Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 924 invites you to participate in an international forum

Chapter 924 invites you to participate in an international forum

The phone was connected quickly, and Bazar's enthusiastic voice came from the other end.

"Hello, my old buddy..."

"Hello, my butler..."


"Haha, Huaxia Dragon, what's the matter?" After exchanging a few pleasantries, Bazar couldn't help asking.

When Yang Tianlong heard this, he didn't beat around the bush, and directly told Bazar that the son of President Catalia, Sebastian, appeared on this beach.

Bazar was taken aback at first, because he didn't expect Yang Tianlong to know Sebastian.

"He should be here to attend the petroleum conference this time." Bazar said after a pause.

"Petroleum conference?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, in two days the World Energy and Development Conference will be held in Reedsberg, the capital of Karta. Representatives from some of the world's major oil countries and oil entrepreneurs will gather here, so I will I'm very busy, and His Royal Highness is not here, so I have to make preparations." Bazar said with a sigh.

Seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong didn't intend to continue asking.

After a brief chat with Bazar on the phone, everyone hung up the phone unanimously.

After finishing the call, the phone rang again before it was put in his pocket.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that this time it was a call from his good brother Lion Head.

Lionhead said that he was going to bring Mana to Reedsburg, so he presumably should be talking about this matter.

Thinking that Lion Head was coming, Yang Tianlong pressed the answer button impatiently.

Sure enough, on the phone, Lionhead stated that he would fly to Reedsburg with Mana tomorrow.

"No problem, at noon tomorrow, I will take the team to the airport to meet you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's see you tomorrow, old man." Lion Head said with a rather excited expression.

After finishing the call with Lion Head, Yang Tianlong returned to the bedroom, only to find that his wife was no longer in the bedroom, presumably she had brought the two children downstairs.

Walked downstairs.

As soon as I got to the place where I could see the living room on the stairs, I heard the voice of my father-in-law, Mr. Francoise floating over.

"Son, you came just in time, here is an invitation."

"Invitation card?" Yang Tianlong's gaze was fixed on Franlo's hand.

"Yes, an invitation card, come and have a look, it was sent by Mr. Bazar just now." Franlo said with a smile.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and walked quickly towards Franlo's position.

After receiving the invitation, he opened it and saw that it was Bazar's invitation to participate in the Energy and Development Conference.

Just when he was a little confused, the phone in his hand rang again.

It was Bazar's call.

This time Bazar told him a little sorry that he forgot to tell him just now, and this time he was also invited to attend the meeting.

Bazar didn't say too many words, but Yang Tianlong understood a little bit in his heart. He will definitely get to know many national leaders and some well-known entrepreneurs by participating in this conference. In terms of blocks, it will definitely help a lot.

"Thank you, old man, I will attend the meeting as scheduled." Yang Tianlong smiled and expressed his thanks to Bazar on the other end of the phone.

"Not bad, I can still attend this meeting." Mr. Franlo, father-in-law, also saw the contents of the invitation.

"Bazar is a guy who has the right to use it and expire it." Yang Tianlong said jokingly.

But Franlo didn't seem to hear this sentence, he couldn't help but frowned, and then looked around Yang Tianlong, as if admiring a work of art.

After a while, Franlo withdrew his gaze, then looked at Yang Tianlong and said, "Son, you have to order a high-end suit."

"Bazar has already sent someone on the way." Yang Tianlong said with a smile, "They will make it for me."

"Really?" Franlo couldn't help but smiled, then nodded.

"Yes." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, several tailors sent by Bazar arrived at the villa, and Yang Tianlong began to measure carefully, working for a long time before leaving.

As soon as these tailors left, one of Yang Tianlong's servants walked in helplessly, spread his hands at Yang Tianlong, shrugged, and said, "Master, I don't know what happened, a black man came to this neighborhood, that guy Like a lunatic, you better not go out, when I went out just now, that guy rode an electric balance bike and started racing in the community, the speed was not slow, and almost hit me."

"This neighborhood is a high-end place, so there is such a thing?" Franlo was surprised.

"That's true, sir." The servant said seriously.

"Thank you for your reminder." Franlo didn't have the energy to compete with the crazy black man the servant said, so he nodded at the servant involuntarily.


During the meal in the evening, Yang Tianlong told his family that the lion head and Mana were going to Reedsburg tomorrow.

"Who is Lion Head?" In Franlo's memory, he didn't seem to have any impression of Lion Head.

Yang Tianlong briefly told Franlo the story of the lion's head, and Franlo couldn't help but praised, "This guy is a pretty good person, at least he still has some principles."

Mrs. Sophia on the side was a little confused. After hearing the principled words her husband said just now, she couldn't help asking: "Honey, what do you mean by principled?"

"He doesn't sell drugs, that's the principle." Franlo said with a smile, "Drugs can really destroy a person's will."

This time Mrs. Sophia understood it all at once, and she couldn't help but nodded, "That's true. Although Hua Xialong said just now that the lion head has various shortcomings, I think he is not bad in terms of being a human being."

Seeing that his parents-in-law were not bad at evaluating his friends, Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

He was already looking forward to meeting Lion's Head tomorrow. In his opinion, perhaps what he wanted to hear more was the love experience between Lion's Head and Mana, which was full of obstacles along the way.

His wife Elena also deeply felt what her husband was thinking, she couldn't help getting into her husband's arms, and quietly felt Yang Tianlong's slightly violent heart beating with her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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