Chapter 946
Tosor is right. From Paris to Provence, the scenery on the road is one after another, from plains to hills, and then from hills to mountains. On the mountains, they cross canyons, and the silver Renault sedan drives in the The misty mountains are as beautiful as entering a fairyland.

The remnants of the Alps also appeared in front of them with the passage of time. The remnants are covered with snow, and under the reflection of the sun, they have a special flavor.

Yang Tianlong even took out his mobile phone and took a lot of photos of the silver mountains.

The lion head was also amazed at the scenery of the Alps, and lamented that this place is like a fairyland.

"Guys, the hinterland of the Alps is actually more beautiful, with lakes, mountains, meadows, and those red country houses..." Tosor began to describe the beautiful scenery of the hinterland of the Alps for them.

"If you have a chance, you must go and see it." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.


After nearly 7 hours of long-distance travel, they finally drove out of the expressway at around six o'clock in the evening.

I saw an old white Chevrolet sedan parked on the side of the road.

"That's Claire's car." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying when he saw the old car.

"Is it the white one in front?" Tosor asked quickly.

"That's right, that's the one." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Okay, I'm passing now." Tosor couldn't help but give the accelerator a little while talking.

When he was about to approach, Tosor couldn't help but honked his horn a few times. Claire, who was sitting in the driver's cab, was taken aback at first, and then grinned at the silver Renault car.

Claire quickly opened the car door and got out.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon..." Before seeing Yang Tianlong, Claire couldn't wait to open her arms.

"Hey, Mr. Claire, my old buddy..." Yang Tianlong stretched out his arms, and hugged Claire warmly.

"You've gained some weight." After the hug, Yang Tianlong looked at Claire and said seriously.

"Haha, I admit that this is reality. In fact, I'm not the fattest one. The goat is about to grow into a big bear." Claire laughed.

"It seems that France is indeed a country of gourmet food." Yang Tianlong said jokingly.

"It's a good thing I'm not in France, otherwise, I would have become a fat lion, haha..." The lion head on the side also joked.

"Lion Head, you are getting more and more handsome." Claire said after hugging Lion Head.

"Thank you, but old man, although you look a little fatter, your complexion is definitely much better than when you were in Africa, right, Huaxia Dragon."

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Indeed, my face is a little flushed now."

"Really? I didn't notice it, but I guess I have become an apartment now, and I have less to do with outside things, so this mentality can be put in a very positive way." Claire said with a smile.

"It should be like this." Both Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help but nodded.

"Who is this?" After embracing the two old guys, Claire cast his eyes on Tosor, who was beside him. Judging from Tosor's appearance, Claire reckoned that he should be a Frenchman.

"Old man, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Tosor. He is the editor-in-chief of a French spiritual magazine. We met him when we were in Massileia." Yang Tianlong took the initiative to introduce.

"Hello, Mr. Tosor." Claire stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Mr. Claire." Tosor quickly reached out his hand.

After a few pleasantries, Claire let Yang Tianlong sit in his car.

Dinner is at Claire's house.

When they walked into Claire's house in Provence, the goat, as fat as a black bear, was frying steaks in the kitchen.

"Hey, goat, look, who's coming." Claire said loudly to the kitchen.

"Uncle..." When the goat saw Yang Tianlong and the lion head, he also opened his mouth wide. He even forgot what he was currently doing, and ran towards Yang Tianlong and the others quickly.

"You are so fat." Yang Tianlong couldn't help pinching the goat's chubby face gently.

"Hey, you are so old, how can I say that I don't like it at all?" The goat couldn't help but raise its mouth.

"Why don't you like it?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You should see that I have grown taller." The goat said with a serious face.

"It seems that you have really grown a lot taller, well, you strong guy." Yang Tianlong patted the goat's head.

"That's right, I like to hear these words, hehe, ouch, what's the smell, Xie Te, I'm still frying the steak, I won't tell you..." Before he could finish speaking, the goat flew like flying ran into the kitchen.

"How is the goat now?" Lionhead asked involuntarily after taking the cigarette thrown by Claire.

Claire nodded, "It's not bad now, there's nothing serious about it, it's just that this guy's studies aren't very good."

"His foundation is already poor, so he will take his time in the future." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"But the goat guy is very hardworking. He also learned a lot of dishes from me. He cooked most of the dishes tonight. Let's have a good taste later. I haven't had a good drink for a long time. Come with me at night Drink well." Claire said, pointing to the wine already placed on the table.

"Tosor and I can drink with you, but Lionhead, he quit drinking these two days." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Quit drinking?" Claire asked in surprise.

"To be precise, I can't drink for these two days." Lion's head had a wry smile on his face. When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor specifically told him not to drink.

"Why?" Claire was curious.

"Old man, don't ask anything first, after dinner, let's have a good chat in your study, and you will know everything." Yang Tianlong said.

"Well, I trust you, because you are my old buddies." Claire laughed.

Not long after being seated, the goat prepared the dinner.

German sausage, toast, steak, steamed sea bass, fruit salad and a few big lobsters...

Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't wait to taste it. To be honest, the craftsmanship of the goat is not bad, at least it can be eaten.

"How is it?" the goat asked expectantly.

"Not bad, but there is still a lot of room for improvement." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"That's good." The goat smiled, showing its white teeth again.

(End of this chapter)

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