Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 936 The Eerie Place

Chapter 936 The Eerie Place
Although the Fifth Research Institute was described by the black old man as eerie and terrifying, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head, who had a strong inner curiosity and believed in atheism, felt that they still wanted to go in and find out.

They didn't climb over the wall from the main entrance of the Fifth Research Institute, but chose to climb in through the iron fence on the side.

After walking through the lush forest and stepping on the thick fallen leaves, they finally chose a place where they could set foot.

The iron fence has become a little rusty. Before climbing over, the lion's head shook the iron fence a few times to prove its firmness.

"How? It won't be broken." Yang Tianlong looked at the lion's head and couldn't help asking.

Lion Head shook his head and said, "It looks rusty on the surface, but the quality of the iron fence is not bad. I don't think even a two-meter-tall man like Alexander will have this problem. "

"That's good." Yang Tianlong said while looking around, except for a gust of cold wind blowing from time to time, their current location is very quiet, as quiet as if isolated from the world.

"I'll go first." Without any explanation, the lion's head clung to the iron fence with all its strength, and then jumped over it lightly, and jumped into the fence with ease.

"Swoosh..." However, just before the lion's head landed on the ground, a black cat suddenly jumped out from nowhere. The appearance of this black cat caught the lion's head I was taken aback.

"Meow..." The black cat jumped onto the window sill all of a sudden, and looked at Lion Head and Yang Tianlong coldly with its two bright eyes.

"Fake... scared me to death." The lion's head patted his chest with lingering fear.

"It's a black cat." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said looking at the shiny black cat on the window sill.

"The black cat is not a fun thing, it..." At this point, Lion Head hesitated to speak, as if he felt something in his heart that he should not say.

"Okay, let me go, it's my turn." Yang Tianlong jumped up all of a sudden as he said, and immediately clasped the iron fence firmly with both hands.

His movements are also quite chic, with a light leap, he jumped over the iron fence and entered the courtyard wall.

The fallen leaves in the yard were also thickly accumulated, and the accumulated water after the blizzard melted a few days ago had not been completely evaporated, and a thick musty smell slowly vacated from the bottom of their feet.

"I'll try to see if I can get in through that window. If we can go through the gate, we'd better not go through the gate." The lion head said as he walked towards the window sill where the black cat was.

The black cat was exceptionally clever, and when it saw this, it jumped down with a whoosh, and quickly ran towards the backyard.

The lion head didn't bother to pay attention to the black cat. Although in the countless novels he had read, the black cat was an ominous omen, but after returning to reality, the lion head was not too disturbed by the black cat. Earth, there must be a lot of mice, and when there are more mice, cats will naturally appear, so from a scientific point of view, this is not a big deal.

The curtains were drawn. As for what kind of room it was inside, Lion's Head didn't know. He stretched out a pair of big hands and pulled the window vigorously.

"Bang..." The window was not locked at all, and the vigorous movement of the lion's head pulled the window open, and the dust in the crack of the window floated out.

Caught off guard, the lion's head choked suddenly.

"Ahem... this damn dust." Lion Head couldn't help but took a few steps back, tightly covering his mouth and nose.

"You guys are too powerful." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"It feels a bit dark inside, buddy, do you have a flashlight?" Lion Head said to him.

"I don't have a flashlight. Fortunately, the mobile phone has a built-in flashlight function." Yang Tianlong took out his mobile phone while talking, and saw that the flashlight function was turned on.

"Old man, I'll go up first this time." Without waiting for the lion's head to answer, Yang Tianlong climbed onto the window sill. The window sill is not high from the ground, so climbing up the window sill is an easy task for him .

'Ding dong...' Just as he climbed onto the window sill, suddenly there was a strange sound in the building.

Both Yang Tianlong and Lion Head heard this strange sound clearly.

"Could it be mice and cats?" Lion Head couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "No, it doesn't seem like that, the sound is like something falling to the ground? It doesn't sound like the footsteps of animals running."

In fact, Lion Head can also feel that the sound is not like the sound of animals running. What he said just now was just out of a kind of self-comfort.

"Let's go in and have a look, even if it's a ghost, we have to find him out." After saying this, the lion's head was eager to try.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and gently and slowly opened the curtains...

However, he opened the curtain less than five centimeters before letting go of his hand.

"There are window strips sealed here." Yang Tianlong frowned.

"The window strips are sealed?" Lion Head was taken aback. He quickly grabbed the curtains and pulled them open to see that there were actually window strips on all the windows.

"Old man, I'll take it apart..." Lion Head was a little unbelieving, he grabbed the window sill and exerted all his strength.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the window bars did not budge.

"Ah..." Lion Head changed hands again, but this time he remained motionless.

"Forget it, let's take a look from the main entrance." Seeing that Lion Head had no choice but to take this window strip, Yang Tianlong couldn't help suggesting.

"Okay." Lion's head's hands were a little red and swollen, and he jumped down a little discouraged.

However, when they wanted to enter through the main entrance, they found that the main entrance was still locked.

The two were a little reconciled, and looked around the three-story building again, and found that all the windows could be opened, but all the windows also had window strips...

To get inside, they had to choose to cut off the window strips with a saw blade.

"We can only cut off the window bars." The lion head looked at Yang Tianlong helplessly and said.

"Then let's go back first and come back after dinner." Yang Tianlong suggested.

"Well, I don't believe in evil anymore." Lion Head couldn't help but said.

The two were about to leave, but unexpectedly, there was a burst of crying from inside the building.

The voice was faintly visible, sometimes near and sometimes far away, and they couldn't help but feel their hair stand on end when they heard it.

"Damn it, there really are ghosts, right?" Suddenly, the lion head said.

And Yang Tianlong also shuddered all of a sudden...

(End of this chapter)

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