Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 925 The Arrival of the Lion Head

Chapter 925 The Arrival of the Lion Head
Father-in-law Mr. Franlo was greeted by Lion Head and Mana at the airport with Yang Tianlong.

Originally, Elena and Mrs. Sofia were also planning to go, but Felice and Gianni were crying so much, so they had no spare time at all, and could only be coaxed by each of them.

There seems to be a big conflict between Felice and Gianni. Even when Yang Tianlong kissed them, they were reluctant. After the kiss, they cried even harder. No one can coax anyone.

Mr. Franlo also looked helpless.

But when they saw Lion's Head and Mana, their unhappy mood immediately improved.

When Franlo saw Lion's Head and Mana, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Lion's head is extremely handsome, and Miss Mana is like a fairy. They really are an extremely well-matched couple.

As soon as Lion Head saw Yang Tianlong, he couldn't help but opened his arms before he approached, and couldn't wait to give Yang Tianlong a big hug.

When Yang Tianlong saw the exaggerated appearance of the guy with the lion head, he couldn't help laughing, and then he hurried forward to meet him.

The two hugged each other tightly for a while before separating.

"Huaxialong..." Although Mana and Yang Tianlong had met only a handful of times, she still remembered this excellent man all at once.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Mana." Yang Tianlong shook hands with Mana.

"Let me introduce, this is my father-in-law, the famous photographer Mr. Franco..."

After a brief introduction, Yang Tianlong took the lion head and they boarded two Rolls-Royces respectively.

Lionhead had been to Dubai before, and he couldn't help but be sincerely impressed by the city full of local tyrants. He originally thought that Dubai was the most wealthy city he had ever been to, but after arriving in Reedsburg, he changed his mind again. It turns out that Reedsburg, like Dubai, is also an international metropolis full of local tyrants.

The Rolls-Royce galloped all the way towards the sea view villa area. Along the way, Mana's hand tightly grasped the lion's head's hand.

The lion head looked at Mana with a charming smile.


After they arrived at the villa, Elena and Madam Sophia greeted them at the door.

"Where are Phyllis and Gianni?" Yang Tianlong didn't see the two children at the door this time.

"They're playing in the playroom." Elena said with a smile.

"Finally coaxed?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Elena nodded, "Finally coaxed."

"That's good, these two guys are getting more and more mischievous." Yang Tianlong said quickly before Lion Head and Mana got out of the car.

"Their car is here." At this time, his wife Elena reminded her softly.

As soon as the words were finished, the Rolls-Royce in which Lion Head and Mana were riding had already driven to the door.

The servants in the villa hurried over, a man and a woman opened the car door for Lion Head and Mana respectively.

"Hey, beautiful Ms. Elena." As soon as Lion Head got out of the car, he greeted Elena who was standing at the door with enthusiasm.

"Hello, Mr. Kondo." Elena greeted him quickly.

And Mana also took advantage of the situation and came to her lover's side.

"Let me introduce, this is my girlfriend, Miss Mana, she is from the Dai country..." Lion Head introduced eloquently.

After the introductions one by one, everyone walked into the villa.

"A very beautiful villa, yours?" Lion Head simply looked around the villa and couldn't help but praise.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes."

"You guys can do it." Lion Head smiled.

"You can come whenever you want to go on vacation." Yang Tianlong said while pointing to the big table of sumptuous food, "Let's chat while eating."

"Okay." Lion Head nodded, but looked at the stairs. He and Mana went back to the upstairs room to store their luggage. He came down earlier, and Mana was still in the room. .

"Mana..." Seeing that Mana hadn't come down yet, Lion's Head quickly walked up to the stairs, and called upstairs softly.

"I heard you, dear, come down immediately." Mana replied quickly.

"Wait a moment." Lion Head said embarrassedly to Yang Tianlong and Elena.

"It's okay." Elena quickly replied.

In less than a minute, Mana came down with two exquisite handbags in his hand.

Both Yang Tianlong and Elena couldn't help frowning.

"Hua Xialong, Elena, this is a gift prepared by Lion Head and I for Felice and Gianni." Mana smiled and picked up the handbag in his hand.

"Thank you..." Yang Tianlong and Elena did not refuse, in their opinion, it is very impolite to refuse at this time.

"This is what we should do. We are here to cause you trouble this time." Mana spoke in a very appropriate language.

After receiving the gift, they didn't rush to eat right away, but came to the playroom.

Lionhead and Mana gave Phyllis and Gianni toys, the boys were Transformers, and the girls were Barbie dolls. When Phyllis and Gianni saw this beautiful and fun gift, they hurriedly bought toys from another place. One end crawled over.

As soon as they got the gift, they couldn't put it down.

"They are really two cute guys." Lion Head couldn't help but gently kissed Felice's face, but he got a slightly "disdainful" look from Felice.

Seeing Felice's "disgusting" appearance, everyone burst into laughter.

After amusing Phyllis and Gianni for a while, everyone came to the restaurant.

Lunch is very rich, all seafood feast.

Everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

After lunch, everyone amused Phyllis and Gianni for a while before returning to their rooms.

They have already made an appointment to take a break at noon and go to the beach for a swim at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

But this time at the beach, Yang Tianlong met another acquaintance.

A long-lost acquaintance.

When that acquaintance saw Yang Tianlong, he was also surprised.

He also never expected to meet Yang Tianlong in this place again.

"You know him?" The lion head on the side couldn't help being surprised.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "I know."

"He seems to have something to say to you." Lion Head said.

"I can see it too." Yang Tianlong said as he swam towards the target.

"I'll help you watch..." Lion Head followed closely behind.

 Thanks to "Dragon King Ghost" and "Road Roller 008" for their monthly support, thank you guys
(End of this chapter)

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