Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 920 Villa Swimming

Chapter 920 Villa Swimming
Less than 10 minutes after Yang Tianlong and Elena brought their two children to the swimming pool, Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sofia also came over wearing bath towels.

"Hey, children." Mr. Franlo always looked extremely enthusiastic, and before he reached them, he greeted them enthusiastically.

"Hi sir." Yang Tianlong replied with a smile.

"How long have you been here?" Franlo asked involuntarily, looking at the blue pool of water.

"We've only been here for a few minutes, Dad." Elena laughed.

"The children look very good." When he came to the children, Franlo couldn't help but gently touched the pink faces of Felice and Gianni.

"Let them be the audience for a while." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Maybe they will be able to swim in the water in two years, and then put a swimming ring on them." Franlo said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Yes, they will be as brave as their grandpa in the future." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Haha, Hua Xialong, you're putting on a high hat for me again." Franlo said as he tore off the bath towel on his body and threw it aside.

"Let's go into the water." He came to the pool, dipped his hands in the water, and patted his chest vigorously.

After finishing, Franlo took a deep breath, and after moving his limbs, he stabbed down with a slam.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon, the temperature of the water is not bad." Franlo said while changing his swimming posture to backstroke.

"Really? I'll give it a try." Yang Tianlong smiled, and after a simple warm-up, he stabbed down.

The swimming pool is big enough for them to swim happily in it.

However, Elena was a little afraid to go to the deep water area, and she didn't dare to slowly try to enter the deep water area until her husband found a swimming ring for her.

Compared to Elena's poor swimming skills, her mother, Mrs. Sophia, was an out-and-out master swimmer. In the blue water, Mrs. Sophia swam happily in it like a fish.

Not to mention that swimming is really a fitness sport, after an hour, Yang Tianlong felt that more than half of his physical strength was exhausted.

The same was true for Franlo, who even lay down on the deck chair by the pool, smoking a cigar with a contented face, looking like a big boss.

"Mom and Dad, let's go to the city center at night. I heard that there is a beautiful unearthed cultural relic from ancient Egypt that will be exhibited in the Reedsburg Museum tonight." Elena knew that her father, Mr. Franlo, was not only fond of photography He also likes cultural relics. He basically has his own research on the history of various countries in the world.

"Really? Child." Franlo couldn't help but sat up from the recliner.

"Yes, and their exhibition time is only at night." Elena was a little confused, not knowing why the exhibition time of the unearthed cultural relics was at night.

"Perhaps the beauty of that cultural relic can only be seen at night." Franlo explained, "At night, some cultural relics will emit a different gorgeous light."

"Is there such a miraculous phenomenon?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but sat up all of a sudden, and said with a surprised face.

Franco nodded, "Of course, scientists don't know the specific reason, but some wizards have put forward their own opinions, that is, the reason for the light may be the connection with the underworld and other planets. "

"How to contact? Like we called today?" Elena asked very interested.

"How is it possible? It's actually like a target. When the underworld or other planets discover these lights, they will naturally gather." Franlo said with a smile.

"So that's what happened." Elena couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"By the way, child, how do you know?" Franlo looked at his daughter and asked with a smile.

"I read the news at noon." Elena said, "The shape of that cultural relic is like the current TV tower. It is said that the light at night will emit different lights according to different time periods. "

"I didn't even know." Franlo said while taking out his mobile phone. The network here is also excellent. After all, the rich people enjoy things regardless of cost.

The webpage opened instantly, and Franlo quickly entered the relevant information of this cultural relic, and soon some information appeared.

Sure enough, the shape of this cultural relic is like a TV tower, with a height of 2 meters and a width of 50 centimeters at the base, connected by irregular things in the middle.

"The name of this thing is a sacrificial tower." Franlo said while shaking his head, "It shouldn't be called a sacrificial tower. I have seen the ancient Egyptians' sacrificial towers, and not only one, but several. None of them are in this shape."

"Then what do you think should be called more appropriate? Sir." Mrs. Sophia couldn't help asking.

"I think it should be called the Tower of God." Franlo said with a laugh, "Actually, I don't know what it should be called. After all, we are not familiar with what the ancient Egyptians used it for."

"Those are all towers." Elena smiled.

"Let's go, let's pack up and go to the city center for dinner later, and then go to the museum to see the mysterious cultural relic." Franlo greeted the family.

In fact, everyone was a little tired from swimming. Seeing Franlo greet everyone, they couldn't help but nodded, took their things, and walked towards the villa.

The ladies dressed up carefully, and around five o'clock, the whole family walked out of the villa neatly and got into a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

The car drove towards the city quickly and steadily, and this time they chose a restaurant in Italia.

Mr. Franlo is from Italia, and he is naturally ecstatic to be able to eat the taste of his hometown here.

Italia cuisine is very rich, with thousands of dishes.The long-established Italian cuisine has had a profound impact on the cuisine of European and American countries, and has developed a variety of factions including French cuisine and American cuisine, so it is known as the "mother of Western cuisine".

After the whole family was seated, Franlo couldn't help but hugged the waiter there when he heard the familiar Italian.

Soon, he flipped through the menu with great interest.

This Italian restaurant combines the essence of Italian food, including Florentine steak, Roman devil chicken, Naples grilled lobster, Barry turtle, Osburg beef knuckle, Zamageron salad, Milleste pasta, Egg minced meat sauce, meat and white bean salad, green pepper stewed chicken, braised prawns, grilled fish, cold chicken, white bean soup, ham cut noodles...

"Madam, you order first." After looking at the recipe, Mr. Franlo handed it to his wife with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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