Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 907 You help me get rid of him

Chapter 907 You help me get rid of him
"Who is that? Is it worth our cooperation? You won't let me go to our country's embassy as a double agent?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile on his face, "I will not betray my national interests."

"How is it possible." Sebastian shook his head and said, "Huaxia has always been our good friend, and I will not let you do such a thing."

"Then I really don't know who you will approach when you come to me. I still have such an opportunity to serve you." Originally, Yang Tianlong wanted to talk about taking advantage of the opportunity, but when the words came to his lips, he quickly said changed his tune.

"It's okay, it's normal if you don't know, you will know later." Sebastian smiled slightly, took out his diamond-encrusted mobile phone, and handed it to Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong took the phone with a calm face, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help being surprised.

It was him...

Jiang Zhaocheng...

This did not occur to him at all, Sebastian actually wanted to get close to Jiang Zhaocheng.

"You probably don't know this person, Huaxia Dragon." After taking a sip of the wine, Sebastian spit out these words leisurely.

"Who is he?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

"He is the former richest man in Catalia, Tasfar Jiang." Sebastian said.

"Do you want me to cooperate with him?" Yang Tianlong pretended to be confused.

"Haha..." Sebastian smiled heartily, but then shook his head, "No, I want you to approach him and help me..."

Sebastian didn't continue talking, but made a "click" gesture.

An inexplicable cold sweat broke out from the bottom of his heart, Yang Tianlong never thought that Sebastian would let him kill Jiang Zhaocheng.

"I'm not a professional killer, how can I kill him?" Yang Tianlong looked "perplexed".

"Old man, I let you approach him mainly because of your identity." Sebastian continued to explain.

"What identity?" Yang Tianlong still didn't quite understand.

"Didn't you tell from his name and photo that he actually looks like you Chinese people?" Sebastian said with a cold look on his face.

Yang Tianlong pretended to have a good aftertaste again, and then nodded again, "Mr. Sebastian, when you put it that way, I really think he is a Chinese."

"That's right, this guy is a descendant of you Chinese people, the former richest man in our country. When he was here, we gave him a lot of preferential policies to help his business continue to grow. As a result, he actually It's kindness to repay revenge, and even organized an anti-government armed force in the mountainous area, do you think such people are extremely bad." The expression on Sebastian's face gradually became fierce.

Yang Tianlong nodded, but did not speak.

"It's best for you to approach him right now, in the name of cooperation." Sebastian said.

"Mr. Sebastian, I don't understand one thing. Since this guy is your subject, you can kill him at any time. Why do you need me, a third party, to get involved?" Yang Tianlong was "perplexed" .

"Who said he was in Catalia? That guy should have fled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo now. As for where he is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, I don't know, but you are all businessmen. You must ask each other more, and you will know each other. Yes. Cough...Of course this work is not for nothing, as long as you help us get rid of Jiang Zhaocheng, I will give you [-] mu of forest land and some tax exemption policies." Sebastian looked at Yang Tianlong and said.

"Then what if I don't have the ability to get rid of him?" Yang Tianlong shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

"As long as you meet him, you will have a chance, tell us his whereabouts, and I will send someone to kill him," Sebas said.

"Let me think about this question. You know that I am a kind person." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Haha, yes, I forgot, you are a kind person." Sebastian laughed again, "Okay, I will give you a few days to think about it, you have to hurry up and think about it, buddy, that guy is really good Cruel, you are polite to him, but he is not polite to your subordinates at all."

Hearing Sebastian's words, suddenly, an ominous thought flashed in Yang Tianlong's heart, which was the safety of Horst and the others.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask Horst and the others to evacuate tomorrow. As for the logging work there, the local people should be responsible.

"Okay, I'll think about it carefully, to be honest, I'm really a little scared to do these things." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"No problem, think about it carefully, don't worry." Sebastian showed his calm side again at this time.

This night, Yang Tianlong stayed at Sebastian's villa. Although the room was very luxurious, he couldn't sleep no matter what. The wood from the warehouse on the plane was scanned into the printer.

This night was busy almost all night, when Yang Tianlong walked out of the villa, he saw that there was no one in the hall of the villa, but the appearance of something still surprised him.

That thing turned out to be a male lion fed by Sebastian, and the male lion was lying lazily on the ground.

But if you look closely, the lion’s eyes are still different from last night’s. After all, when I saw it last night, it shouldn’t have been eating for a long time, but it’s different now. After one night, the lion must be the same. Started to get hungry.

Seeing no one around, Yang Tianlong once again had a bold idea in his mind, that is to domesticate this male lion.

He took out a bag of meat and smeared the taming solution on it. Within 5 minutes, the notification sound of a successful taming appeared in his mind.

The male lion looked at him obediently, like a cute kitten.

After using his consciousness to give instructions to the male lion, the male lion once again lay down on the floor lazily.

Yang Tianlong walked out of the villa.

There are Sebastian guards outside the villa. After seeing Yang Tianlong, these guards couldn't help becoming a little vigilant.

"What time does Mr. Sebastian usually get up?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

"It may be noon," replied the guard.

"Then I won't wait for him, I still have things to deal with, can you help me find a car." Yang Tianlong said.

In fact, yesterday, Sebastian also explained that he should be on guard against Yang Tianlong, but he should also treat him generously. What he asked for should be met or must be met. Therefore, when Yang Tianlong asked for a car, The guard quickly called an off-road vehicle for help.

Taking this off-road vehicle, Yang Tianlong went straight to Horst and the others again.

(End of this chapter)

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