others simply took off their shoes, and used their own steps to actually measure on this map.

According to the map, after the two roads converge again, there are still more than 20 kilometers away to directly enter the territory of South Sudan. By then, they will only be 50 kilometers away from the small town of Subi.

"Okay, let's prepare according to this method." Vasily said excitedly.

"The inspection will be carried out tomorrow, and all the transport vehicles will be in place. We will rest during the day and set off at night the day after tomorrow." Yang Tianlong looked at the crowd and said seriously.

Everyone nodded in agreement with this proposal without hesitation.

This issue has been discussed almost. As for the combat issue, they need to study it with General Sardin after they arrive at the small town of Subi. However, in order to ensure the smooth operation of this maneuver, Yang Tianlong still asked Vasily to contact General Sardin Let them launch a wave of attacks on Musala's army the day after tomorrow, so that they can distract their attention.

Vasily nodded and accepted the task with a happy face.

When everyone was about to leave, the doorbell of Yang Tianlong's room suddenly rang. As soon as the doorbell rang, Yang Tianlong asked Hanke to go to the peephole on the door to see what happened.

"It's Beren." Hank said quickly.

"Let him in." After Hank's reminder, Yang Tianlong remembered that Belen arrived in Bunia at night, and he needed to report business matters to Yang Tianlong.

"Then let's go back first." Albuquer said without losing the opportunity.

"Okay, guys, you all go back first, you can think about our plan again." Yang Tianlong nodded and said.

Albuquer and the others left, and Beren walked into the room.

"Boss..." Bei Lun greeted Yang Tianlong.

"It's really hard for you to come back overnight from Kampala." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"It's okay. The scenery of the golden waterway in the lower reaches of Lake Albert is not bad. I spend most of my time on the deck of the ship." Beren said with a smile.

"The golden waterway has been connected, but it seems that the business here has not been developed much, and there are very few ships coming and going." Belen said again.

"Since no one is going to explore the business opportunities here, let's develop them." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

He seems to be joking on the surface, but in fact he has some ideas about the commercial development here. Once the waterway is opened, the small commodities transported from China will no longer have to detour through the Cape of Good Hope in Lanfei.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Yes, I will follow your arrangement." Beren said with a smile.

"Let's talk about the scenic spot in Kinshasa first." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said after pouring a cup of coffee for Belen.

(End of this chapter)

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