Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 919 I Was Kissed Awakened by Ocean Waves

Chapter 919 I Was Kissed Awakened by Ocean Waves

The next day, Yang Tianlong woke up early, to his surprise, when he got up, his wife's eyes were also open.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and kissed lightly.

"I was awakened by the sound of the waves." Elena couldn't help but said with a smile.

"I was awakened by your sweet kiss in my dream." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"How about we go outside for a walk, the air is very fresh at this time." Elena offered to propose.

"What about Phyllis and Gianni?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned.

"They?" Elena got up and looked at the two children who were still soundly asleep, and said with a smile at this moment, "They must still sleep for an hour, let's go for a walk and be back in half an hour."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong said while getting up quietly, lest his large movements would startle the two children.

Compared with winter, summer is simpler. He only needs to wear a pair of beach shorts and a T-shirt to go out. If it is winter, he will definitely wear a thick suit to go out, and it will take several minutes.

Elena's movements of getting up were also extremely cautious.

They tiptoed out, and when they came to the beach, they saw Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sofia preparing to come back.

"You guys so early?" Elena looked at them and asked in surprise.

"Of course, your father woke up early to take pictures of the sunrise. The sunrise here is beautiful." Sophia said with a smile.

"Let me see." Elena hurried to Mr. Franlo's side.

"I'll show you the sunrise that your mother and I waited for two hours to take." Franlo turned on the camera and pointed to the camera screen with a smile on his face.

"Wow, so beautiful." Elena was acting as lively and lovely as a child at this moment.

"That is, do you think this photography can be taken casually?" Franlo said with a smile, "You two can play here, and your mother and I will go back first."

"Hey, Dad, Phyllis and Gianni are still sleeping, help us take care of it." Elena said with a smile.

Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sophia couldn't help but nodded, "No problem, you can play on the beach for a while."

There are not many people on the huge beach. The quality of the beach here is good. The sea water is very clear and the sand is quite fine. Walking on it with bare feet feels as comfortable as a foot massage.

The sea waves and the sea breeze blew over slowly, blowing Eileen's beautiful long hair like a fairy, ethereal and refined.

The two held hands and walked side by side on the beach, as if they had returned to the good time of love.

Unknowingly, they chatted from the first acquaintance, and then knew each other and fell in love...

Recalling that time, Elena's face is full of happiness.

After walking more than 2000 meters long beach, the two turned back and walked back.

"Honey, Lion Head and his girlfriend will come over in two days." Yang Tianlong looked at Elena and said with a smile.

"Krisna is coming too?" Elena looked surprised.

"No, it's not Krisna anymore." Yang Tianlong quickly shook his head and corrected himself. Fortunately, he told his wife in advance. don't know what to do.

"Who is that?" Elena suddenly became interested.

"Her name is Mana, a woman from Dai country." Yang Tianlong said.

"When you went to Dai country last time, Lion Head met her?" Elena's reasoning ability was very strong, and she suddenly thought of the scene when her husband went to Dai country.

"Yes, when we went to the bar, Lion Head fell in love with Mana at first sight. He said at the time that he would redeem Mana, but the other party asked for a high price. Guess how much they asked?" Yang Tianlong smiled. asked.

"1000 million dollars." Elena blurted out.

"No, they actually want [-] million dollars." Yang Tianlong laughed.

"Oh my god, are they robbing? It's actually worth [-] million." Elena shook her head involuntarily.

"So the lion head must not be taken advantage of. He simply took Mana and smuggled out. The two drifted at sea for more than a week before returning safely."

"I didn't expect Lion Head to be so infatuated. In fact, I also found out that he is not suitable for Krisna." Elena said seriously.

"Ah, you found out too?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Elena nodded, "Yes, Krisna only took a fancy to the appearance of the lion head, but she didn't notice his flirtatiousness at all, and the lion head must have been a little depressed during that time, so he Only then will he fall into the love network that Krisna has woven for him." Elena began to analyze with reason.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, I think so too, they always quarrel among themselves, splitting and reuniting, just like children playing house."

"So, they are not suitable at all, but I hope that this woman, Mana, can calm Lionhead's heart." Elena said.

"It should be. I have never seen a lion so caring about a woman." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"That's good." Elena smiled.

The two walked on the beach for a while, until the sun became radiant, and then they returned to the villa.

When they got home, Phyllis and Gianni had already woken up, and Mrs. Sofia put on a new set of clothes and shoes for them. Without the constraints of thick clothes, the two little guys became extraordinarily lively Get moving.

"Gentlemen and ladies, breakfast is ready." The maid said respectfully.

"Thank you." Franlo was the closest to the maid, and he couldn't help but nodded to the maid, expressing his gratitude.

Breakfast is European style, milk, bread, bacon...

After breakfast, Elena went upstairs to feed the children, while Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sophia turned on the TV and watched the news.

The weather outside Rydesburg is really hot, so they can only stay in the room.

But in the afternoon, they had already discussed that after lunch break, they would go to the swimming pool for a swim.

Waiting for his wife to finish breastfeeding the two children, Yang Tianlong took them to play happily in the playroom, and didn't give up until the two little ones were tired from playing.

After lunch, the whole family went back to the room to rest.

Phyllis and Gianni had already fallen asleep soundly.Their work and rest time began to become more and more similar to Yang Tianlong and Elena's. In theory, in this way, it would not be so tiring to take care of the two children.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Tianlong and Elena pushed the baby carriage to the side of the swimming pool.

"Be good, Mom and Dad, go swim in the swimming pool for a while." Yang Tianlong pinched the faces of the two little guys gently with his hands.

Phyllis and Gianni nodded sensiblely.

 Thanks to the monthly tickets of "Ye Luo Fan Hua" and "Pay a fart" two old brothers for their support, thank you old buddies
(End of this chapter)

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