Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 912 Parents Are Coming

Chapter 912 Parents Are Coming

It is said that it will snow on Christmas, as expected, after waiting for Yang Tianlong to wake up the next day, he found that snowflakes had already started to float outside the window.

Snowflakes fluttered in every corner of the city, and the trees on both sides of the road in the community were also decorated as Christmas trees, and the outside was filled with a festive and peaceful atmosphere.

"Are you awake?" Yang Tianlong was about to tiptoe out of the room when his wife's voice came.

"Wake up." Yang Tianlong looked back and couldn't help smiling.

"I'm getting up too." After finishing speaking, Elena stretched lazily, and her eyes couldn't help looking at the crib beside her, only to see Phyllis and Gianni Still in sweet dreams.

"Then I'll go down and see if there's anything I need to do?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Elena nodded, "Okay, you go down first."

I looked around downstairs and saw that there was nothing I needed to do at home. Since I had two nannies, even the hardworking Mrs. Sophia was liberated.

But Franco handed him a shopping list.

After taking a look at the list, it is all things that need to be prepared for Christmas.

"I'll drive out in the morning." Franlo said with a smile.

"Okay, we'll go after we clean up later." Yang Tianlong said.

"It's not in a hurry." Franlo said with a smile.

Breakfast was not ready yet, so just taking advantage of this time, Yang Tianlong went back to the study and checked the working status of the printer. Since he came back yesterday, the printer has been working, and the printed products are automatically placed in his online shop It is sold inside.

However, looking at the operating conditions of the online store, it seems that it is not ideal. The total sales in the past two days are only one million.

Could it be that something went wrong?Yang Tianlong frowned, and couldn't help but open the online store's ratings, but he didn't find any bad reviews.

This is strange.

He was very puzzled why the business in the past two days had become a little deserted.

Sitting at the desk and thinking about it, he soon realized that the end of the year was coming soon, and people were busy sorting out their work for the whole year, so they definitely didn't have time to go shopping. so it is.

After figuring this out, Yang Tianlong suddenly felt relieved. If he hadn't miscalculated, before the Spring Festival, the sales of his online store would definitely be booming.

The printer still has to work. After all, I brought a lot of wood back from Africa this time. Otherwise, I am really sorry for those hard days in Africa.

Last night, he also received a bill on his mobile phone. This time from Berlin to Dai country to Malaysia and then to Africa, the fuel cost of the plane cost tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention this There are other high costs behind it.

Of course, the $10,000+ is just a drop in the bucket for him right now.

After exiting the online store, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the email again. Belen had already purchased 10000 mu of land near the lake and at the junction of the mountain and the plain. The lake can be used to invest in real estate, while the junction of the mountain and the plain Places are used to invest in industry or commerce.

From the map, the geographical locations of these two places are also really good. With only 6000 US dollars per mu of land, it is actually a steady profit in the capital of any country.

After finishing all this work, Yang Tianlong called his parents again, and said on the phone that he planned to let the old couple come to Berlin around the 21st of the twelfth lunar month. As for the passports, Li Ling will help with them then. .

When they heard that their son was going to take them to Berlin for the Spring Festival, Yang Dalin and Li Guifen were naturally overjoyed. They could finally see their grandson and granddaughter.

Without further ado, the old couple agreed happily.

After hanging up the call with his parents, Yang Tianlong called his cousin Li Ling again. During the phone call, Yang Tianlong explained the matter to Li Ling. Germain celebrated the Spring Festival with a look of envy.

She actually wanted to go and see it, but she had no choice but to go abroad again during the Spring Festival, which was a time for family reunion...

"I have to go to Berlin in the summer vacation, you are in charge of reception." Li Ling began to bargain with him.

"I welcome you, the whole world is up to you." Yang Tianlong laughed.

"That's about the same. I'll practice driving hard during the winter vacation, hehe." Li Ling laughed.

"You girl, go and help your uncle and aunt to get passports." Yang Tianlong did not forget to remind, "If they can't come over on the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, I will ask you."

"Oh, don't worry, do you still have doubts about my work? Really." Li Ling pouted.

"I won't tell you anymore. I came to help me take care of the children during the summer vacation, and they started crying again." After saying this, Yang Tianlong hung up the phone hastily and went straight to the bedroom.

Sure enough, in the bedroom, for some reason, Gianni started crying.

And Phyllis was quickly infected, and he also began to cry.

"What's going on?" Looking at the two children, Yang Tianlong asked in a daze.

Elena was also confused, and she spread her hands and shrugged, "Honey, I don't know what's going on, I just gave them some clothes and put them on, and the two of them started crying."

"No way, it's so amazing?" Yang Tianlong smiled, and then hugged Felice, who had black hair.

Gianni is different from Phyllis. She has blond hair and looks like a cute Barbie doll from a distance.

"Look, they stopped crying." Elena couldn't laugh or cry.

Sure enough, Phyllis stopped crying, and Gianni also made vague sounds like "hug".

"Okay, okay, okay..." Yang Tianlong once again walked out of the bedroom with a child in his arms.

After arriving at the playroom, the two children began to crawl on the soft bedding like wild horses that had been restrained for a long time.

"These two guys." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but couldn't help crying and laughing.

After breakfast, Yang Tianlong was going to take his wife to the mall for shopping.

Before leaving, Elena had fed Phyllis and Gianni well.

However, as soon as they went out, Phyllis and Gianni burst into tears again.

No matter what tricks they use, the two children just don't stop.

"Okay, mom will take you there, okay? My babies." Elena said helplessly.

This sentence really worked. As soon as it was said, Phyllis and Gianni laughed out of tears.

(End of this chapter)

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