Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 934 Is this a city for black people?

Chapter 934 Is this a city for black people?

"Xie Te..." The guy was taken aback for a moment, then cursed and then quickly slipped away.

"Interpol?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

"Scare them casually, they really believe it." Lion Head couldn't help laughing.

The two arrived at the subway entrance of Barley according to the map. According to the information they found, they took the subway at the airport for an hour, then exited at the Seine River, and after walking a few hundred meters, they arrived at the Fifth Research Institute. .

"It smells so good..." Before the two reached the subway entrance, they smelled the aroma of roasted corn.

"Does it have a taste of hometown?" Lionhead said jokingly.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, but I heard that the baked corn sellers at the subway entrance in Bali are all North Africans."

"Really? Let's go and have a look." After saying this, Lion Head couldn't help but quicken his pace.

When they came to the subway entrance, they saw a young man wearing a traditional North African robe squatting at the corner of the subway entrance and selling roasted corn. In front of him was a roasted corn made of simple waste paint buckets furnace.

"Would you like to try it?" Lion Head suggested.

"You can try it." Yang Tianlong nodded.

A corn is 3 euros, and two people spent 6 dollars to buy one each.

In this cold European winter, it seems to be a kind of enjoyment to eat a piece of delicious and warm roasted corn in your mouth.

Before entering the subway, the two could smell a smell of urine.

"Is this a toilet?" Lion Head couldn't help frowning, and walked in holding his breath.

"Hey, buddy, do you want to buy a ticket?" At this time, another black man wearing a cheap Nike down jacket came over.

"Sorry, we don't need it." It's very easy to talk to these guys in French in France.

"It's very cheap, where do you go? There are all." The black man said quickly.

Yang Tianlong had already inquired about the relevant information before he set off. These black people who were guarding the subway were actually just selling the subway tickets separately and using this to make a meager profit.

"We already have it." Seeing that the black man was also getting entangled, Lion Head gave the black man a hard look.

"Hey, buddy, why are you staring at me?" Who knew that the guy didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of the lion's head at all, and said to the lion's head with a rather disdainful face.

"We don't need it, don't hinder us from handling the case." Lion Head said in a low voice.

"Xie Te..." Seeing this guy claiming to be handling a case, the black man immediately understood a little bit, and ran into a policeman again.

He was so scared that he quickly slipped towards the subway exit.

The subway is also full of black people. Before getting on the subway, Yang Tianlong specifically told the lion head to hide his things well, because the subway is a high-incidence area for thieves, and the crowded subway makes you feel that they are full of magic. hand.

There were also a lot of black people around them. The smell of inferior perfume on these black people made Yang Tianlong and Lion Head feel a little uncomfortable. As the subway ride time increased, they even started to feel a little drowsy.

After finally escaping from the subway, Lion Head couldn't help but began to curse again.

"Xie Te, those niggers, stole my roasted corn." Yang Tianlong took a look, and sure enough, the lion's head's hand was empty, and there was nothing left.

"Haha, old man, why are you so careless." Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, the lion head immediately laughed and pointed at Yang Tianlong, "Haha, old man, you are still laughing at me. Look at your roasted corn, whether it was eaten by black people several times."

Yang Tianlong was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look closely, and he saw that the roasted corn in his hand had been gnawed several times by the black people.

"Xie Te..." Yang Tianlong threw the roasted corn directly into the trash can with a look of displeasure, with a look of anger.

"It seems that the quality of the black people here is far worse than that of Bunia." Lionhead said.

"The black people in Bunia are at least on their own land, but what about the black people here? At best they can only be regarded as sojourners here. They are far from the masters of this city. The pressure of life has made them like this."

Lion Head nodded, expressing agreement with Yang Tianlong's words.

After the two got out of the subway, they began to walk quickly according to the location of the fifth research institute marked on the map.

I have to say that in recent years, due to the increasing number of black people, not only has the law and order in Paris become a little worse, but even the sanitation environment is not as good as before. Whenever they pass through some remote places, they will always smell An unpleasant smell of urine.

"This ghostly place, I came here for the first time, so I don't want to come again." Lion Head said holding his breath.

"Hurry up, old man." Yang Tianlong waved his hand to let the lion's head hurry up.

Lion Head nodded, and then involuntarily quickened his pace.

Finally, after turning around, they found this place called the Fifth Research Institute.

To their surprise, the gate of this research institute was closed tightly, and the yard was overgrown with weeds. Under the bleak winter wind, the whole research institute looked like a gloomy haunted house.

"Dude, is this the Fifth Research Institute?" Lion Head expressed great doubts.

Yang Tianlong nodded, pointed to the mottled sign hanging on the wall and said, "Here, look, the sign is still hanging here."

Only then did Lion's Head notice the sign on the wall.

"Heh, there's a mailbox." Lion Head couldn't help but saw mailboxes hanging on the wall one by one near the sign.

Compared with the bleak courtyard behind, this mailbox looks a bit out of place.

"The gate is locked, what should we do? Go in or not?" Lion Head looked at Yang Tianlong and asked involuntarily.

Yang Tianlong didn't answer the lion's head right away, but looked around with his eyes. The location of the Fifth Research Institute is really remote, with woods on both sides and woods on the opposite side. a building.

"I can't even see a ghost around here." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but turned up his collar as he said, it's too fucking cold, this damn weather.

"Hey, old man, look, there seems to be a light in the woods opposite?" Suddenly, Lion Head couldn't help but whispered out.

"Where?" Upon hearing this, Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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