Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 966 The Intrusion of the Leopard

Chapter 966 The Intrusion of the Leopard

Although Yang Tianlong and the others only slept for six hours, after being woken up by the birds and insects in the forest in the morning, everyone seemed to lose their sleepiness all of a sudden. Get out of the tent.

Then I took a big breath of fresh air in the forest.

Mr. Claire has already started to cook breakfast. Although they are all canned food, they will definitely taste better when they are processed in hot water.

"Good morning, old man." Yang Tianlong walked over with a bottle of mineral water.

"Hello, Huaxia Dragon." Claire said with a smile.

"Get a cup of coffee to refresh yourself." Yang Tianlong said as he poured the bottle of mineral water into the heating pot.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Claire asked with a smile.

"No, it's because I slept so well last night that I suddenly wanted a cup of coffee." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Your idea is really strange." Claire said with a smile.

The guy Doc was also passing by them at this time, and judging from Doc's movements, the guy seemed to want to pee.

"Hey, stay away from peeing." Claire said decisively to Doc.

Doc smiled, and then walked towards the big rock.

"Further away." A gust of wind blew, just from where Doc was.

Doc looked around reluctantly, and after seeing the thick fallen leaves under the big rock, he decided to jump into the woods to pee.

With a brisk step, Doc landed steadily on the thick leaves.

Before Doc took out his stuff, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over, accompanied by a big black guy.

Doc froze for a moment, and then his body flickered, but he was still caught by the sharp claws of the big black guy.

The force with which the paw went down was not small, and Doc staggered and fell to the ground all of a sudden, and he couldn't help but yelled.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tianlong and Claire couldn't help being taken aback, then quickly stood up from the ground, looking for the direction where the voice came from just now.

"Doke is gone." Yang Tianlong couldn't help being startled, and hurried towards Doke.

Claire also quickly grabbed the automatic rifle on the ground, and shouted at the guys behind him: "Guys, let's go."

The other guys were taken aback for a moment, and then rushed out of it one by one.

Yang Tianlong was the first to arrive at the scene. When he arrived, Doke was confronting the leopard. Doke looked nervous. After all, it was his first time fighting a beast like a leopard. The heart is still full of incomparable fear.

However, after waiting for Yang Tianlong and the others to arrive, this fear disappeared a lot at once. After all, they belong to the group of people and the strength at the moment.

The leopard also seemed to sense the arrival of reinforcements. It was not in a hurry to attack Doc, but kept pawing at the thick fallen leaves with its claws on the ground, and howled in a low voice.

When Yang Tianlong saw that it was a leopard, his face burst into joy. He originally thought that he could tame a beast along the way, but unexpectedly, this leopard suddenly appeared in front of him.

The leopard looks a bit hungry, and it is also engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in its heart. On the one hand, it is hungry, on the other hand, it is fear. After all, there are more and more human beings.

"Let me kill him." Claire rushed here with the other guys.

Before he finished speaking, Claire quickly raised the thing in his hand with a full face.

"No, old man." Yang Tianlong quickly raised his hand to signal.

"Why?" Claire was taken aback.

"I can tame it." Yang Tianlong said as he took out a piece of cooked meat that had been covered with taming liquid from his bag, smelling the delicious cooked meat, Alexander and his fellows all began to salivate .

"Is this meat special?" Claire also smelled the full aroma.

"No, this meat is not special, I just want to develop a relationship with it first." Yang Tianlong said while yelling at the leopard softly.

The leopard's attention was also suddenly attracted, and it looked blankly at the stranger in front of it.

"Here, here, buddy." Yang Tianlong threw the piece of meat in his hand to Huabao with a smile on his face.

The leopard stepped back a little caught off guard, and then looked with piercing eyes at the place on the ground exuding an extremely strong smell of meat.

The leopard's tongue began to stick out, trying the taste of the cooked meat in the air.

Vaguely, Yang Tianlong could even see the saliva at the corner of the leopard's mouth.

"Hey, guys, look, that guy is actually drooling." Alexander's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that the corner of the leopard's mouth was drooling.

Everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, they saw a faint trace of saliva dripping from the corner of the leopard's mouth.

"Let's all withdraw." Yang Tianlong said after looking at it.

Everyone nodded, and then they all moved back slowly.

Doke was at a loss for a while, and looked at Yang Tianlong blankly, "Boss, what about me?"

"Stand there and don't move." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face.

Hearing that the boss asked him not to move, Doke was very embarrassed, but he was powerless, so he could only stand there.

Fortunately, the leopard is now completely aiming its butt at him, so Doc's heart will not be too scared.

The leopard was getting closer and closer to the piece of cooked meat, and finally, it came to the cooked meat.

In less than ten seconds, a familiar voice sounded in Yang Tianlong's mind.

He couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and jumped from the big rock to the leopard.

Doc was taken aback.

The leopard has become submissive, I saw Yang Tianlong stroking the leopard's head, and the leopard nodded gently, like a gentle little cat.

"Hey, guys, you can come now." Yang Tianlong yelled at Clare and the others who were not far away.

When Claire and the others heard this, they felt that the Huaxia dragon must have tamed the leopard, so they hurried over.

The leopard suddenly rushed up from below, which still surprised them.

Some guys even couldn't help but took out their stuff.

"Hey, guys, don't be impulsive." Yang Tianlong quickly waved his hand.

"It has become very obedient now, old man, you can touch its head, in fact, the leopard is a typical feline animal." Yang Tianlong controlled the leopard's consciousness, and saw the leopard rolling over and over again. The face came to everyone meekly.

Claire nodded, and he also took courage, stretched out his hand and slowly touched the leopard's head.

 Thanks to the "Jiangnan Navy" brother for the monthly ticket reward, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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