Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 958 I Will Not Agree To This Dirty Deal

Chapter 958 I Will Not Agree To This Dirty Deal

Less than a minute after Yang Tianlong's message was sent, his cell phone rang, this time it was Rosalia calling.

When Yang Tianlong looked at the phone, he couldn't help becoming a little nervous all of a sudden. He even subconsciously looked at the bathroom, only hearing the sound of running water inside.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Tianlong walked towards the door, and then he decisively pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Miss Rosalia."

"Hello Huaxia Dragon, Happy Chinese New Year." Rosalia said with a smile.

"Thank you, haven't you rested so late?"

"Just finished taking a shower and getting ready to rest."

"Have you returned to Europe?" The reason why Yang Tianlong said this was just out of intuition. You must know that Ye Lianna told him yesterday that Rosalia had just gone to South Sudan.

"How do you know? Huaxia Dragon." Rosalia on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback.

"I guessed it, do you believe it?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You guessed it right, it's a pity that I went to South Sudan this time and came back within a day." Rosalia's voice sounded a little downcast.

"How could it be so fast? Isn't your orphanage going to be expanded?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"Yes, but this time it didn't go as smoothly as I expected, and I encountered some problems, so I'm back for now."

"Is it because officials from South Sudan are obstructing it?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

"That's right, but I still know their greed, but I will never agree to their conditions this time." Rosalia said firmly.

"What conditions?" Yang Tianlong asked hastily.

"They want me to disguise this orphanage as a government orphanage, so that I can cheat aid from the United Nations." Rosalia also struggled for a long time before telling Yang Tianlong the truth.

"Then is it good for the orphanage?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

"Hua Xialong, to be honest, doing this is still beneficial to my orphanage, but they are more greedy. This may be unfair to those children who really need help. At least the current situation in my orphanage The children don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and maybe their living environment is a little unsatisfactory and crowded, but I feel that if I do this, I feel very sorry for my conscience.” Rosalia said.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yang Tianlong actually doesn't know much about your political situation in South Sudan, so he can't provide much help to Rosalia.

"I'll leave them in the cold for a while, and I won't participate in such a deceiving thing." Rosalia's tone of voice became extremely resolute again.

"I support you, ma'am." Yang Tianlong said, "If you encounter any difficulties in terms of funds or personnel, just tell me, and I will do my best to help."

"Thank you, Hua Xialong, you are a very good man, it's getting late, I've been chatting with you for too long, your wife might be jealous, let's chat when we're free." Rosalia ended it on her own initiative This call.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong sat in the study for a while before returning to the bedroom.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, his wife also changed into her pajamas and came out of the bathroom. Elena's hair was wet. It seemed that she had washed her hair in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, my dear, I kept you waiting, I washed my hair." Eileen looked at Yang Tianlong and said with a smile.

"It's okay, honey, you see that you have dark circles under your eyes." Looking at his wife's tired look, Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hurry up and take a shower, I'll go to the study to dry my hair, and then I'm going to rest." Elena said.

Yang Tianlong nodded, kissed his wife gently on the forehead, and then walked into the bathroom.

After waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, he was surprised to find that his wife had already fallen asleep.

It seems that she has been too sleepy for the past two days.

However, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but kissed his wife's cheek lightly, covered his wife with a quilt carefully, and then lay down next to her with a slight movement.

He also fell asleep quickly and had a strange dream.

In the dream, I saw that Nuerman had kidnapped Rosalia. He needed 30 billion US dollars to redeem Rosalia, otherwise, he would kill Rosalia.

Looking at Rosalia's begging face, Yang Tianlong only felt uncomfortable all over his body.

But Yang Tianlong found a helicopter from nowhere, and drove the helicopter directly over Nuerman's head, and Nuerman's head was caught off guard by the high-speed rotating wings. Cut to pieces...

Yang Tianlong was startled awake from his sleep by the bloody scene.

After he woke up, he realized that there was only the faint light of weak electricity in the room, and everything around him was so quiet.

He couldn't help twisting his neck, and turned his eyes to his wife who was sleeping beside him.

Fortunately, his wife was still soundly asleep and was not awakened by his sudden waking up.

"Fortunately, this is just a dream." Yang Tianlong sighed softly, laughing at himself.

However, for the rest of the time, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fall asleep. Since he couldn't fall asleep, he simply killed all his drowsiness, and unconsciously, he thought of family affairs.

My parents will be going home in two weeks. The family reunion time really flies, it seems like a fleeting moment. Maybe after my parents leave Berlin this time, it will take another half a year for the next meeting time.

After my parents left, it was basically the end of February. At that time, the weather in Europe was about to improve. I didn't know what my father-in-law and the others planned, whether they would stay in Berlin or return to Addis Ababa.

To be honest, he still hopes that he is closer to his wife. If he is in Addis Ababa, he will basically be within a two- to three-hour flight home.

However, if his parents-in-law had been staying in Europe, he was still very worried about his wife staying alone in Bunia or Addis Ababa, so he had to let his wife stay in Berlin.

As a result, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but began to pray in his heart that his parents-in-law had better return to Africa. In that case, as long as he missed his wife and children, he could fly back quickly.

In the repeated ideological struggle, Yang Tianlong finally saw a glimmer of light from the curtain.

After he got up on tiptoe, he found that his parents had already woken up, and they were busy in the kitchen nervously and orderly.

Seeing the busy figures of his parents, Yang Tianlong couldn't help speeding up his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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