Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 910 The Christmas chapter is coming

Chapter 910 Christmas is Coming
When I got home, a sense of family warmth filled my whole body. Compared with the air-conditioning heater in the car, the warmth of the home is from the inside to the outside, giving people a sense of safety and security.

"Honey, you're back." Seeing her husband coming back, Elena quickly put down the tableware in her hand, and walked over with a smile on her face.

"I'm back, dear." Yang Tianlong smiled, and exchanged cheeks with Elena as a courtesy.

"Son, you're back." Mrs. Sophia, who was still busy in the kitchen, also came out after hearing the news.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm back." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, dinner will be ready soon." Mrs. Sophia said with a smile.

"Tonight there are wind blowing sausages, which you Chinese people like the most." Mr. Franlo said with a smile.

The windblown sausage was given to him by Battelle, and it tastes really good.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile, but his eyes were sizing up in the living room. After sizing up for a while, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned and asked his wife: "My dear, Phyllis and Ji'an What about Ni?"

"I knew you couldn't bear them, they are in the play room on the first floor." Elena said with a smile.

"I'll go and see them." Yang Tianlong smiled and strode towards the playroom in the stairwell on the first floor.

When he walked into the playroom, he saw Phyllis and Gianni playing on the soft bedding.

Phyllis has become a lot more manly this time, with toy guns, cars, and footballs scattered around him; Gianni is surrounded by Barbie dolls and various castles.

"Hey, Gianni." Yang Tianlong greeted Gianni who was closest to him.

Gianni was taken aback for a moment, and then a pair of big watery eyes looked at this "strange" face, and she began to try to identify who he was in her memory.

But soon, Gianni recognized him, this is his father.

"Hug..." Gianni's mouth uttered ambiguous words.

"Okay, Dad hug my little princess." Yang Tianlong squatted down gently, picked up Gianni who was wearing pink pajamas, and couldn't help but kissed her gently on the face.

"Hug..." At this moment, Phyllis on the other side also uttered such vague words. He also tried his best to open his arms, looking forward to his father's hug.

But Yang Tianlong shook his head at Felice, "Felix, you are so far away, dad can't hug you no, if you crawl over, dad will hug you."

Hearing this, Phyllis quickly shook his head and threw down the toy gun in his hand, and crawled towards where Yang Tianlong was. Although his crawling speed was very slow, he worked hard every step of the way. It could be seen that, He still wanted to throw himself into his father's arms earlier.

Phyllis crawled slowly and earnestly, while Gianni in his arms kissed him gently on the face while he was not paying attention. After the kiss, Gianni waved his chubby little hands and giggled.

"You little guy, you dare to kiss dad secretly." Yang Tianlong couldn't help scratching the center of Gianni's little feet with his hands.

Gianni was so scratched by Yang Tianlong, he couldn't help but giggled again.

Phyllis seemed a little angry. He had worked very hard, but he still couldn't crawl to his father's side.

Angry, Phyllis couldn't help mumbling her pink mouth.

Finally, he crawled to Yang Tianlong's side after "untold hardships".

As soon as he arrived at Yang Tianlong's side, Felice couldn't help but let out a "hug" sound.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, clamped Gianni, then bent down slightly, and hugged Felice.

At first, I thought that Felice also wanted him to kiss, but unexpectedly, Felice pointed her pink and tender little finger to the soles of her feet.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help crying and laughing, but in order to satisfy the little guy's curiosity, he still gently scratched his fingers towards the soles of Felice's feet.

"Giggle..." Sure enough, Phyllis was also tickled by his father and started laughing.

Gianni seemed to be no longer interested in this, she took advantage of Yang Tianlong's inattention and kissed him gently from time to time.

As soon as Phyllis saw this, he stopped letting his father scratch the soles of his feet, but kissed Yang Tianlong like Gianni.

For a while, Yang Tianlong felt that as a father, he was actually quite popular with the children.

After playing with Phyllis and Gianni in the playroom for a while, Yang Tianlong didn't give up until his wife came in and called him.

Phyllis and Gianni were each put into their strollers.

The two little guys were neither noisy nor noisy, because their eyes were fixed on the TV in the living room.

There are cartoons playing in it, even if they can't understand it, they still find it interesting.

During dinner in the evening, Franlo told Yang Tianlong that tomorrow night he will invite a few friends to his home for a gathering. These friends also often work in Africa, and maybe in the future, everyone will need to take care of each other.

Franlo's personality is like this. He is bold by nature and likes to make friends, just like a big brother who takes the lead.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and he took the initiative to ask if there was anything he needed to buy at home, so that he could go to the supermarket with his wife to do some shopping tomorrow.

"Of course I need it. A Christmas tree, a turkey, and a set of Santa Claus clothes and stockings. I need to quietly give Phyllis and Gianni my and your mother's Christmas presents." Franlo said with a smile .

"Then let's go shopping together." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make a list for you later, my wife and I will help you take care of the children at home tomorrow, and let the two of you go out to live a two-person world." Franlo said with a smile.

"Dad, is Johnny coming back?" Suddenly, Elena couldn't help asking.

Franlo shook his head, "No, he won't come back, he will follow Elena back to her house."

"Sister Linka and the others are not coming back either. It seems that we will be the only ones this Christmas." Elena smiled.

"After Christmas, let's go to Reedsburg for a while." Yang Tianlong said.

Everyone also knew that they were going to Rydesburg, the capital of Karta, for a vacation for a while, so when Yang Tianlong said it, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"Honey, is the Chinese New Year coming soon?" Elena suddenly looked at Yang Tianlong and couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, then nodded, "Yes, it's almost here."

"Why don't you bring your father-in-law and mother-in-law to Berlin together?" Elena looked at her husband and said gently, "The two of them must be lonely at home for the Spring Festival."

"Yes, child, bring your parents over too." The Franlos couldn't help inviting.

"Okay, I'll contact them later, and help them apply for passports as soon as possible." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

 Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket of the brother "Pipit Haha", thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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