Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 931 I'm Sorry, I'm Not Interested In That Hundred Million Oil Field

Chapter 931 I'm Sorry, I'm Not Interested In That Ten Billion Oil Field

However, to his surprise, during lunch, Sebastian didn't mention Jiang Zhaocheng at all.

On the contrary, he said a lot of similar words. After finishing the meal with Sebastian, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but think in his heart. Can Sebastian also find out that he has a different relationship with Prince Hussein?

The afternoon was a meeting for discussion, which started less than half an hour after they had eaten lunch.

The guests attending the meeting had a full discussion on future energy and development, and as the host country, Prince Hussein of Karta also continued to attend the meeting in person.

Yang Tianlong has been listening carefully, he didn't speak, because he doesn't know much about oil, he only knows that there is an oil field in central Africa already in his hands.

After the meeting in the afternoon, Bazar quickly walked towards Yang Tianlong.

"Huaxia Dragon, wait a moment." Bazar smiled at him.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong smiled.

I saw Bazar took out his mobile phone and began to chatter endlessly. It seemed that he should be contacting a certain business boss.

A minute later, Bazar hung up the phone.

"Let's wait for him in the living room on the fourth floor," Bazar said.

"The friend you introduced to me?" Yang Tianlong asked as he walked.

Bazar nodded, "Yes, he is the president of Lanfei Oil Group and our partner in Africa. I am going to invite him to invest in your oil field in South Sudan."

"Yes, welcome." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"That guy still has a lot of influence in Africa, and politicians from many countries are his guests, so if you have troubles in Africa, especially some dark things, it will definitely be helpful to find him." Bazar said with a smile.

The two stayed in the living room on the fourth floor for less than 2 minutes, only to see the door of the meeting room being slowly opened.

An old white man who looked a bit shriveled walked in.

Behind the old man was also a large group of bodyguards in black.

However, those bodyguards who looked tall and burly were also blocked by Bazar's servants.

This is an extremely private meeting, so naturally there should not be too many participants.

"Mr. White, hello." Bazar got up and walked towards the old man.

"Hello, Mr. Bazar." The old man nodded towards Bazar.

"Mr. White, let me introduce. This is my friend, Huaxialong, and also a good friend of our prince..." Bazar first introduced Yang Tianlong.

"Hello, buddy." Mr. White nodded at Yang Tianlong, and then stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Mr. White." Yang Tianlong didn't dare to neglect, although this shriveled little old man looked a little ugly, but when he looked carefully, he had quite a strong aura.

"Huaxia Dragon, this is our partner in Africa, Mr. White, Mr. White's ancestry is Dutch, and he himself is very powerful..." Bazar also began to introduce Mr. White.

There were many words of praise in Bazar's words, but White looked calm. He was not young, and he had already heard these words of praise many times.

After a brief introduction, the three sat down.

"Mr. White, there is a business I want to cooperate with you. I wonder if you are interested?" Bazar looked at White after taking a sip of water.

White nodded and said, "Mr. Bazar, tell me."

"It's like this. Now my old buddy Huaxialong has an oil field worth tens of billions of dollars in South Sudan. He wants to open up cooperation. Do you have any interest?"

"South Sudan?" White couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, South Sudan." Bazar nodded.

"Where is the location in South Sudan? The area occupied by the government forces or the Musala-occupied area or the Nuertu armed forces?" White spoke like a machine gun.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard what White said. He didn't expect that White was very familiar with the situation in South Sudan.

"Under the control of Nuertu armed forces." Yang Tianlong said.

"Where?" White's face showed a look of embarrassment, and his brows gradually began to frown.

"Yes, I have a close relationship with the leader of the Nuertu tribe, General Sardin." Yang Tianlong replied directly.

"Sorry, with all due respect, I'm not optimistic about it." White shook his head and refused directly.

Bazar suddenly became very embarrassed. He thought there was nothing wrong with this matter, but Mr. White turned him down all of a sudden.

"Mr. White, that is a high-quality oil field, worth at least tens of billions of dollars, and the golden waterway there has been fully connected, and the transportation is very convenient." Bazar said hastily.

"Mr. Bazar, Mr. Huaxialong, I'm sorry, I'm a businessman, I have to consider issues from the perspective of commercial interests, I know what you said, but the political situation in South Sudan is very complicated, I can't take risks like this, An oil field worth tens of billions of dollars, no matter what, I have to invest billions of dollars, if one day that oil field disappears, all my billions of dollars will be in vain.” White looked determined, looking It can be concluded that he has made up his mind not to participate in this oil development cooperation.

Bazar looked at Yang Tianlong with some embarrassment.

On the contrary, Yang Tianlong looked relaxed, and he picked up the water glass unhurriedly, took a sip lightly, and then said, "Mr. It’s because I got to know you, and we can cooperate again in the future.”

White smiled at Yang Tianlong and nodded slightly.

The business cooperation was not settled, and Mr. White did not stay in the living room for long. After exchanging a few words with Bazar, he left in a hurry.

In the huge living room, only Yang Tianlong and Bazar are left.

"Sorry, Huaxia Dragon, I thought it would be successful." Bazar apologized.

"It's okay, it's business, everyone has to see the benefits to come in."

"That's true, but I won't give up on the oil development. Let Mr. White regret it." After speaking, Bazar burst into laughter.

"Actually, as long as you join in, I guarantee that the oil field will never fall into the hands of others." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"I believe in you." Bazar nodded seriously at Yang Tianlong.

"Go to my place for dinner tonight?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, I just happen to be free today." Bazar replied immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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