Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 959 It's Difficult To Meet When We Meet

Chapter 959 It's Difficult To Meet When We Meet

"Wake up so early?" Yang Dalin and Li Guifen were busy in the steaming kitchen, when seeing her son come in, Li Guifen said to Yang Tianlong with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I can't sleep." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and we are going to cook some glutinous rice balls for everyone." Li Guifen said, the glutinous rice balls were bought a few days ago.

"Everyone is up?" Yang Tianlong remembered looking around the living room just now, but he didn't seem to see anyone else.

"Your father-in-law and mother-in-law are up." Yang Dalin said with a smile, "Is Elena still resting?"

"Yes, she is quite tired recently." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"Then let's not bother her, let's cook us first." Yang Dalin looked at the boiling water in the pot and said to his wife.

Li Guifen nodded, and took the glutinous rice balls out of the refrigerator with a numb expression.

"Do you eat glutinous rice balls in the morning?" Yang Tianlong asked inadvertently.

"Yes, just eat glutinous rice balls. We also consulted Mr. Franlo before, and he said that we only eat glutinous rice balls."

"Okay then, I'll prepare the bowls and chopsticks." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.


Waiting for Yang Tianlong to prepare the bowls and chopsticks, and when he walked to the restaurant, he was surprised to find that his wife Elena, Jonny, and Elena were also up.

"When did you get up?" To know that Johnny got up so early, in Yang Tianlong's impression, this seemed to be the first time

"We all just woke up, and we were thinking about uncle and aunt's glutinous rice balls, so we all got up earlier." Jonny said with a chuckle.

"I thought you would sleep in late." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Johnny shook his head, and said with a serious face: "How is it possible, this new year has already started, I can't lose at the starting line, right, dear."

Elena nodded, "That's right, honey, you have to work harder and work hard for our bright future."

"Then I'll tell my parents to cook more, they thought you were still sleeping in." Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Yang Tianlong hurried towards the kitchen.

After telling her parents the news that everyone was up, Li Guifen quickly took out several bags of quick-frozen glutinous rice balls from the refrigerator.

Soon, all the glutinous rice balls were cooked.

When the Franlos and their crooked nuts tasted the glutinous rice balls, they still couldn't help but nod and applaud.

"Huaxia Dragon, you must call us next time you go back to China for the Spring Festival." Jonny said seriously.

"No problem." Yang Tianlong smiled.

After breakfast, under Franlo's leadership, everyone went to Berlin for sightseeing and shopping today, and they didn't return home until the evening.


Time is also like what Yang Tianlong felt before, it really is fleeting, and in a blink of an eye, it is time for Yang Dalin and his wife to return to China.

Reluctant to part with their son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and in-laws, Yang Dalin and his wife took an Air China plane from Berlin Airport to Rongcheng Airport.

After sending his parents away, Yang Tianlong only felt a emptiness in his heart, and he also knew that he should leave Berlin in a few days.

Elena had told him earlier that she and her parents were planning to return to Addis Ababa in April, because the perfume factory was still under construction, so Mr. Franlo couldn't leave at all.

It is already the end of February now, and there is only more than a month before April. When he thinks that this time is really passing by, and the days of reunion with his wife and children will soon pass, Yang Tianlong feels better Not a lot.

As usual, the difference was the same as in the past, that night Yang Tianlong and Elena went to bed very late. Although the two children slept in the crib in the same room, it did not prevent them from talking about each other affectionately. .

"Honey, you must pay attention to your body, don't be too tired." Yang Tianlong said, hugging his wife tightly.

"I will. In a city as big as Berlin, I don't have to worry about food and clothing. I won't suffer any grievances, but you are running around the world. You must pay attention to your health and safety." Elena's tears contained a little tears.

"I will, don't worry, I will wait for your arrival in Addis Ababa, and let me know in advance when the time comes, so that I can send a private plane to Berlin."

"Yeah, we'll miss you."


In this way, the couple lay in bed talking about love almost without sleep all night.

The day of parting finally came. The Franlos and Elena bid farewell to Yang Tianlong at the Berlin Airport. His private jet also stopped at the Berlin Airport one day earlier.

When the cabin door closed, Yang Tianlong suddenly found that not only his wife's tears contained tears, but even the eyes of his father-in-law and mother-in-law could vaguely see tears.

"Time should really pass quickly." Yang Tianlong comforted himself truthfully.

"Sir, the plane will land at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in France in one hour. After staying there for four or 10 minutes, it will fly directly to Bunia Airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is expected to land at Bunia Airport in six hours."

"Okay, thank you, I see." Yang Tianlong nodded to the polite stewardess.

Claire and the goat had already arrived in Bari yesterday afternoon, and they will fly directly to Bunia with Yang Tianlong.

And after Claire returned to Bunia this time, he didn't know how long he would stay, because in his words, he, a white man, seemed to have truly integrated into the continent of Africa, because there he seemed to be able to find his true belonging feel.

An hour later, the plane landed on time at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport in France. When Claire saw Yang Tianlong's private plane, he was only slightly taken aback, while the goat was completely eye-opening. Look here, look there, wait for the stewardess to find the naughty goat, only to find that the little guy has fallen asleep on the bed.

"Let him sleep, he was so excited last night." Claire said with a smile.

"Old man, I will live in Bok Village this time. My people are there to keep you safe." Yang Tianlong said with a smile to Claire.

Claire nodded and said with a smile: "My requirements in Africa are actually not high, as long as I have a place to stay."

"That can't always lead a poor life." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"It's okay, old buddy, I've been used to it for a long time." Claire smiled slightly, but immediately turned her gaze to the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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