Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 933 New Missions

Chapter 933 New Missions
The two walked silently all the way, each listening to the other's footsteps, until they came to the beach.

There was a cool breeze blowing by the beach at night. Although it was almost eleven o'clock, there were still many people playing and playing on the beach.

Yang Tianlong took the lion head and walked towards a remote place. After the two walked forward for 100 meters, Yang Tianlong stopped when he saw no one around.

"Man, help me find some good soldiers." Yang Tianlong looked at the lion's head and said seriously.

"What new mission is there?" Lion Head frowned involuntarily, and looked at Yang Tianlong suspiciously.

Yang Tianlong roughly told Lion Head that he would go to the Sahara Desert to find Prince Nuerman next year.

After listening, Lion Head couldn't help but nodded.

"No problem. I used to be a mercenary in North Africa. I am very familiar with the situation in the desert. Count me in. Then I will help you find a few old guys with rich combat experience in the desert."

"No problem, let's meet in Bunia next month." Yang Tianlong said to the lion head.

"Old man, is this why you called me to the beach?" Lionhead asked.

"No, there is one more thing." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"Say, what's the matter?" The lion's head looked expectant.

"You have refunded your ticket, and I will go back to Berlin first, and then the two of us will go to France." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"What are you going to do in France?" Lionhead asked curiously.

"I have an old friend, his name is Blake, he is a professor of zoology and botanicals at the Fifth French Institute. The year before last, there were rumors that he had been killed in the Congo rainforest, but that Mr. Medel last time, you I should know that he actually saw Professor Black with his own eyes at an international conference. I want to go there to find out if Professor Black was killed. The second thing is that I want to pay a visit to Mr. Claire, who is now living in In Provence." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

Lion Head couldn't help but nodded while listening, "No problem, I'll go with you, you should have told me about this earlier, old man." After saying this, Lion Head himself smiled a little embarrassedly stand up.

"I only remembered it because of other things." Yang Tianlong said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'll refund the ticket now, and I'll just take your private jet." Lionhead said jokingly.

"After coming back from France with me, is your next plan going to Bunia?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Lion Head nodded, "Yes, I don't have a home in Europe either, so I can only stay in Africa."

"You can go to Addis Ababa to stay for a while, and I will go to the alpine pasture there, and go there to relax." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

These words seemed to remind Lion Head all of a sudden, and he couldn't help but nodded with a sudden realization, "Okay, I'll help you go there and have a look first."

"Welcome." Yang Tianlong said as he changed his direction, and he was about to go back home.

The two chatted while walking, and the time passed quickly.

When they got home, his wife was packing their luggage in the bedroom, and the two children were already asleep. Fortunately, they didn't have much luggage. When Yang Tianlong walked in, the luggage was almost packed.

"I'm back." Elena said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, do you need my help? Honey." Yang Tianlong looked at Elena and couldn't help asking.

Elena shook her head, "No need, honey, I've already finished packing, you can take a shower first."

"Let's take a mandarin duck bath together?" Yang Tianlong said jokingly.

"They are both asleep, tomorrow night." Elena felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay then, let's take a bath together tomorrow night." Yang Tianlong was full of laughter, and after he finished speaking, he walked into the bathroom with a rather chic expression.


The plane left at ten o'clock the next morning, and Bazar went to the airport to see him off.

The two exchanged warm greetings for a long time, and from time to time they laughed knowingly. After a while, Mr. Franlo joined in with the lion head. It is not difficult to see from the smiling expressions of the four people that they chat It's all very speculative.

"Mr. Franlo, Mr. Kongdo, Huaxialong, I can only send you here, I wish you a safe journey." Bazar said with a smile.

"Thank you. If you have time, you must come to Berlin or Addis Ababa. I will treat you well." Franlo's character is quite bold.

"No problem, I will definitely contact you as soon as I arrive." Bazar said with a smile.

After the three hugged Bazar warmly one by one, they got into the special plane.

Soon the plane was heading straight into the sky from the runway.

The three old men seemed to be very excited. During the flight, the three of them actually played poker. Although the bet amount was not large, in the end, Mr. Franlo won nearly a thousand dollars. money.

The lion's head didn't lose or win, but Yang Tianlong lost nearly a thousand dollars.

"I'll treat you to dinner another day." Franlo said with a laugh.

Lion's Head took Mana to live in Mr. Franlo's house. After staying at home for two days, Yang Tianlong and Lion's Head embarked on a flight journey again.

Their destination this time is Bali.

This is their first time to Paris, including Lion's Head.

When they got off the plane, they were a little surprised by what they saw in front of them.

In their view, Bali seems more like an African city.

The reason why African cities are like this is not because they are dilapidated, but because there are more black people in front of them.

"Is this f---ing Lebanon or Africa?" Lion Head couldn't help but said.

"Of course it's Li, it's just that black people like to gather in big cities." Yang Tianlong said as he walked out of the station.

"Hey buddy, need a ride?"

"Dude, do you need a hotel? There are beautiful and sexy girls."


At the exit gate of Charles de Gaulle International Airport, dozens of black people solicited business from them.

"Sorry, we don't need anything?" Lion Head shook his head and waved his hands at them.

"What about marijuana? Cocaine is okay too?" A young black man was a little bit unwilling and chased after him.

"We are Interpol, do you think we will need it?" The expression on Lion Head's face suddenly became very serious, and he still kept looking straight at the black man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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