Chapter 937
"Don't be so scary." The two stayed outside quietly for a while, until the mysterious crying sound disappeared, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said to the lion head.

"Are you scared?" Lion Head couldn't help teasing.

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "No, it's just that the words that your kid pops up from time to time are scary, let's go back now and come back after dinner."

"Okay..." In fact, Lion Head himself didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he agreed with a very quick mouthful.

The two quickly climbed out of the courtyard wall, and then quickly walked to the avenue.

At this moment, it was already 04:30 in the afternoon. At this time, the weather in Bali was very dark, and the temperature was also very low, so the two couldn't help speeding up their pace when they were walking.

They decided to find a hotel nearby to stay.

Fortunately, Bali is an international tourist metropolis, so the hotels here are not difficult to get to. This time, Yang Tianlong and Lion Head did not deliberately look for the so-called five-star hotel, but chose a hotel that looked decent. You can live in a business hotel.

They didn't have any luggage, so they hardly stayed in the room, but hurried downstairs, ready to look for dinner.

Walking on the street, there are still many black people.

"Hey, buddy, I think of a guy." The two walked side by side, and suddenly the lion head couldn't help talking.

"Who?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"Tosor, isn't that guy the editor-in-chief of the French ghost magazine? If the so-called ghost really appeared in the Fifth Institute, he must have been there. You have his phone number. I think you can contact him. Maybe he can know some related news." Lion Head said.

The lion's head's words reminded Yang Tianlong to get up. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but nodded.

He took out his mobile phone, and soon, Tosor's call was connected, and Tosor's extremely excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon, have you come to Bali yet?" Tosor asked directly.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said: "Old man, your feeling is really effective. Yes, I am right here on the Seine River. How about you? Are you also in Barrie?"

"Of course, I'm also in Bari, let's have dinner together tonight?" Tosor extended a warm invitation to Yang Tianlong.

"Hey, Lion Head, what do you think of Tosor saying that he will invite us to dinner tonight?" Yang Tianlong tightly covered the receiver of the mobile phone and said.

"No problem, it's not too late for us to go to the Fifth Research Institute later." Lion Head agreed.

"No problem, so how should we meet?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"You guys are waiting for me at the Seine River, first find a coffee shop and have a coffee, send me your location, and we will meet in half an hour." After saying this, Tosor did not wait for Yang Tianlong Answered, and hung up the phone.

"That guy's temper is really anxious." Yang Tianlong looked at the phone that had been hung up, and couldn't help but said to the lion head beside him.

"Man, I'm sure Tosor knows, believe it or not, let's make a bet?" Lionhead said with a smile.

"I believe what you say, buddy." Yang Tianlong patted Lion Head's shoulder with a smile on his face.

The French who love romance naturally like to drink coffee, so it is not difficult to find a cafe in the urban area of ​​Paris. The two walked less than 100 meters and found several cafes.

Choosing a cafe with a relatively secluded environment, Yang Tianlong went in with the lion's head.

This cafe is indeed very quiet, and all the customers are talking in low voices, lest the volume be too loud to disturb others.

After waiting at the cafe for less than half an hour, Tosor walked in with a cold wind.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon..."

"Hey... Lionhead..."

Tosor's enthusiastic words immediately attracted the attention of other customers. After he finished embracing Yang Tianlong and the lion's head, he found that the guests inside looked at him with special but unfriendly eyes. he.

"Damn it, why did you choose such a literary cafe, drink it quickly, and I'll take you to dinner..." Tosor said softly, covering his mouth.

"No, let's go now." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"No problem, get in my car and I'll take you to the most authentic French dinner." Tosor thought that I was leaving soon anyway, so why not speak louder?
After saying this, under the contemptuous eyes of other customers in the cafe, Tosor walked out with a high air.

After driving for more than ten minutes, Tosor took them to a restaurant.

"The chefs here are all at the master level, let you have a good taste of the food here." Tosor said with a smile.

The three found a remote place to sit down, and Tosor was also very generous. He also ordered a lot of food in one go, all of which were French specialties.

"Let's drink more wine tonight." Tosor said with a cool face.

"Another day, buddy, we still have something to do tonight." Yang Tianlong waved his hand quickly and said.

Tosor was taken aback, with a puzzled look on his face, "Old man, what else do you have to do tonight? Could it be going to a strip club."

"Old man, don't be ridiculous, we don't like that." Lion Head said seriously.

"Then what are you doing at night?" Tosor was full of doubts.

"Do you know the Fifth Research Institute of France?" Lion Head and Yang Tianlong exchanged glances, and said involuntarily.

"I know, where are you going?" Tosor was taken aback.

"That's right, we're going there at night, how much do you know about it?" Yang Tianlong looked closely at Tosor and asked.

"Understood, it's become extremely eerie there now. To be honest, I once had the idea of ​​going inside to find out, but something happened that made me have to give up this idea." Toso After Er finished speaking, he sighed involuntarily, as if the past was before his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head asked at the same time. In their opinion, Tosor must have a story.

"I'm afraid you won't believe me when I tell you." Tosor said with a wry smile.

"No, buddy, we believe everything you say." Yang Tianlong shook his head and said.

Lion Head followed and nodded, and the two looked at Tosor expectantly.

Tosor hesitated for a while, and then spoke slowly after taking a sip of ice water.

(End of this chapter)

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