Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 965 Don't Kill This Giant Python

Chapter 965 Don't Kill This Giant Python

Overcoming obstacles along the way, they finally arrived at the creek that Claire mentioned after 10 minutes.

As a result, when they saw a creek under their feet, everyone was a little dumbfounded, because the creek had stopped flowing.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Claire couldn't help apologizing, "Sorry guys, I didn't expect the flow to stop here."

"There is a puddle inside, we can wash our faces." At this time, Doc found a puddle inside.

In fact, they don't need a water source to drink, but the temperature is definitely cooler if they are close to the water source.

After saying this, Doc walked straight inside.

In less than a minute, Doc's voice came over.

"Fack, there are pythons here." Doc's voice was not afraid, but rather pleasantly surprised.

"Kapai, hurry up and let's catch this giant python and eat it." Doc smiled, and then untied the gun from his body.

"Hey, Doc, stop it." At this moment, Claire's serious voice sounded.

Doc froze.

"This snake is spiritual. If you kill it, we will definitely suffer." Claire said and gestured to Doc to come over.

Doc was a little depressed, this set of giant python is very fat, and it must taste good.

"Okay." Doc had no choice but to walk over with a resentful face.

Alexander became a little curious, "Sir, aren't you a materialist? Why do you believe this?"

"Old man, we have to believe in some things in these places. In fact, this giant python plays an important role in the food chain around here and the ecological balance. It doesn't pose a threat to us. Why should we Are you going to kill them? Right, buddy." Claire said seriously.

Alexander couldn't help but nodded, "Indeed."

"It's not like we don't have food now. It will definitely take time for Doc to kill that giant python. We are now in a race against time," Claire said.

"Old man, do you understand?" Alexander said, looking at the somewhat reluctant Doc.

"Okay, I understand." What else could Doc say, he could only answer in this way.

After resting at this dry creek for 10 minutes, Yang Tianlong and the others continued to set off again.

The more they got into the forest, the more difficult the road was. They had traveled less than fifty miles before camping at nightfall.

Finally, after ten o'clock in the evening, they came to the preset position, a big red rock.

As soon as Claire arrived at the campsite, she quickly took out the snake repellant and drew a huge circle around their campsite.

"This thing is made by the Americans, and it works. At least we can effectively prevent snakes and scorpions from intruding." Claire said with a smile.

"Then we can sleep well tonight." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"But we still have to fight those insects. There is a very beautiful insect in it, which is very dangerous." Claire stopped talking. After a pause, he summoned the others.

"Guys, I'll show you a kind of bug. You mustn't shoot it. Its liquid is corrosive and more contagious." Claire pointed the bright flashlight in her hand at the insect not far away as she said. irradiated the past.

Sure enough, under the illumination of the strong flashlight, a bug with a body like a ladybug was buzzing in the air, and its body showed colorful colors, which looked very beautiful.

"It might be hot when we go to bed at night. Let's get over it, and it will be fine in the second half of the night." Claire said involuntarily.

"Okay." In the face of the uncanny workmanship of nature's creations, no one dared to make mistakes.

The tent was set up in a hurry, and the dinner was ready.

These are canned foods, and they are the first canned foods they have eaten after a long time.

Therefore, everyone ate a lot, and they ate with relish.

After eating, everyone didn't feel tired at all. Instead, they sat around and bragged.

Claire also joined their bragging ranks.

Among them, the Russian special forces bragged the most. Alexander swore he had seen Bigfoot in Siberia, only a few meters away; Burzai swore he had seen something similar to a dinosaur in a lake in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Species, Doc also swore that he had seen a gorilla that looked like a human in the tropical rainforest.

"Hey, do you think there are really those monsters in this world?" The more we talked about these things in this quiet and remote night, the more excited everyone was mobilized.

"I think so." Both Alexander and Burzai couldn't help but nodded.

"What's there, and you haven't really caught it." Akinfeev objected to this. "It counts only if you catch it. What if it's an illusion."

"There is absolutely no problem with my eyesight." Alexander vowed on his face.

"It might be that the other side gave you a false impression." Akinfeev said.

"How is it possible?" Alexander looked quite disdainful.


Soon, this topic started to be discriminated around whether there was or was not. Naturally, they were also divided into two parties. The two sides quarreled in the silent forest night.

"Mr. Clare is the most knowledgeable, let's let him speak." In the end, the jurisdiction was handed over to Mr. Clare.

"Actually, I don't know if there is or not, but I think we can debate this issue more intensely, so that everyone's mood can be more relaxed." Claire said.

Seeing that there was no reason for the quarrel, everyone naturally gave up the topic and turned the topic to food.

This conversation lasted until twelve o'clock in the evening, and everyone fell asleep.

At this time, the temperature has also dropped a lot, which is more suitable for falling asleep.

Get into the tent, and sure enough, the temperature inside has cooled down a lot.

Yang Tianlong tried to move the location of the phone, but in this ghost place, there was still no signal.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn off his phone, lie down, close his eyes, and fell asleep soundly.

The night in the forest is not completely quiet. The chirping of insects, birds and the rustling sounds in the surrounding forest constitute a beautiful symphony. According to the one-hour duty system per person, everyone is on duty in an orderly manner. night shift.

It was quiet that night.

 Thank you "Wolf Brother Xiao" for your monthly ticket support, thank you bro

(End of this chapter)

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