Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 928 Can the password be cracked?

Chapter 928 Can the password be cracked?

Right now, Bazar doesn't care that it's eleven o'clock in the evening. After all, this matter is not a small matter, but a matter related to the fate of many people.

Prince Hussein's call was quickly connected. Hearing the lazy voice on the other side, it is not difficult to guess that Prince Hussein must have fallen asleep, and was awakened by Bazar's call from a dream. .

During the phone call, Bazar also changed from being a bit wordy in the past, and this time he basically only focused on the key points. After the speech, Prince Hussein, who was originally a little confused on the other end of the phone, suddenly became terrified. My eyebrows danced with joy.

He even yelled a few "good" words in his mouth.

He is still worried about how to choose a reasonable way to deal with Prince Nuerman, but now Nuerman has completely given him such a great opportunity.

After being overjoyed, Prince Hussein asked a question, whether the hacker Yang Tianlong found would work.

Regarding this question, Bazar was suddenly choked up. He knew that he could not lie in front of Prince Hussein, and he didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he couldn't help covering the microphone of his mobile phone and asked Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and told Mr. Bazar that there was no problem at all.

For Peter Udlov's hacking technology, Yang Tianlong still absolutely believes.

Bazar seemed to be moved by Yang Tianlong's resolute gaze, and he couldn't help answering the phone with a swearing expression on his face.

"Your Highness, there is no problem at all, please trust us."

"That's good, let the special plane take off now and bring the arrest warrant, but this matter must still be kept secret." Aside from the excitement, Prince Hussein did not forget to keep it secret.

Bazar nodded, indicating that there is no problem at all.

After finishing the call with Prince Hussein, Bazar looked at Yang Tianlong and nodded with relief, "Old man, we will rely on the hacker you mentioned this time."

"No problem." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"It's getting late, you guys should go back early." Bazar looked at the time at this moment, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Okay, then let's go back first. Once he gets the documents in the mailbox, I will notify you as soon as possible." Yang Tianlong said.

Bazar nodded, and gently embraced Yang Tianlong.

On the way back, Bazar specially sent two cars of armed guards to follow Yang Tianlong and the others.

On the way back, his cell phone didn't ring.

After waiting and returning home, there was still no movement on the phone.


As time passed, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel a little worried. He began to worry that Peter would not be able to crack the code.

If this is the case, how should I report to Prince Hussein?
Lying on the bed after simply washing up, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but sighed softly.

Originally thought that the sound of his sigh was quite subtle, and no one would be able to detect it, but Yang Tianlong made a mistake this time. At least, the wife who was sleeping next to him felt his husband's sigh keenly at the first time.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?" Elena's voice drifted over gently.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that his wife was not asleep either.

"I'm fine, I just had a dream and woke up with a fright." Yang Tianlong patted his chest with a "frightened" face while talking.

"That's good, go to bed quickly, you came back so late." Elena said while tucking the corner of the quilt for him.

"What time is it?" Yang Tianlong didn't know how long he had been in bed, and in the dark night, he couldn't help asking his wife.

"It's one o'clock in the morning." Elena said.

"Okay, let's go to bed then." Yang Tianlong said while closing his eyes.

However, after he closed his eyes, all he could think about was why Peter hadn't cracked the code yet. Could it be that the code was really strong?
He didn't fall asleep at all, he just lay quietly on the bed with his hands folded in front of his chest, and tried his best not to make any sound.

Time passed bit by bit again, and I don't know how long it took. Finally, Yang Tianlong jumped up from the bed as if he was electrocuted immediately after hearing the phone ringing.

Picking up the phone, it turned out to be a message from Peter.

"Boss, the password has been cracked, and the file has been sent to your mailbox." The message Peter sent was only a few words.

Yang Tianlong clenched his fists and became excited.

While waiting for him to be excited, he remembered that his wife had been lying beside him.

After calming down, he turned his head to look at his wife who was still on the bed for the first time, only to see that her eyes were slightly closed, her face was breathing evenly...

It was so risky that I almost didn't disturb her.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, then gently lifted the quilt, put on slippers, and then tiptoed out of the bedroom.

The study is next door.

Walk into the study, turn on the computer, and quickly log in to your mailbox.

Sure enough, he received an email message from Peter.

Nullman's email correspondence with Eva's boss, a guy named Janklowski.

Without exception, the emails in it were all about Prince Hussein, Bazar and him. The assassination scenes and subjective imagination conditions were set up a lot, and the methods were various and extremely cruel.

The more Yang Tianlong looked at it, the angrier he became. If it wasn't for the fact that it was only after five o'clock in the morning, he would have slapped the desk hard.

After sorting out the files, he copied a few more copies and uploaded them to his own cloud space. Yang Tianlong then hurriedly sent them to Mr. Bazar. If he guessed correctly, Bazar was probably in the same mood as him. It's the kind that sleeps through the night.

Sure enough, less than half a minute after his message was sent, when Yang Tianlong was about to call, Bazar called him first.

"Huaxialong, I received it. This time Nuerman will definitely die. Our people can arrest them in the morning, and those who are active in Reedsburg will also be arrested." Bazar Said excitedly.

"Mr. Bazar, in fact, I still have a condition. I don't know whether to say it or not, but my heart tells me that I have to say it." Originally thought that Yang Tianlong would agree with him, but unexpectedly Bazaar Er heard such a sentence.

Bazar was startled, and couldn't help asking: "Huaxia Dragon, what's the condition? Tell me quickly."

"I hope..." Yang Tianlong said word by word.

Bazar hesitated for a moment, and began to weigh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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