Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 915 Peaceful Christmas Eve

Chapter 915 Peaceful Christmas Eve
Yang Tianlong took a look, and couldn't help being surprised again this time.

It never occurred to him that this guy turned out to be Gordon, the boss of Fuxing Pharmaceutical Factory.

And Gordon recognized Yang Tianlong all of a sudden, and Gordon couldn't help opening his mouth.

In Yang Tianlong's view, if he remembers correctly, they had already greeted Prince Hussein last time when they met. At that time, Yang Tianlong's attitude towards Gordon and the others was not very good. Pointing at the top of a Dubai skyscraper is a bad feeling for anyone.

In order to please Prince Hussein, Gordon also slapped his subordinates a few times.

"Huaxia Dragon. Hello." Gordon, who was in his 60s and looked old and cunning, greeted him first.

Yang Tianlong couldn't imagine why his father-in-law knew Gordon.

"Hello, Mr. Gordon." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be Mr. Franlo's son-in-law." Gordon said with a smile.

"You know each other again?" Franlo really opened his eyes, and he was surprised again. You must know that several friends introduced by Mr. Franlo are actually known to Huaxia Dragon. It seems that this world is too small.

"Being Mr. Franlo's son-in-law is a blessing I have cultivated in my previous life." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"The person who can become his son-in-law must be very good, which shows that you are also good enough." Gordon said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you here." Yang Tianlong said with a look of letting go of his past suspicions.

Gordon nodded, and said with a rather straightforward face: "Huaxialong, I am also very happy to meet you in Germany."


The two chatted for a while, and Franco's angry voice sounded.

"Guys, let's chat while eating. Today is Christmas. It is not easy for everyone to get together. We travel all over the world on weekdays. It is difficult to get together, but now we all get together." It's really not easy to be together." Seeing that all the friends had arrived one by one, Franlo couldn't help but said.

After his proposal, everyone couldn't help but nodded and sat down.

Turkey, German sausage, cured chicken, roasted cowboy, pork leg, foie gras, steamed sea bass, accompanied by the wine presented by Mr. James to Franco...

Of course, there is also Yang Tianlong's favorite wind-blown sausage.

At the dinner table, everyone was talking and laughing, and even Yang Tianlong drank several glasses of wine with Gordon.

Compared with the Gordon I saw last time, this time Gordon is obviously like a little old man.

"Hua Xialong, I would like to invite you to have a meal alone later. I wonder if you can show me some face." From Yang Tianlong's point of view, it may be that Gordon drank too much, or maybe it was because he was drinking too much. Seeing him, he couldn't help but took Yang Tianlong's hand and said.

"I invite you, Mr. Gordon, you are my elder." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"No, I invite you, just the two of us, how about tomorrow in Berlin?" Gordon seemed hesitant to speak.

In fact, Yang Tianlong didn't know why Gordon wanted to entertain him, but his curiosity was aroused. He wanted to see why Gordon invited him to dinner alone. If there was no accident, it was definitely not just a simple emotion Communication is as simple as that.

"Okay, then it's a deal." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Leave a call," Gordon said, pulling out a gold-plated business card.

Yang Tianlong took a look at Gordon's business card, and sure enough, it had the title of the owner of the German Renaissance Pharmaceutical Factory printed on it.

Yang Tianlong had already inquired about this pharmaceutical factory before. It mainly produces biological vaccines, the price is relatively expensive, and the profit of the company is quite good.

As for the history of the black spot, he did not check it on the Internet, but he believed that just because he was threatened by Gordon's horsemen in Dubai last time, he concluded that Gordon must not be an innocent person.

"This is my business card." After taking Gordon's business card, Yang Tianlong also quickly handed over his own business card. His business card is an Ethiopian alpine ranch operator.

The business card only mentioned Ethiopia and did not mention Bunia.

"The farming industry is actually very promising." Gordon said with a slight smile.

"Thank you. Every industry has its own advantages and characteristics." Yang Tianlong said modestly. Of course he knew that Gordon was also being humble with himself. After all, compared with the wealthy Fuxing Pharmaceutical Factory, his alpine pasture was basically It's over.


Mr. Franlo was very interested. After all, there were so many old men present, and everyone had a lively Christmas, but they all looked like gentlemen. After dinner, no one drank too much. It's all just in a state of being slightly drunk.

The heavy snow outside the window was still falling, and after waiting to see off the guests, the snow on the ground was more than ten centimeters deep.

Looking at the snowflakes outside the window, without knowing it, his wife Elena brought Yang Tianlong a cup of hot water.

"Honey, did you drink a lot tonight?" Elena said, looking at her husband distressedly.

"It's okay, you don't know my drinking capacity." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"But seeing how happy you are, I'm also happy." Elena smiled and said.

"Honey, are the two children asleep?" Yang Tianlong looked at his wife and couldn't help asking.

Elena nodded, "They are all asleep."

"Why don't we take a walk around the community. Looking at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, Yang Tianlong suddenly had the urge to take a walk with his wife in the snow."

"Okay." When Elena was in Addis Ababa, she rarely saw snowflakes. As a woman, she also liked snowflakes very much.

Soon, both of them put on thick down jackets and scarves, and walked out of the villa.

The lights of every house in the community reflected a warm light. At this time, the community was extraordinarily quiet, except for an occasional car passing by, no other people or things appeared.

The two held hands, talking affectionately, and before they knew it, they walked to the lake in the community. The whole lake was covered with a thin layer of white gauze, and the water near the shore was also frozen. The ice layer is lifted, giving people a mysterious and quiet beauty.

Holding hands again, they walked around the lake, and the two talked endlessly about love along the way...

It was exactly twelve o'clock when we waited for them to return home.

The old clock tower in the urban area made a dull sound...

For Europeans, the new year has arrived...

This night, Yang Tianlong and his wife stood in front of the window like two young children, watching the snowflakes outside for a long time...

 Thanks to the "Buddha in Hell" old lady monthly ticket support, thank you old lady

(End of this chapter)

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