Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 927 Betrayal

Chapter 927 Betrayal
"I'm here to help you now, you leave Reedsburg quickly, Huaxia Dragon." The expression on Eva's face became a little pleading, she didn't want Yang Tianlong to be killed by her partners.

"No, Eva, you misunderstood me." But Yang Tianlong shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Eva asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"You can help us get rid of Prince Nuerman." After a pause, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said.

"No, I can't betray my boss." I thought Eva would hesitate, but she suddenly shook her head and said seriously.

"No, are you betraying? You are redeeming yourself." Yang Tianlong immediately changed his thinking.

"Redemption?" Eva looked at Yang Tianlong puzzled.

"You think your affairs are full of justice, but have you ever thought about it? You are just doing it for money. In front of the dollar, you are all slaves." Yang Tianlong said to Eva word by word.

"No, we are not slaves to money." Eva retorted again, but this time her rebuttal was so pale and powerless.

"You are right. The last biological vaccine incident and this incident have all proved that you are slaves to money. In front of money, you can be loyal to any rich person. You will only do things from Starting from interests, not justice, you know? That guy Nuerman hired head-down masters from Southeast Asia, and those head-down masters almost killed me." Yang Tianlong finally became a little hysterical this time, and he became Like an angry lion.

Eva was a little surprised, she seemed to feel that the man in front of her was completely different from the Huaxialong she knew before, at least the one before was full of smiles to her, but now this Huaxialong, he didn't seem to Couldn't be more friendly.

"I don't want to hurt you, so I tried every means to get close to you, and I want you to leave quickly." Eva's body was a little weak, and she staggered and fell a few steps backward.

"Can I run away from the monk to the temple?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling bitterly, "Even if I can escape today, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? As long as Nuerman doesn't die, I will always be assassinated by him. Live forever in fear."

Eva didn't speak, she bit her lips tightly, and her chest was shaking up and down violently, it seemed that she was having a fierce ideological struggle in her heart.

"Eva, I don't want to hurt you either, and I can promise not to hurt you, but I hope you can provide me with the private email address of Prince Nuerman." For this kind of thing, Nuerman and Eva's boss must be In Yang Tianlong's opinion, as long as he obtained Prince Nuerman's private email account, they would be able to catch Nuerman in one go.

Eva continued to remain silent, but her chest rose and fell even more violently, and fierce ideological struggles continued in her mind.

On the one hand, she didn't want Yang Tianlong to be hurt;

On the other hand, she doesn't want her boss to suffer...

She carefully weighed the pros and cons in her heart, Yang Tianlong looked at Eva closely for a while, and seeing that she was still thinking, he also cast his gaze out of the window of this mosque.

Outside is a brightly lit world...

"I'll tell you." Suddenly, Eva's voice drifted into Yang Tianlong's ears again.

Yang Tianlong was startled, then looked at Eva with a smile on his face, and nodded involuntarily.

"His private email address is..." Eva said with an unusually calm face.

"Thank you..." Yang Tianlong has quickly remembered it in his heart.

"I'm going first, so you can take care of yourself." After saying this, Eva strode out.

Yang Tianlong stayed alone in the silent night for a while, and after 10 minutes, he walked out.

"Old man." Lion Head has been staying outside the mosque, but he didn't notice anything just now.

"Let's go to Bazar now." Yang Tianlong said to the lion head.

"Who is Bazar?" Lion Head was stunned and asked quickly.

"You'll know when you get there." Yang Tianlong also walked towards the hotel in stride.

After arriving at the hotel, Lion Head went to pick up the car, while Yang Tianlong quickly took out his mobile phone, first called his wife, and told her that he had something to do with Bazar, and asked her to rest first.

His wife Elena can understand Yang Tianlong very well, but she still does not forget to tell her husband that the weather may be a little cold at night, so don't catch a cold.

After finishing the call with his wife, Yang Tianlong hurriedly called Bazar again. During the phone call, Yang Tianlong didn't tell Bazar why he was going to meet him now, but only asked about his current location. s position.

Bazar on the other end of the phone also felt a different breath in the air, he quickly told Yang Tianlong his address, and quickly put down the matter in his hands, and handed it over to the servants.

On the way to meet with Bazar, Yang Tianlong contacted Peter Udlov and asked him to crack the account password of this mailbox at all costs.

Peter patted his chest on the other end of the phone and said there was no problem at all.


Half an hour later, at 09:30 in the evening, Yang Tianlong finally met Bazar at his villa in the city.

"Huaxia Dragon, what's the matter?" Bazar hurried up to meet him.

"Nurman is going to attack us this time." Yang Tianlong said directly without beating around the bush.

"Really? What's wrong with him?" Bazar frowned tightly.

Right now, Nuerman has been in Europe. Since the last incident, he has not returned to Karta. He originally thought that he would stop, but they all misunderstood it now.

"This is his private email account, and I'm looking for someone to crack it." Yang Tianlong said while handing Bazar a private email account, which he wrote on the way here just now.

"Did they use this mailbox to send messages?" Bazar asked.

"Yes, I think once we crack this mailbox, there will be evidence to kill Nuerman." Yang Tianlong replied.

"Has the person you asked cracked it?" Bazar asked quickly.

"I only talked to him for less than half an hour, probably not yet."

"Why don't I ask our country's network security department to crack it." Bazar was also very anxious. After all, an international conference will be held in two days. If there is a problem at that time, who will it be? Said it was a huge blow.

"We must crack it before the meeting." Bazar said firmly.

"Yes, and Nuerman must be arrested immediately." Yang Tianlong said.

"Then I will report to His Royal Highness now. The special plane is now flying to London. Once the email password is cracked, our agents can arrest Nuerman immediately." Bazar took out his mobile phone while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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