Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 898 The Golden Age

Chapter 898 The Golden Age
Seeing that the boss wanted to listen to the report on the scenic spot first, Belen nodded involuntarily, and then told Yang Tianlong about his going to the scenic spot near Kinshasa.

According to Belen, from the perspective of economic interests, that place is indeed a very good place. Just like what Ermem said, the whole world is currently targeting Africa as a tourist destination, so In the next few years, the tourism industry in Africa will usher in a blowout growth, and profits will only come sooner or later.

"You mean it is desirable to develop there?" Yang Tianlong listened to Belen's analysis from an economic point of view.

"From an economic point of view, of course it is advisable, but from a political point of view, I think we still need to wait and see." Belen hesitated a little, and became a little hesitant when speaking.

Yang Tianlong nodded. He knew what Belem meant. He was worried that the general election of the Democratic Republic of the Congo would have an impact on the country's political situation. If the current president cannot be re-elected smoothly, then...

Of course Rondobe will lose power, and Ermem will naturally be unable to escape...

"Well, Belen, you can find an excuse or reason to discuss this matter with Ermim, and you must see the situation clearly before making a decision." Yang Tianlong ordered after thinking about it.

"Then what if you can't see the situation clearly at the moment?" Belen said with a rather embarrassed face.

"It depends on whether the rent has any legal effect. It is best to ask an international law firm to notarize it. In this way, even if it is an opposition party or a party supporter, they cannot use domestic laws to restrict it. Us." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

This trick was actually given to him by Liu Shengli. As an old fritter, Liu Shengli is well versed in the habits and characteristics of dealing with Africans. He must not be fooled by their so-called promises. It is best to link with the international community. Come on, when the lawsuit is brought to the international arena, it will be well-founded.

After listening to Yang Tianlong's suggestion, Bei Lun nodded with admiration. To be honest, this idea is really good.

"Then I haven't had too much contact with Mr. Emim. I'll find an international law firm for consultation later. If possible, we can start work."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Belen then reported on the sales of lake sand. Generally speaking, with the help of Rondobe, the sand and gravel materials in the construction market in Kinshasa have been well regulated, so Yang Tianlong's lake sand sales are also at a low level In the stable stage, although the sales volume is not much, it is at least stable. Selling 5000-10000 square meters of lake sand every day is easy and stress-free.

"How much lake sand do we still have in stock?" Yang Tianlong is actually not very clear about the stock of lake sand in Lake Albert.

"There are about 100 million square meters left," Belen said.

After the golden water channel was completed, my cousin Li Tao and his workers have been returning to China for almost a month. They plan to return to Bunia after the year. This year’s Chinese New Year is at the end of January, which means they will be back in less than two months. Now, the management of Bok Village will be handed over to his compatriots at that time.

Although Li Tao is only a junior high school educated boy, his brain is relatively active, and he often has ghost ideas in his mind.

Yang Tianlong thought about it briefly, and he decided to ask Belen to help Li Tao build a small commodity distribution center in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi.

The reason for choosing Bujumbura is that on the one hand, Bujumbura is just in the middle of the golden waterway, and on the other hand, Bujumbura is located in the upper reaches of Lake Tanganyika, which is known as the sixth largest lake in the world. The location is very good.

At that time, Bujumbura can be sold as a small commodity distribution center in China.

After taking a sip of coffee, Yang Tianlong expressed his thoughts to Belen.

After listening, Belen also nodded without hesitation, and he even told Yang Tianlong that his idea is that Bujumbura will definitely usher in rapid development in the future.

Belen's words reminded him once again that it is absolutely true that Bujumbura will usher in rapid development. As long as the traffic in a place becomes convenient, development will not happen sooner or later, but immediately.

"What's the current market price of land in Bujumbura?" Yang Tianlong suddenly thought that a large amount of land could be reserved in Bujumbura, and the financial resources would naturally flow in at that time.

"It should be very cheap." Belem is actually not very clear, but based on experience, he feels that the land there should not be too expensive.

"Hurry up and inquire. It's best to go to Bujumbura tomorrow to find out some local market conditions. I feel that your prophecy is likely to come true." Yang Tianlong looked at Belen. Said seriously.

Belem nodded, indicating that he was leaving for Bujumbura early tomorrow morning.

The two chatted briefly for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, Beren resolutely said goodbye and left.

And Yang Tianlong became even more excited. He kept thinking about what Belen said earlier, that is, Bujumbura will develop at a high speed, and the business opportunities behind it are huge.

He simply opened the electronic map and moved the target to Bujumbura.

The city is located in the upper reaches of Lake Tanganyika, so the entire city is located on the impact plain, which can be described as one of the few small plains in the entire central African country.

At least, the cost of building buildings or other infrastructure in this country will not be too high.

Bujumbura, which is located in the golden waterway, is not far from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and Kampala, the capital of Uganda, so its geographical advantage is too obvious.

"I must establish my base in Bujumbura." After Yang Tianlong looked at Bujumbura's superior geographical location, he secretly made up his mind.

As long as you turn Bujumbura into your own base, there will not only be a commodity distribution center, but also a transportation distribution center, as well as tourism and real estate...

There are really unlimited business opportunities waiting to be tapped by yourself.

The more Yang Tianlong thought about it, the more excited he became, and a vast and boundless business map gradually took shape under his outline...

But soon he realized a problem, that is, his own funds are still not enough to support his development in Rwanda.

It seems that the oil field must be won this time, and the matter of borrowing money from Prince Hussein must be hurry up.

Yang Tianlong secretly thought that he was really fighting a profit war against time.

(End of this chapter)

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