Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 911 A smart pair of sons and daughters

Chapter 911 A Smart Pair of Sons and Daughters

After dinner, Yang Tianlong didn't clean up the kitchen this time, because the family hired two nannies, and they were very quick with their hands and feet, and they cleaned up the dining room and the kitchen in a short time.

With the help of nannies, Yang Tianlong has more time to spend with his family and children.

After dinner, Phyllis and Gianni called to go to the playroom, and no one could hug them, they had to be hugged by their father.

"Look, you've been away for half a month, and the two little guys miss you so much." Elena said with a smile, "Even I, the mother who takes care of them every day, doesn't even know me anymore."

"This shows that the two children have a heartfelt pursuit of new things. Otherwise, they would not be so clinging to me." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, and then even a little guy in one hand, tightly Holding them in their arms, they walked towards the playroom.

Elena followed closely behind, carrying a feeding bottle.

In the playroom, they took the initiative to invite their parents to play games with them. Although Yang Tianlong and Elena honestly followed the ideas of Felice and Gianni, they still felt extremely happy.

After playing for a while, the lively and active Phyllis suddenly crawled towards the corner of the bedding.

"What did he do in the past?" Yang Tianlong looked at his wife and asked curiously.

"Guess, honey." Elena covered her mouth and giggled.

"Where to hide and seek?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

"No, guess again." Elena continued to chuckle.

"Could it be that Felice hid something there?" Yang Tianlong guessed again.

Unexpectedly, his wife Elena still shook her head this time, "No, here, what do you think he is doing?"

When Yang Tianlong heard it, he hurriedly looked over, and seeing Felice's movements, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Phyllis actually slept there.

I saw him using his chubby little hands as a pillow, lying on the bedding with a cute face, and not long after, he was completely asleep.

"He's actually sleeping, my God." Yang Tianlong was taken aback, really surprised and delighted.

"He has already developed this habit." Elena said as she walked towards Felice's position, looked at her lovely son, and then gently hugged him .

Phyllis had already fallen into a sound sleep, and his head also took the opportunity to droop on Elena's shoulder.

"Where's Gianni?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help pointing at Gianni who was still playing with the Barbie dolls and asked.

"Of course I put her to sleep too." Elena said.

"How to coax?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Sing a nice nursery rhyme, and she will fall asleep soon." Elena replied with a smile.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong decided to try.

But what is better to sing here?Although he is proficient in French, he doesn't understand French songs at all, but thinking that the music languages ​​​​in this world are also interoperable, as long as the melody is similar, maybe Gianni can be lulled to sleep.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong began to sing softly.

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast..."

"Giggle..." Gianni was suddenly amused.

Yang Tianlong looked puzzled.

Elena next to her couldn't help but giggled again.

"Honey, you sing a gentle song. This song is a little cheerful. After listening to it, she will naturally not feel sleepy."

"Okay, I'll take it easy." Yang Tianlong smiled helplessly. It seems that coaxing children to sleep is also a technical way of life.

This time he thought about it again, moistened his throat, and then sang softly.

"Little Swallow, wearing a floral dress, here every spring..."

Not to mention, this nursery rhyme "Little Swallow" really works. Gianni couldn't help closing her eyes slightly after listening to it. At first, after she closed her eyes slightly, her head was still shaking slightly. It seemed to be keeping time, but after less than 2 minutes, her head was beating up and down.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong quickly picked up Gianni.

Back in the room, put the two children on the crib, covered them with quilts, and watched them fall asleep sweetly, Yang Tianlong and his wife Elena looked satisfied and extremely comfortable.

"Honey, thank you for taking such good care of the children." Yang Tianlong said while pulling his wife into his arms.

"My dear, this is what it should be. You are running around outside. Look at you. This time, you are dark and thin. It hurts me to see you." His wife Elena stretched out her hand and gently Touch Yang Tianlong's face.

"I was tanned in Southeast Asia. Don't look at me as thin, but I have muscles all over my body." After speaking, Yang Tianlong couldn't help puffing up his strong biceps.

"Understood, let's go take a shower." Elena couldn't help but looked at her husband's appearance and became coquettish.

"Why don't we go together?" Yang Tianlong chuckled, with a face that you understand.

"This?" Elena hesitated for a while.

"Honey, don't you want to?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking, looking at his wife's beautiful face.

"I..." Elena looked very shy, and soon she nodded lightly, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, I'm not the roundworm in your stomach." Yang Tianlong smirked.

"You're pretending to be ignorant and ignoring you." After Eileen finished speaking, she actually pressed her face gently against her husband's chest.

"Don't talk, honey, let me feel your heartbeat, and let me hear whether you understand or are fake and confused."

"Isn't that a meaning?"


"I almost got tricked by you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"If you are allowed to tease me, am I not allowed to tease you?" Elena giggled.

"Of course it's allowed." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, seeing his peach blossom face, he couldn't help it anymore, and kissed his wife's tender lips.

Elena didn't resist, but kissed her husband for a long time, and her tone of voice became a little breathless.

"Honey, let's, let's go, let's go to the bathroom."

"Okay." Without further ado, Yang Tianlong hugged his wife.

"You bad guy." After saying this, Elena pressed her face tightly against her husband's chest again.

(End of this chapter)

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