Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 914 Professor Black Survived Again?

Chapter 914 Professor Black Survived Again?

However, to Yang Tianlong's surprise, Medel actually told him that he didn't chat with Mr. Black, because he had been chatting with a guy he didn't know, so there was no chance at all.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong was very disappointed in his heart, but he showed a different calmness on his face, so as not to be seen by Medel.

Isn't Professor Black dead?Why is he still alive in this world?Yang Tianlong couldn't understand it.

There are two possibilities, one is that Professor Black is not dead at all, but someone deliberately spread the news, claiming that he is dead; but then again, if he is not dead, but someone spread the news, then those people must But also to start with Blake.

Another possibility is that Blake is indeed dead. He went to Zurich, Switzerland to attend the international conference, and someone pretended to go there.

Thinking of the second possibility, Yang Tianlong couldn't help getting dense goose bumps all of a sudden. He even thought of the concept of simulated creatures. At the Falcon Conference in Dubai, a black technology company created The artificial eagle, although it is definitely more difficult to manufacture the artificial human than the artificial eagle, but once the black technology company breaks through the bottleneck of technology, it is not difficult to research the artificial human.

"Mr. Medel, I have contacted Professor Black's student before, and specially mailed our Huaxia ginseng to him. I heard that his complexion is not good. How do you feel his complexion this time?" Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

Medel shook his head without thinking, "His complexion looks good, and he seems to be getting younger and younger."

"Really? It seems that the effect of ginseng is really good." Yang Tianlong said self-justified.

"It should be pretty good. I heard that your Chinese ginseng stuff is all black technology." Medel laughed.

"Do you know the research institute where Professor Black works?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Medel nodded, "Of course I know, he works at the Fifth Research Institute in Bali."

"If I have a chance, I will visit him, and I have friendship with them, but I don't know where he works. Look at my brain." Yang Tianlong said with self-deprecation.

"Actually, you can take the incense root and ask Professor Black to see if plants like the incense root can be planted in a suitable area in Europe. After all, their origin is in Pakistan, and the cost price there must be higher." May Del said seriously.

"That's a good idea." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Chatting with Medel for a while, until Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang, he said sorry to Medel with an apologetic face.

Yang Tianlong was surprised when he took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Rosalia calling him.

I don't know what's going on, as long as Yang Tianlong's wife is by his side, he will always feel guilty when he talks or calls Rosalia.

The wife is not in the living room right now, but there are quite a few people in the living room.

After making the decision, Yang Tianlong couldn't help pressing the answer button: "Hello, Miss Rosalia, Merry Christmas."

"Giggle..." Rosalia's silver bell-like laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Huaxialong, I was just about to say Merry Christmas to you, are you still in Africa this Christmas?"

"No, I'm going home." Yang Tianlong said honestly.

"You really should go home, Christmas is a festival of reunion, with your wife and children at home." Rosalia said with a smile.

"What about you? Are you still in London?" Yang Tianlong quickly changed the subject.

"No, I'm in New York now." Rosalia said with a smile, "Bringing my parents to New York to have fun, I have completely quit the runway, and finally I can take time to take them around the world .”

"That's good, say hello to uncle and aunt for me." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Thank you...Hua Xialong, I haven't thanked you enough for helping me select security personnel. They are very serious and responsible, and they are not twice as strong as those security personnel before the orphanage."

"Because you treat them well, they will work harder." Yang Tianlong replied with a smile.

"Okay, today's Christmas must be very busy, so I won't bother you anymore, and I wish you a Merry Christmas again." Rosalia said.

After finishing the call with Rosalia, Yang Tianlong realized that he should actually call those guys, including Claire, to greet each other for Christmas.

After thinking for a while, he quickly took out his cell phone and called Raff, Wilmots, Vasily, Sman, Hank, Albuquer...they all went over one by one.

After talking on the phone with his close comrade-in-arms, Yang Tianlong called Claire again.

When Clare received Yang Tianlong's call, he was very surprised, but soon he grinned again.

Had an intimate conversation with Claire. Claire lived well in Provence. The goats also entered the local school, and those shortcomings on her body were corrected a lot. Through her own efforts, she is slowly integrating into the local people. in life.

You must know that France has quite a lot of people of African descent in Europe, ranking first in Europe, so it should not be difficult for goats to integrate into the lives of French people.

In the past few months, Claire has been reclusive. On the one hand, he is still afraid of being kidnapped by Stones and Zakyev. On the other hand, he just took advantage of this time to write a book. When he arrived in Europe, he still needed a certain source of income.

"Old man, I may go to Bali in a while, and I will stop by to see you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Really? I welcome it. Call me in advance when you arrive in France." Claire said with a smile.

"No problem. I heard that Provence is a very beautiful place. You should be a good tour guide then."

"Of course, I invite you to eat the local roast goose, it tastes really good, paired with Bordeaux wine, it feels like, hey, I don't know how to organize the words to describe it to you, it will be great anyway "Even Claire, who has quite good writing and language skills, doesn't know how to describe it, so one can imagine how delicious the roast goose tastes.

"Okay, we will contact you later, Merry Christmas, old man." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too, and send my regards to your family," Claire replied.

After finishing talking with Claire, Yang Tianlong discovered that his father-in-law, Mr. Franlo, had also returned.

"Hey, kid, come here, let me introduce you..." Franlo greeted Yang Tianlong with enthusiasm.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of the "reference implementation" "ぁぁぁ" old buddies, thank you old buddies
(End of this chapter)

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