Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 926 Death List

Chapter 926 Death List
Seeing Eva hinting to himself, Yang Tianlong looked around and saw that his wife and mother-in-law were taking care of the children, and his father-in-law was also lying on the beach chair leisurely smoking a cigar, no one seemed to notice him .

Finally, he was getting closer and closer to Eva.

"At eight o'clock tonight, at the entrance of the Shangri-La Hotel." Eva said calmly as she passed by him calmly.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then watched Eva swim out from his side.

Lion Head was also quite surprised, originally thought they would have a heated conversation, but unexpectedly it passed in seconds...

"Hey, buddy, she?" The lion head also quickly came to Yang Tianlong's side.

"Come out with me at night." Yang Tianlong looked at the lion's head and said seriously.

"Your lover?" Lion Head seemed to be very familiar with the woman just now.

"She is Eva." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Eva?" Lion Head tried hard to recall the woman's name in his mind, and after a while, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh suddenly, "I'm rough, I know her."

"Isn't she the one who escaped at Lake Albert last year?" Lionhead said.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, it's her."

"She's really not an ordinary person." Lion Head said rather meaningfully.

"I saw her when I was in Dubai." Yang Tianlong said.

"We were at Dubai Airport last time?" Lion Head asked quickly.

"No, I was in Dubai last year." Yang Tianlong said.

"And then?" Lion Head asked hastily.

"She told me that she herself was a commercial spy, and that when she was in Dubai last year, she stole the biological vaccine from the German Renaissance pharmaceutical factory."

"A commercial spy?" Lion Head couldn't help becoming a little interested.

"To be honest, I think a commercial spy is just one of her many identities." Yang Tianlong vaguely felt that there must be something for Eva to find him, otherwise, she would not ask him to meet at night.

"What did she tell you just now?" Lion Head asked hastily.

"She asked me to meet her at the Shangri-La Hotel at eight o'clock tonight." Yang Tianlong looked at the lion's head and said calmly.

"Then what do you think?" Lion Head also looked at Yang Tianlong closely.

"You go with me." Yang Tianlong nodded to the lion head.

"I'll go with you?" Lion Head was taken aback, but then he nodded quickly, he understood the meaning of Yang Tianlong's words.

"Okay, I'll call Wilmots later and ask him to call you, you understand." Lionhead said after thinking about it.

"I knew that you, like Wilmots, knew me best." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, and walked towards the beach.

The lion's head stood in the sea water for a long time, and then he couldn't help but sighed, and followed Yang Tianlong's trajectory.

When Yang Tianlong saw Wilmots on the phone, he was not surprised at all, and he turned up the voice so loudly that Mr. Franlo, who was lying on the beach chair, could hear it.

"Hey, buddy, I'm at the Reedsburg airport now, I heard you're in Reedsburg, come and meet?"


"That is, it's been a long time since I saw you, I really miss you..."


After waiting for Yang Tianlong to hang up the phone, he realized that his wife was looking at him tenderly.

"Honey, you go." Elena said softly to Yang Tianlong.

"Have you heard it all?" Yang Tianlong looked embarrassed.

Elena nodded, "Yes, your phone was very loud just now, don't make it too loud in the future, it may not be good for hearing."

"Okay, thank you dear, I'll go with Lion Head, I'll work hard on you tonight, I'll be back before ten o'clock." Yang Tianlong said.

Elena nodded.


At 07:30 in the evening, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head drove straight to the Shangri-La Hotel, but this time Lion Head became the driver.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the garden in front of the hotel on time.

The lion head is still some distance away from Yang Tianlong, the purpose of his coming is to cooperate with Yang Tianlong in acting, and the other is to protect him.

In the garden of the hotel, Yang Tianlong waited for more than 20 minutes, but he still didn't find Eva.

He even began to wonder if he heard it wrong in the afternoon.

Just when he was feeling a little flustered, he suddenly saw a woman wearing Kartha's special costume passing by him quickly.

"Follow me." The woman's voice floated into Yang Tianlong's ears.

When Yang Tianlong heard this, his heart trembled immediately. This was Eva's voice.

I saw Eva walking quickly towards the front.

Yang Tianlong followed closely behind, keeping a distance of more than ten meters from Eva.

Seeing this, Lion Head hurriedly followed.

It's several blocks down the street in Reedsburg.

Eva finally stopped too, and she got into a mosque.

Yang Tianlong looked at this magnificent mosque for a while, and then he also got in.

"Huaxia Dragon..." In a small room in the mosque, Eva slowly lifted her veil.

"Eva." Yang Tianlong looked at Eva in front of him calmly.

"You leave Reedsburg quickly." Eva shook her head at him.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, and stared at Eva in front of him with wide eyes, "Why?"

"Prince Nuerman is going to assassinate you." Eva said seriously.

"You know Prince Nuerman?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes, he is my employer now. You, Prince Hussein, and Steward Bazar are all on his death list now." Eva said with a serious face.

"Eva, you are a kind woman and a just woman. Don't you know that Nuerman has gone crazy?" Yang Tianlong looked at Eva and said indignantly.

He really wanted to yell loudly, but in the mosque that was so quiet at night, he found that he couldn't do it. He had to be careful not to be discovered by unnecessary people.

"I know, but my boss doesn't think so. He likes money, especially US dollars, so we have to attack you. I know you are in the sea view villa area, so I came here to tell you." Eva said Face said helplessly.

"Eva, you can actually help us." Yang Tianlong looked at Eva for a while, and suddenly he couldn't help but say it.

As soon as these words came out, Eva couldn't help being taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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