Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 938 Curse

Chapter 938 Curse
It turned out that the Fifth Research Institute located on the banks of the Lesena River was a pretty good unit, but one time a group of them went to a primitive tribe in Africa to find a local magical medicinal material, those guys When I came back, I became mentally disturbed, and there were several murders in succession, even the director of the research institute at that time was not spared.

Because of these homicides, rumors of ghosts began to appear in that building later, so the fifth research institute closed down.

Later, these stories became more and more mysterious, and few people even went to that street.

"I once wanted to go inside, but one of my assistants told me that he dreamed of that building for several days in a row. There was a female ghost inside, which looked very scary. The female ghost told my assistant, Don't go in, otherwise you will be cursed, so I also gave up the idea of ​​going inside to find out, if you two want to go tonight, I can give up my life to accompany the gentleman, damn it, the big deal is to go out." Saul said with a serious but straightforward face.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help looking at each other, and soon, the two reached a consensus in their hearts, that is to take Tosor into the building to find out.

"You are welcome to join, old man, we are strong in numbers." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Really? You agreed?" Tosor was overjoyed, he didn't expect Yang Tianlong and Lion Head to agree so easily.

"Of course, you are the host here, and we have to rely on you in some places. How dare we offend you at this time." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

"What you said is serious. I am the host, but I can't seem to find a place to help you other than treat you to eat, drink and have fun." Tosor said with a smile.

"Old man, your words are enough." The lion's head also patted Tosor's shoulder jokingly.

Since the three of them were determined to go there tonight to find out, they went very fast for dinner. After dinner, the three of them got into Tosor's Renault car non-stop, and went straight to Tosor. Sol's house.

"We'll each bring a gun later," Tosor said while driving.

"You have a gun?" Lionhead was taken aback.

Tosor smiled and nodded, "Of course, for a person like me who likes to explore in the spiritual world, how can he do it without a gun?"

"You are still the best." Lion Head couldn't help but said.

"What else do you need?" Tosor asked quickly.

"Where's the saw blade?"


"Face mask?"

"Yes, we can also provide disinfectant water."

"Where's the rope?"

"What do you need that thing for?" Tosor looked at the lion's head with a puzzled expression.

"Of course the basement is needed, don't you think there is a basement in that building?" Lion Head asked rhetorically.

Tosor hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "There are also ropes, but buddy, there are stairs in the basement there, why do I feel like you are going to enter a cave to explore?"

"It's all the same thing. Let's try to prepare as much as possible. If Hua Xialong and I didn't have a saw blade on the window sill, maybe we would have returned with a full load." Lion Head said with a relaxed expression.

"Hey, so you said that the saw blade is used to cut the window strips." Tosor suddenly realized with a look on his face.

"Of course it is, what do you think?"

"Dude, put on the hydraulic tongs, and everything will be fixed." Tosor said with a smile on his face.

"Does that thing work?"

"Of course it works. It's better than the creaking sound of sawing window bars."


The three of them chatted happily along the way, and they seemed to regard entering the small three-story building as a kind of pleasure, and completely forgot all the horror stories and experiences in that small building.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when I brought the tools from Tosor's house.

This time they did not choose to drive to the Fifth Institute, but each rode a bicycle.

Fortunately, they don't need to carry many tools, so cycling is also a convenient means of transportation for them.

However, riding a bicycle in this cold winter also has to endure the erosion of the cold wind. The three of them basically rode the bicycle towards their destination with gritted teeth all the way.

During the day, there were not many cars on the street where the Fifth Research Institute was located, let alone at eleven o'clock in the evening, the street was terribly quiet. Walking slowly all the way forward, each of them could only hear their own voices. Footsteps, heartbeats, and panting.

"Hey, buddy, I forgot to tell you something." At the iron fence of the Fifth Research Institute, Lion Head suddenly whispered to Tosor.

"What's the matter?" Tosor asked quickly.

"There is a black cat inside, don't feel strange and scared later."

"Hey, why did I think it happened?" Tosor said with a "fussy" look on his face, "What's so scary about black cats?"

"That's good, I'll give you a vaccination first." Lion Head said with a chuckle.

"Did you dig in this afternoon?" Tosor asked involuntarily, looking at the rusty iron fence.

"We've been to that window sill this afternoon." Lion's Head pointed to the window sill not far away.

"I'll go first." Without any explanation, Tosor grabbed the iron fence, and then jumped up with a light body bone.

Then I saw him flipping over lightly again, and his body bones landed firmly on the thick fallen leaves.

"Swoosh..." Just as Tosor just landed and stood firmly, the black cat in the afternoon suddenly got out from nowhere, and slipped through Tosor's crotch all at once.

"Ah..." Tosor was quite frightened by the black cat, so he jumped up quickly, and took the opportunity to grab the iron fence with both hands.

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head were so embarrassed, this guy said earlier that he was not afraid, but now when it was his turn, he reacted faster than anyone else.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tosor smiled awkwardly, and patted himself lightly.

Lion's head suppressed his smile, and immediately climbed onto the iron fence.

Yang Tianlong followed closely behind.

This time with the help of hydraulic pliers, they cut off the saw blade with ease.

In less than 5 minutes, the window bars were all clamped off.

"What's crying inside?" Tosor was also stunned suddenly. He pointed to the dark room with a vigilant face, and said with a slightly trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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