Chapter 905
"Sebas is not in Bourdain now? Dude." To be honest, Yang Tianlong was actually very reluctant to see that guy.

"Boss, he went to Lanfei." One of his subordinates said respectfully.

"Say hello to him for me, but my time is limited, I need to go to the mountain area now, is the car ready for me?" Yang Tianlong looked at the empty airport and asked.

"Of course, sir." The guy chuckled, and then took out his phone.

Not long after, a Toyota off-road vehicle and a Toyota pickup truck drove over.

Dozens of heavily armed militants on the pickup truck.

"What are they doing?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked involuntarily.

"They are here to protect you. There are still small groups of militants along the way." The guy replied.

"Okay, this pickup truck has to drive faster, I have to hurry up." Yang Tianlong said as he opened the door and jumped on it.

Soon, the Toyota off-road vehicle started up and rushed forward.

The distance from the airport to the deforestation area where Khost is located is about 200 kilometers. The traffic level in Catalia is worse than that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and comparable to that of South Sudan. These are all caused by the war. result of the coming poverty.

However, the chassis performance of the Toyota car he was riding in was quite good. Although the road was bumpy, the excellent shock absorption system saved him from the trouble of violent bumps.

Finally at night, Yang Tianlong arrived at the forest area where Horst and the others were located.

The mobile phone signal here is very poor, so I had to use satellite phones to contact them along the way.

When Horst saw Yang Tianlong calling out, he couldn't help but become excited.

"Boss." He quickly greeted him with a respectful face.

"How is it?" Right now the surrounding area has been completely engulfed by the night, so the visibility is extremely low, but with the help of the faint moonlight, Yang Tianlong can still feel the tallness of the trees here.

"Not bad, we are now cutting mahogany and sandalwood according to your requirements."

"How many are there?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

"There may be thousands of trees." Horst said quickly, not daring to neglect.

"That's good, take me to the scene now." Yang Tianlong said.

"You don't need dinner?" Horst asked in surprise.

"I'll go and have a look first, I have a quirk." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay." Horst nodded quickly, and then asked the workers to find a flashlight, and led Yang Tianlong towards the place where the wood was piled up.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they finally came to the place where the wood was piled up. They saw that countless mahogany and sandalwood had been piled up to the height of a hill, and the air was full of the fragrance of wood.

"You go back first, I'll stay here alone for a while." After Yang Tianlong looked at the piled up wood, he couldn't help looking back at Horst and said.

Horst was taken aback again this time, but he quickly thought of what Yang Tianlong said before that he had eccentricities. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Boss, there are wild beasts here sometimes, you take this gun." Horst knew Yang Tianlong's character, and he belonged to the kind of person who said nothing, so he untied the pistol from his waist with a straight face. .

"You take it, I have it myself." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, he patted his waist after speaking.

Naturally, he didn't have any guns around his waist, but the visibility was poor at night, and it was impossible for Horst to stare at the boss' waist, so Horst firmly believed the boss's words.

"Then I'll go back first," Horst said.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Go back first, and don't let anyone bother me, I want to be alone and quiet."

Horst nodded, and then left quickly.

After Yang Tianlong confirmed that Horst had gone far, he quickly released Meng Diao from the plane warehouse. He needed Meng Diao to guard everything here for him. Once a stranger broke in, Meng Diao would promptly remind him.

This time he also took out some beef from the refrigerator in the warehouse of the plane, and fed it to Meng Diao, who became very obedient when he was full. After pecking the ground a few times, it flapped its wings and flew away quickly.

Everything around was so quiet, after Yang Tianlong looked around the extremely long timber yard, he began to load the timber into the plane warehouse.

Yang Tianlong didn't install much, he only filled 300 cubic meters of space, and he needed to save the remaining [-] cubic meters for the timber sold to him by the Tutan Kingdom and the Nuertu people.

After finishing all this, it took almost two hours.

At this moment, there was a long roar of Meng Diao in the sky.

someone is coming.

Yang Tianlong quickly turned serious, and took a flashlight to shine on him.

It was the armed protection sent by Sebastian.

"Mr. Hua Xialong, aren't you going to dinner? What are you doing here alone?" The guy in the red beret asked suspiciously.

"I'm here to see my wood, what's wrong?" Yang Tianlong wasn't even afraid of Sebastian, let alone this guy in front of him.

"Do you need to watch it for so long?" The guy obviously didn't believe it.

"I'm serious about everything I do, why? Dude, are you doubting me?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but pull his face down.

Hearing this, the guy couldn't help panicking, he quickly shook his head, "No."

"I don't think you will doubt me, this wood is mine, it was sold to me by Sebastian, I am the owner of this place, I have absolute power." Yang Tianlong said as he passed by that guy.

The full aura made that guy forget his purpose of coming here, and he couldn't help but think about it until Yang Tianlong walked more than ten meters away.

"Hey, Mr. Hua Xialong, our boss's phone number."

"Telephone?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

"Yeah, he called just now on the satellite phone," the guy replied.

"Okay, I'll go back and answer him now." Yang Tianlong said while striding towards the forest area.

While waiting for him to come to the campsite in the woodland, Horst also hurried out of the board room.

"Where is the satellite phone?" Yang Tianlong looked at Horst and couldn't help asking.

"Here, sir." A guy quickly handed over the satellite phone with a respectful face.

"Hey, big man, how do you dial Sebastian's satellite phone?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking when he looked at the guy who was rushing over from behind.

"The number is..." the guy said with a deadpan face.

Not long after, Sebastian's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Huaxia Dragon..."

After 1 minute, Yang Tianlong hung up the phone with a calm face.

Sebastian was going to see him tonight.

And his plane had just landed.

As for why he wanted to see him, Yang Tianlong didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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