Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 932 We have to find him even if it is ashes

Chapter 932 We have to find him even if it is ashes
Although Mr. White, who is well-known in the African region, refused to cooperate with Yang Tianlong, after two days of meetings, Yang Tianlong also knew a lot of oil tycoons and political leaders, which can be regarded as a big gain for him. up.

Prince Hussein was finally freed from the busy work, and he invited Yang Tianlong to his palace as a guest.

It is a little regrettable that Lion Head was not among the invited ones. In fact, thinking about it carefully, this is quite normal, after all, Lion Head is not familiar with Prince Hussein at all.

Yang Tianlong had already been to Prince Hussein's palace once before, and he felt sincere admiration for that magnificent palace.

After waiting for their wives and parents-in-law to arrive, they couldn't help but express their great admiration for the magnificent palace in front of them.

Prince Hussein received the Yang Tianlong family according to the level of the national leaders. They ate all the top ingredients in the world, which were airlifted from all over the world on the same day, and drank the top Bordeaux wine. According to Bazaar According to Er, the minimum price of these wines is [-] euros per bottle.

Prince Hussein has many wives, and naturally many children, so there are dozens of people around this big round table.

During lunch, Prince Hussein also learned that Yang Tianlong was going back to Berlin tomorrow, so at the dinner table, he specially drank a few more glasses with Yang Tianlong.

After lunch, Prince Hussein called Yang Tianlong and Bazar to his private garden.

There are only three of them in the huge private garden, and the security and confidentiality are quite high.

"Huaxia Dragon, when will you return to Africa?" After walking a few steps, Prince Hussein couldn't help asking.

"I'll go back to Berlin tomorrow." Yang Tianlong thought that Prince Hussein had misheard at the dinner table earlier, so he quickly corrected it.

"Well, I know you will return to Berlin tomorrow, what I mean is when will you return to Africa?" Prince Hussein explained.

"Maybe in a month." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"I have something to tell you. Nuerman disappeared at the edge of the Sahara Desert." Suddenly, Prince Hussein couldn't help but said.

"What? Nuerman disappeared on the edge of the Sahara Desert?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, and looked at Hussein in disbelief.

Hussein nodded, "Our intelligence personnel said."

Bazar also nodded involuntarily, expressing his approval of Prince Hussein's words.

"Your Highness, how do you think Nuerman should be treated?" Yang Tianlong asked after thinking about it.

"I must find him, otherwise, he may be a serious problem." Prince Hussein said word by word.

"His assets have been frozen, right? I don't think he can cause much trouble." Yang Tianlong said.

"It is true that his assets have been frozen, but I am worried that our country's political enemies in the world will use Nuerman. From the last Falcon Conference, you must have seen that Nuerman is a guy without a brain , he is self-righteous, and as a result, everything he does is full of loopholes. A brainless guy like him is easy to be used by others, so no matter whether Nuerman lives or dies, I must find him out, and I will do it at all costs. All the price." When Hussein said this, he didn't go on, but looked at Yang Tianlong resolutely.

Yang Tianlong didn't make a sound, just nodded along, he knew the meaning of Hussein's words.

"I want to leave the matter of finding Nuerman to you. What do you think?" After a pause, Hussein said it slowly.

It was exactly as I imagined.

Prince Hussein treated himself quite well, Yang Tianlong did not refuse, but nodded, "No problem, but I need more exact information about him, and I can only be sure that it will be a month before I can leave, because Our Chinese New Year is coming soon, and my parents will fly from China to Berlin."

"No problem, what I said just now that Nuerman disappeared on the edge of the Sahara Desert is only our first answer, I will let my brothers continue to get information there, I believe in your ability, you are all in Colombia You are definitely not an ordinary person who can bring out the drug lords and kill the head-down master in Southeast Asia." Prince Hussein nodded approvingly.

"That's just luck." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Whatever you need, just ask, those are not problems." Prince Hussein said.

"Okay, I will try my best to get everything ready." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Okay, I hope you can find Nuerman as soon as possible." Prince Hussein patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder lightly after finishing speaking, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"Don't worry, if I can't find Nuerman, I will never come to see you." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

After talking about this matter, he talked with Prince Hussein about his business in Bashu Province, China.

Suddenly, Prince Hussein smiled slyly: "Huaxialong, your Bashu Province granted me a piece of land, which is in the suburbs, about 100 mu. I don't need that piece of land, it has already been assigned to you. The scenery around the land is not bad, next to the park and the river, it is suitable for building a private villa."

This time Yang Tianlong was surprised again. He did not expect Prince Hussein to give him 100 mu of land easily. You must know that the price of this land in Bashu Province is at least 100 million per mu. At least it is worth 1 million.

"No, no." Yang Tianlong waved his hands quickly.

"If you can't do it, you can do it. The land certificates are all down. They are in your land bureau. You can just go and get them when you go home." Prince Hussein said with a smile.

Seeing that this matter was already a certainty, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to accept this heavy gift with a grateful face.

After walking around the huge garden with Prince Hussein, the three of them walked out of the garden after talking about everything they needed to talk about.


Bazar hosted Yang Tianlong for dinner, and this time he brought a lion's head.

The location is in the most luxurious seven-star hotel in Reedsburg - Shangri-La Hotel.

This time Bazar didn't talk about work, but chatted with them all about their personal relationship.

Mr. Franlo also happily joined the chatting team.

We chatted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and then everyone dispersed.

Lion Head will not go back to Europe with them. He has already bought a direct flight to Addis Ababa tomorrow.

"Man, let's go to the beach for a walk." After returning home, Yang Tianlong extended a warm invitation to the lion's head.

Lion Head nodded, and followed Yang Tianlong out of the gate of the villa.

 Thank you "Book Friends 20170219233600156" brother monthly ticket, thank you brother for your support
(End of this chapter)

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