Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 904 Bloody Beauty

Chapter 904 Bloody Beauty

Chen Liyan and the others arranged the missions according to Yang Tianlong's hand-drawn blueprints. As soon as they attacked, they were sure to hit each one accurately, which made their attack speed very fast.

Soon it broke through the enemy's first layer of defense.

And that group of militants really didn't just stand there blankly like idiots. Later, they started scurrying around the village one by one.

For a while, the attack of the peacekeeping force was blocked.

But Yang Tianlong came to a remote place and quickly released the unmanned attack aircraft.

Flying at an altitude of 2000 meters, people in the prairie naturally cannot feel the roar of unmanned attack aircraft.

Ever since, those militants who were stubbornly resisting were hit and killed by unmanned attack aircraft one after another.

In less than an hour, Chen Liyan and the others had completely occupied the entire village, killed more than 20 militants and captured more than a dozen prisoners.

At this time, Vasily's helicopter had not yet come.

"Tianlong, thank you." Chen Liyan patted Yang Tianlong on the shoulder excitedly. This time they won a complete victory without bloodshed.

And not a single brother was injured.

"It's okay, Brother Yang." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "After cleaning them up, shouldn't you go back?"

Chen Liyan turned his head more and more, and said seriously, "I can't go back for the time being, the current situation here is still quite tense, we still have to continue on duty at the border, we can go back in half a month, and I'll find you for a drink after we go back."

Having won a battle, Chen Liyan's mood is naturally quite good.

"Okay, come to the village to play football and drink when you have time." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Then what should you do? The helicopter doesn't seem to have arrived yet." Chen Liyan frowned and said.

"I'll wait a little longer, Vasily should be here soon."

"Then let's wait for the plane with you. It's time for lunch. Let's have lunch here and try our food." Chen Liyan said with a smile.

"You should all bring your own dry food." Yang Tianlong was very curious about what Chen Liyan and his soldiers who were performing missions in the field would eat for lunch.

"The general logistics department distributes fast heat-compressed dry food." Chen Liyan said as he took out several packs from his backpack.

And handed Yang Tianlong two packs casually.

"One bag contains rice and drinks, and the other bag contains vegetables. It tastes like pickled vegetables and meat. It tastes good." Chen Liyan said as he took off his water bottle.

These quick-heating foods have their own heating function, which is similar to the quick-heating foods he bought when he first went to Africa.

Yang Tianlong took the kettle and watched the fast-heating food heat up quickly.

Not long after, the aroma of various dishes wafted from the entire grassland.

Taking a sip lightly, Yang Tianlong felt that the taste was no different from the one he bought. Even eating in the wild, he felt that the food was much more delicious.

"How is it, this smells like braised meat." Chen Liyan asked with a smile.

"It's not bad." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "The food you eat here is solved, it's not safe for your body."

"Large-scale cooling?" Chen Liyan didn't expect this, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, the temperature has dropped on a large scale. In fact, the weather in Central Africa is not necessarily very hot in summer, especially in winter."

"Okay, I'll go back and contact the meteorological department to confirm whether it is really necessary to cool down." Chen Liyan said with a smile.

"Can your patrols on the border serve as a warning to Musala and the others?" After taking a bite of the meal, Yang Tianlong looked at Chen Liyan and couldn't help asking.

Chen Liyan smiled, "It's hard to say what the role is. These guys are not afraid of death at all, they dare to slaughter village by village, but at least we will never let them do anything wrong during this period."

"It's good that the war is over." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hey, the situation here is too complicated. The war won't end in a short while." Chen Liyan has also stayed in Africa for several years and knows everything here very well.

"Be careful," Yang Tianlong said.

"Don't worry, those guys are actually very poor at marksmanship." Chen Liyan laughed after finishing speaking, "They just hit with arrogance, but it's not bullshit."

"I've seen them, but their shooting looks are very funny." Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, Tianlong, where did you come from?" Suddenly, Chen Liyan couldn't help asking.

"I just wanted to enjoy the scenery here in the rainforest and grassland, and I met you before I knew it." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

After seeing such a thing, Chen Liyan didn't ask any more questions, he smiled, "The scenery is nice, but if you look closely, it is a place full of killing and blood."

"So the beauty of Africa is a beauty full of blood." Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"It's true. All of my domestic friends still want to visit Africa, and I persuaded them to quit." Chen Liyan said.

"But after it's really quiet and peaceful here, it will definitely attract a lot of tourists."

"Yes, we look forward to that day, even if that day is really long and far away."


Not long after lunch, the roar of the helicopter in the sky sounded again.

Everyone looked up and saw it was still the small helicopter just now.

This time, Chen Liyan took a good look at the missiles on the missile pylons on the helicopter.

But he didn't say anything, but once again expressed his gratitude to Yang Tianlong with a grateful face.

The propeller of the plane did not stop, and Vasili waved at Yang Tianlong.

"Brother Chen, I'm going back first, you all pay attention to safety." Yang Tianlong said loudly to Chen Liyan.

Chen Liyan nodded, and made an OK gesture to Yang Tianlong.

After the helicopter was tens of meters away from the ground, the burly man with glasses couldn't help but look at the helicopter in the distance and said, "Ansat armed helicopter, awesome."

Chen Liyan didn't speak, but just glanced at the bespectacled man indifferently, and then lifted the 95-type automatic rifle on the ground, "Go..."


After waiting for Yang Tianlong to return to Bunia, he didn't go back to the village, but got into his private jet and waited at the airport for an hour. Bourdain, the capital of Catalia.

Two and a half hours later, the plane landed at Bourdain Airport.

This time Sebastian's men came to the airport to meet him.

Compared with the domineering last time, this time Sebastian's subordinates were obviously a lot more polite to Yang Tianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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