Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 947 Painted Skin

Chapter 947 Painted Skin
After dinner, the goat started to pack everything here, while Clare led them to his study and made a cup of coffee for each of them.

The whole study room was soon filled with hot air, and the study room, which was cold before, became lively after a while.

Regarding Claire, Yang Tianlong and the others didn't hide anything, they just told Claire their purpose of coming to France.

"Fifth Research Institute?" Claire couldn't help but frowned, "And the revived Professor Black?"

"That's right, it was from this clue that Lion Head and I came to Bali. Lion Head's injury was stabbed in the Fifth Research Institute, but unfortunately, that guy ran so fast that We didn't catch him at all."

"What do you think?" Claire didn't answer them directly, but instead asked Yang Tianlong and the others.

The three of them couldn't help being silent for a while, and after a while, Yang Tianlong picked up the coffee with a calm face, took a sip, and said, "I think Professor Black should be dead. Someone in the staff must be abnormal, I suspect that the one who stabbed the lion's head that night was one of their staff."

"How do you know?" Claire asked.

"Because there is a notebook and a memory card in Tosor, which records that some of them have gone to Africa for investigation or adventure, and then they met a primitive tribe that they had never met before. At the tribe, they witnessed a thrilling sacrificial activity."

"Where are those two things? I'll take a look now." Claire asked impatiently.

"Here I am, Mr. Claire." Tosor quickly took out his notebook and turned on the computer.

The first thing Claire looked at was the yellowed notebook. Judging from his facial expression, he seemed to be reading it very seriously, and he only turned a page in a minute or two.

After watching for more than ten minutes, Claire finally finished the first story.

"I'll watch the video again." Claire said to Tosor.

Tosor nodded, and then pressed the play button.

The video was about 10 minutes long, and Claire watched it very carefully. Yang Tianlong and the others accompanied Claire to watch the video.

"Wait..." Just as it was about to end, Claire suddenly couldn't help shouting.

"Old man, what did you see?" The image of the woman in white flashed past just now, and Yang Tianlong felt that Claire must have seen that image as well.

"I saw a woman in white." Claire said seriously.

"To be honest, we saw it too, and discussed whether this woman in white is black or white." Yang Tianlong said.

"Play it back, and I'll watch it again." Claire said involuntarily.

Yang Tianlong was already aware of that point in time, so he quickly fixed the picture at that moment.

"It's here, the picture only stayed for less than a second." Yang Tianlong pointed to the frozen picture and said.

"This is a white man." Claire blurted out.

"Why? How can I see it?" Tosor asked quickly.

"Her body shape determines that she will not be black." Claire said with great determination: "Africans all have black skin, but they look very different. East Africans are taller and thinner, while West Africans are taller and thinner. Humans are stronger, but as for Central Africans, they are relatively stocky. In Africa, only the Central African region has tropical rainforests. Look at the figure of this woman in white, isn’t it very curvy?”

Yang Tianlong and the others couldn't help but nodded, they didn't speak, but looked like they were listening.

"So this woman is definitely not black. I feel that they should be members of the Holy Spirit Skull Cult." Claire said loudly.

"Skeleton Cult?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, he knew that this Skeleton Cult was actually the Skeleton Party.

"Yes, they should be." Claire said with a serious face.

"You mean that the people in the Fifth Research Institute were actually targeted by those people, and then through tricks and the like, let that guy return to Bari with the so-called poison or voodoo, and the next step is There was a certain 'mutation', which made the Fifth Research Institute a series of homicide cases, and finally had to be disbanded?" Yang Tianlong quickly merged the information he knew.

"That's right, some of them must have believed in that cult organization later, and then stayed in the building of the Fifth Research Institute. Your intrusion made him have to defend himself, which is why the lion's head was stabbed. ’” Claire said.

"Sir, your analysis is very reasonable. Then I have a question. There was no one in the Fifth Research Institute three years ago. Could it be that that guy has been staying there for three years?" Tosor asked own doubts.

"This is their own business. The guys from the cult organization are terrible. In order to achieve their goals, they often show courage and perseverance that we can't imagine." Claire said.

"Okay." Tosor didn't understand the cult either, so he had to temporarily believe Claire's words.

"Actually, we have been doing research on that cult organization, but we always feel that they come and go without a trace, which makes it difficult for us to find them." Yang Tianlong said with a rather helpless expression.

"Don't worry about this. The longer it takes, the greater the chance they will show their feet." Claire said it lightly.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Claire, Hua Xialong said that one of his friends said he had seen Professor Black in an international forum, but Hua Xialong felt that Professor Black had passed away. How should the two be explained?" Tosor is worthy of being a supernatural lover, and the questions he asks are always related to these strange things.

"Painted skin..." Claire said with a dark face.

"Painted skin?" Tosor looked confused.

"To put it simply, it's disguise. If I have only met you once, and you believe my physical characteristics, you may not be very clear. When we meet next time, as long as I roughly resemble myself, that's fine. Disguise is actually very simple, even a human skin mask can do it." Claire said with a smile.

"But why did they paint their skin to look like Professor Black?"

"Because they definitely need Professor Black to provide them with some available resources. To be honest, the Professor Black that Hua Xialong met may not be real." Claire finally said.

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Thinking about it carefully, there is really such a possibility, after all, I just met Professor Black once.

(End of this chapter)

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