Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 960 New Home

Chapter 960 New Home
Lion Head brought Yang Tianlong's herdsmen to pick him up. The Wilmots family returned to Europe because of something. It is said that they will stay in Europe for half a month, and they may return to Bunia with the Raf family at that time.

"Mr. Claire." Lion's Head hugged Claire enthusiastically.

"Lion's Head." Claire patted Lion's Head's sturdy shoulder lightly.

"I heard from Hua Xialong that you are going to guide our work in Bok Village this time?" Lion Head said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Claire smiled, but then shook her head, "Where did you hear Huaxialong say, I'm here to trouble you, I miss Africa very much, so I plan to come to Bunia temporarily as an apartment."

"That can be regarded as guiding us." Lion Head laughed.

"You guys stop bragging here, let's go back quickly." Yang Tianlong said to the lion head.

Lion Head nodded, and then took the initiative to open the car door for Mr. Claire.

When they first entered Bok Village, Claire was surprised. He had been here the year before last, and he clearly remembered that it was just a dilapidated and poor village at that time, but after he came again this time, it was He was surprised to find that Bok Village was already so modernized. If he hadn't seen the black people coming and going, he would have thought it was a modern village in Europe.

After the little black boy goat returned to Africa, the excitatory cells in his body seemed to be awakened by this continent full of primitive flavor.

Along the way, the goats waved their arms happily and rapped and sang rap songs that even Mr. Claire couldn't understand.

"The suite on the far side of the second floor is yours. There are many rooms here, and the goat is next to you." In the courtyard of the hotel, Yang Tianlong said to Claire with a smile.

Claire nodded. From his smiling expression, it should not be difficult to see that he is still very satisfied with everything here. At least this small courtyard is very quiet, allowing him to create in a quiet environment.

"Wow, there is actually a wireless network here." The goat also started playing with his mobile phone. When he arrived at the hotel in Bok Village, the first thing he did was to subconsciously turn on the wireless Internet function of the mobile phone. The hotel's wireless network was immediately available. jumped out.

"Really?" Claire originally thought that there was only 2G network here, but the goat told him that there is also wireless network here.

"There is a wireless network in the whole village, and the speed is not slow." Lion Head said with a smile.

"Hua Xialong, I underestimated you a little bit. At first I thought you were staying in Bok Village just to do business with the people here. Who would have thought that the fight you made would become bigger and bigger in the end. It's amazing." When Claire said this, she had a look of admiration.

I took the goat to the second floor, and the first thing the waiter opened for them was the room for the goat.

The goat will soon go to school in the town of Bunia, and he won't need to live with Claire when he reaches puberty, so he lives alone in a single room.

After a brief look, Claire couldn't help but nodded, and then he gently touched the goat's head, "Goat, you will live here from now on."

The goat nodded, looking around the room with sly eyes. There is a single bed, a desk, and a bookcase, plus a separate bathroom...

"How is it? Do you like it?" Claire couldn't help but asked with a smile.

The goat nodded unabashedly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "I like it."

"You will go to school here in two days, but you can't do it like you did in Europe." Claire exhorted solemnly.

Goat seems to have come to his senses this time. When he was in Provence, he actually studied very hard at times, but his foundation was poor, and some white students in the school were racially discriminatory, which made him unable to adapt to the local environment. Education, this is also one of the reasons why Claire wants to return to Africa as soon as possible.

"Dad, don't worry, I will work hard." The goat nodded hard.

Seeing the sincerity on the goat's face when he spoke, Claire couldn't help feeling a lot wider in his heart.

"Sir, your room is next door." The waiter was also very clever, and they all came to work from local villagers.

"Okay, thank you." Claire nodded, and then walked into the next room.

The room next door is a suite. The first thing you see is the living room, the leather sofa in the living room, LCD TV, treadmill, refrigerator...

Behind the living room is Mr. Claire's bedroom and study room, and there is a brand new desktop computer on the desk.

Claire nodded involuntarily, and then quickly walked to the window of the bedroom, opened the window and took a look, and at a glance, I saw a large expanse of green pasture, on this vast pasture, hundreds of animals The cows are gnawing on the fat green grass leisurely and contentedly inside.

No, there are horses besides cows.

Claire's eyes immediately focused on the dozens of strong horses in the pasture. This place is really quiet and the scenery is so beautiful.

After packing up the things in the room, it was almost time for dinner. Tonight, all the game was from the tropical rainforest. After the game was processed by the chef of the hotel, the taste immediately improved a few levels. The goats were full of meat Greasy and full, the goat no longer stayed at the dining table, but flew upstairs to the room. The internet speed here was not bad, and he liked everything here very much.

"Huaxialong, this place is really nice, thank you very much." Claire raised his glass.

"We are all good friends, do we still share these? Old man, this will be your home from now on." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Well, this will be my home from now on, and we will defend our beautiful homeland together." Claire laughed.

"I may have to leave here in two days. When the time comes, Yom will be here. If there is anything you can tell him, your words are my orders." Yang Tianlong pointed to Yom beside him.

Yom nodded quickly, "Mr. Claire, we villagers also respect you very much, so just tell us anything, and we will definitely implement it seriously."

"I shouldn't have too many things, and I don't expect to be rich, just live a peaceful life every day." Claire said with a smile.

After speaking to Yom, Claire turned her attention to Yang Tianlong again, "Huaxialong, I want to go to Subi Town in these two days."

(End of this chapter)

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