Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 908 The vehicle was impounded

Chapter 908 The vehicle was impounded
By the time he got to Horst's place, it was almost ten o'clock.

Without any explanation, Yang Tianlong asked Horst to call all their people over now.

Horst naturally did not dare to neglect, and within 10 minutes, all the people they brought gathered in the board room.

"Pack up your things and go back to Bunia with me." Yang Tianlong said.

"Ah?" Horst and the others were taken aback. In their opinion, the boss's decision was not wise at all. If they all returned to Bunia and entrusted the work to the locals, the locals would definitely be lazy. of.

"Boss, are we quitting?" Horst asked in surprise.

Yang Tianlong glanced at Horst, then shook his head, "No, you have something to do, don't ask too much, don't think too much, Horst, let everyone pack up quickly and explain things to the locals , Leave them $2000, and I will go to the place where the wood is piled up, and none of you will come and disturb me without my order, that's it, we will meet in an hour."

After saying this, Yang Tianlong walked out of the board room and quickly walked towards the wood pile.

An hour later, he returned to the board room.

Horst and the others have also packed up.

Yang Tianlong yelled, and all the people got into the car and went straight to Bourdain Airport.

The route had already been applied for, and less than half an hour after they arrived at the airport, the private jet rushed into the sky.

Yang Tianlong did not go to Kinshasa, but flew directly to Bunia.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach Bok Village, he saw a large group of black people surrounded by the gate of the camp of the peacekeeping force.

Their vehicles, disguised as United Nations troops, were also parked on the side of the road.

Everything he saw right now told him that something was going on.

Looking at everything in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. It seemed that something was about to happen.

Quickly asked the driver to stop, and Yang Tianlong jumped down.

"What's going on?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning and asked.

Yom looked angry, "Huaxialong, they have impounded our vehicle."

"Why?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"They said we scribbled with color," Yom said gruffly.

Just then, a voice floated over.

"Brother Yang, I'm sorry, this is what our trainer ordered."

Yang Tianlong looked back and saw that it was Ronaldo.

"Instructor?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

Ronaldo nodded, "Yes, at noon today, your team came over, and our trainer saw it, and immediately detained it. Brother Yang, I'm really sorry. We are also very embarrassed when we encounter such a thing. .”

"Okay, I'll look for your trainer." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

At first, Yang Tianlong was still a little angry, but after he calmed down and thought about it carefully, most of the anger could not help but be eliminated. In fact, what the instructors did was right. If you want to copy the peacekeeping force, they will be the ones who go out to ruin it. If you have a good reputation, people will naturally want to deal with you.

"Brother Yang, please talk to our trainer, I think he will understand." Ronaldo didn't dare to neglect, and followed closely beside Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and soon walked into the instructor's office under the guidance of Ronaldo.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing glasses and holding the rank of lieutenant colonel sitting at the computer in the office, staring at the computer intently.

"Report." Ronaldo shouted loudly.

"Come in." The trainer didn't lift his head.

"Yes." Ronaldo winked slightly at Yang Tianlong.

"Instructor..." Ronaldo had a hippie smile on his face.

At this time, the instructor turned his attention away from the computer. When he saw Yang Tianlong, he still couldn't help being surprised.

"Who is this?"

"Report to the trainer, he is Yang Tianlong, our good friend." Ronaldo beamed with joy.

"Oh, you are Lao Yang." The trainer couldn't help but suddenly realized, with a look of "fortunate to meet you".

"Instructor, you are being polite. I am sorry to disturb you when you are at work." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

The trainer smiled, adjusted his glasses and said, "It's okay, what do you want from me? Old Yang."

Seeing that the trainer didn't beat around the bush, Yang Tianlong also liked this kind of forthright personality. After a pause, he explained his reason for coming.

Now the trainer fully understands that those fake UN peacekeeping vehicles belong to him, Lao Yang.

Earlier, I also said that I must report to the military headquarters of the United Nations peacekeeping force and deal with this matter seriously. Fortunately, I haven't finished writing the report, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Old Yang, since it's your car, do you think it's okay? Let them write a statement about the situation, saying that it was painted on because of curiosity, so I can explain it to the brothers in the whole camp." The instructor naturally knew the consequences of offending Yang Tianlong, and their territory, water, and electricity were all provided by Yang Tianlong and the others, so he was unwilling to offend Yang Tianlong.

It's just that those black drivers are simply outrageous, and they didn't say earlier that they work for Yang Tianlong.

"This is no problem." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"I'm sorry, we also act impartially, and you know that here in Bunia, we are a peacekeeping force from the Chinese country. If this reputation spreads..." The instructor didn't continue to speak, as if you understand the meaning of.

Yang Tianlong naturally understood, it seemed that what the trainer was worried about was exactly the same as what he had imagined.

"I understand, that's why I came here to apologize to you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Oh, there is no apology, and besides, you didn't do it." The trainer said quickly.

"Then I'll let them drive the car back first, and then write an explanation of the situation, do you think it's okay?" Yang Tianlong smiled.

The instructor nodded, "No problem, just keep it simple."

"Okay, then I have something else to do, I'll come to see you some other day." After Yang Tianlong finished speaking, he said goodbye and left.

After he left, the trainer couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "Rolo, I already knew that Yang Tianlong is not a simple person. I didn't offend him just now, did I?"

"Probably not." Ronaldo said after thinking about it.

"It's fine if you don't offend him, it's fine if you don't offend him." The trainer repeated for a long time before stopping.

"I don't know how old Chen and the others are performing their mission? Did they report the situation to the battalion this morning?" the instructor frowned and asked.

Ronaldo nodded, "Just received it, everything is fine."

"That's good, they were born and died outside, we can't be ashamed at home."

 Thank you "ぁぁぁ" brother monthly ticket, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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