Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 906 Tasting Lion Meat

Chapter 906 Tasting Lion Meat

After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong seemed to have a calm expression on his face, but actually his heart couldn't help but toss and roll. He didn't even have the appetite for the dinner that Horst prepared for him.

Finally, after waiting for more than an hour at the campsite in the forest area, a light helicopter flew to the campsite.

The propeller of the helicopter did not stop, and Yang Tianlong quickly got in when he saw this.

After closing the cabin door, I saw that the plane flew towards the urban area of ​​Bourdain with a roar.

There was almost no light on the way until he approached the city of Bourdain, and Yang Tianlong saw a trace of light under him.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the helicopter finally landed at Sebastian's villa.

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, Sebas in a leopard-print suit was holding a glass of red wine in one hand, and stroking a lion with extremely long mane with the other.

I saw the lazy look on this male lion's face. Even when Yang Tianlong walked in, it didn't bother to look at it. It just moved its eyelids slightly, and then drooped down again, enjoying the sight of Sebastian's big hand comfortably. touch.

For this male lion, Yang Tianlong is not afraid, because he knows that Sebastian dared to contact the male lion like this, he must have fed the male lion before.

Those local tyrants in the Middle East do the same, they are not so stupid as to caress a hungry beast intimately.

People don't necessarily know how to talk about feelings, and it is even more impossible for beasts to talk about feelings with humans.

"Hello, Mr. Sebastian." After walking in, Yang Tianlong smiled and said hello.

For the prince Sebastian, Yang Tianlong can only say that the etiquette is enough. If he wants to respect Prince Hussein from the bottom of his heart, he will never be able to do it.

"Haha, my old buddy, I finally see you, without the fly flying around our ears, we can have a good talk with each other." Sebas said this time What's more, it's extremely enthusiastic, one by one my buddy or my friend, changing from the previous extremely cold look.

"I'm also very happy to see you again. Judging by your complexion, you've been doing well recently." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Haha, I told you that you can understand human psychology. To be honest, I'm in a really good mood today. Guess why?" Sebastian retracted his big hand that was stroking the lion, and turned to He touched his big black shiny head.

"I believe you should be rich." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Shet, you guy can read minds?" Sebas was slightly taken aback, and then once again showed his character of doing whatever he wanted, "Yes, what you said is absolutely right, I I won money at the Lanfei Casino today, but can you guess how much I won?" Sebastian said this with a smug look on his face.

Yang Tianlong smiled. In fact, although Sebastian's father is the president of this country, Sebastian doesn't have many dollars at his disposal, only a few hundred thousand, so the amount of money he won this time is estimated to be It's only around 200 million US dollars. As for the amount of tens of millions, Yang Tianlong still doesn't think that Sebastian has such a fate.

"About 200 million dollars." Yang Tianlong replied after thinking about it.

"Haha, you're really not bad, that's about the same number." Sebastian smiled heartily, then stretched out his hand and patted the lion's ass.

The majestic looking lion seems to be used to being slapped on the buttocks. After a long yawn, it slowly got up from the ground, and then walked from Yang Tianlong like no one else. He passed by slowly and walked out of the gate of the villa.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Tianlong was always smiling, not afraid of this lion.

"We ate and talked, my old friend." Sebas said with a smile.

As soon as Sebastian finished speaking, dozens of guards placed tables and cutlery in front of Sebastian.

"How do you know I didn't have dinner? Mr. Sebastian." Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

"Didn't you go to see those woods? How about them, aren't those woods pretty good?" Sebastian said while pouring a large glass of wine into Yang Tianlong's wine glass.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but gasp. It seems that this guy really "caring" for him.

"Indeed, your wood is really not bad. After seeing it tonight, I am more determined." Yang Tianlong also began to imitate Sebastian's tricks.

Sebastian was really fooled, "What idea?"

"I want to rely on you to get rich." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Haha..." Sebastian was suddenly amused by these words. After laughing, he picked up the wine glass with a bright face, "Come on, Huaxia Dragon, toast to our cooperation."

"Cheers." Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face.

After drinking the first glass of wine, Sebastian pointed to the large golden piece of meat fried in front of him and said, "This is the meat of a lion cub, here, try it, I guarantee you will be revived on the bed after eating it." The majesty of a lion." Sebastian laughed and said.

"Now I'm as powerful as a little tiger, and if I eat this lion meat again, wouldn't that be a downgrade?" Yang Tianlong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Sebas was taken aback, he didn't expect his words to be resolved by Yang Tianlong in such a vulnerable way, he laughed again, "You bastard, what you say is that kind of nonsense, but I like."

Yang Tianlong knew that there must be something wrong with Sebastian looking for him, but he didn't say anything when he saw Sebastian, and he didn't bother to say it.

Finally, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Sebas could no longer hold back his temper.

"Hua Xialong, I came to you this time because I actually wanted to cooperate with you on something." Sebastian said in a low voice deliberately.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tianlong said calmly, he knew that Sebastian would explain sooner or later what he should explain.

"I want you to be close to someone." Sebastian smiled slightly.

"Close to someone?" Yang Tianlong frowned, and looked at Sebastian with a puzzled look on his face, "I think it should be a beautiful woman, right? And it's the kind of woman who is breathtaking and beautiful."

"Haha, Hua Xialong, your thinking is really too whimsical." Sebastian laughed, and then shook his head, "Of course you are not a beauty, I also know that you are not lewd .”

After finishing speaking, Sebastian deliberately paused to appear mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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