Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 981 An Ominous Feeling

Chapter 981 An Ominous Feeling
"Let Cassaid help to find out the details of that guy later." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Lion Head nodded, and then he seemed to have something to say to Yang Tianlong, he looked around and saw people coming and going, obviously it was not suitable for him to say what he wanted to say in his heart .

"Old man, I suddenly thought of a question." Lion Head frowned and said.

"What's the problem?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, and looked at the lion's head with a puzzled expression.

"Let's go back to the room and talk about it." The lion's head pouted, indicating that there are many people around.

"Okay, there are still more than ten minutes until dinner time, let's go back and talk." Yang Tianlong nodded, and then the two walked towards the hotel.

In Yang Tianlong's room, after the lion's head paused, he said what he wanted to say.

"Old man, do you think Nuerman really has nothing?"

Hearing the question of the lion head, Yang Tianlong was taken aback, then he nodded, "There should be nothing left."

"I don't think that's actually the case. Nuerman's personal fund account has been frozen. It's true, but doesn't he have any investment?"

"His investment has also been completely taken over by the Kingdom of Karta."

"Then what about his real estate?" Lion Head was still a little reluctant.

This question seemed to stop Yang Tianlong immediately, and he stammered, "This? I really don't know about this."

"As far as I know, the princes and princes of various countries in the Middle East are keen to buy their own palaces around the world, so I think it is easy for Nuerman to at least tens of millions of real estate alone."

"How can it be?"

"If he sells part of it, I think it should be easy for him to form an armed force in this desert area. You forgot the Eva last time. I guess, maybe Eva's people are still with Nuerman. Together, since Nuerman was able to escape from London smoothly, it at least shows that he is unwilling to fail, so we must take it seriously this time." The expression of the lion's head continued to become serious with the seriousness of his words stand up.

Yang Tianlong was silent for a while, and he stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with his arms crossed for a while, then he couldn't help but nodded to the lion head, "Old man, maybe what you said is true, I don't know what's going on, As soon as I come to this place, I will somehow think of Eva."

"You also have this premonition? Eva will come?" Lionhead said with a smile.

"Yes, I also have this premonition." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"This may be a very good show, let us wait and see, old man." Lion Head smiled slightly.

"Are you ready?" Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

"Accompany you at any time." Lion Head smiled easily.

"Me too." Yang Tianlong nodded.


By dinner time, all the guys were back, too, and judging by the excited faces on their faces, they had all found a high in their favorite areas of the afternoon.

After dinner, those guys went upstairs one after another, while Yang Tianlong and Lion Head found Cassaid again.

"Dude, I want to see which guests have stayed in the hotel?" Yang Tianlong said to Kassaid without any concealment.

"No problem, I'll take you there now." Earlier, Mr. Bazar had already told Cassaid that everything was open to Yang Tianlong and the others, so Cassaid agreed very readily.

When he came to the monitoring room of the hotel, Casside quickly retrieved the information of all the guests staying in the hotel. There are 188 rooms in the hotel, and 107 rooms have guests staying in them, which is not many.

Soon, the personal information of the guy Lion Head mentioned was called out.

"He's a German, and he's a doctor by profession." Looking at the news, Lion's Head couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"He's just an upper-class figure, maybe he has some temperament, but in the end you called him an Interpol." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I just feel, old man, you know, sometimes, the feeling is not very good." The lion head also said helplessly, because that guy, to be honest, he did have a feeling of deja vu, but he remembered I don't know where I have known each other before.

"Mr. Hua Xialong, are you still watching?" Kassaid couldn't help asking.

"Let's take a look again." Yang Tianlong nodded. There are not many guests left now. Yang Tianlong is still a little interested in the possibility that Eva and the others mentioned by Lion Head may be here. All the guests check the information.

Soon, Yang Tianlong finished reading. There was no information about Eva's stay here, but after thinking about it, she didn't find it strange. After all, Eva, who is a elusive person, would not use her real identity to come here. registered.

But Yang Tianlong is really looking forward to seeing Eva here, because in that way, his confidence in catching Nuerman this time will be even greater.

With an indescribable feeling in his heart, Yang Tianlong followed the lion head into the elevator.

At the door of his room, the guys had already gathered together, talking and laughing to share the fun of the afternoon.

But when they saw Yang Tianlong and Lion Head appearing in front of them, they immediately became quiet.

"Hi boss……"

Yang Tianlong nodded, and then led everyone into the room.

Soon, Yang Tianlong explained everyone's main actions and scope of activities this time.

The lion's head and people are active in Lake Nasser, including Burzai and Kapai.

And he is going to take three North African soldiers, Akinfeev, and Doc to go deep into the nearby desert for activities.

Originally, Lion Head wanted to go deep into the desert by himself, but seeing Yang Tianlong persisting, he had no choice but to give up.

As for guys, Kassaid had already let people put them into Yang Tianlong's room. Everyone had different preferences for guys, from throwing knives to crossbows, from silent pistols to automatic rifles, and even Burzai also received With a sniper rifle, he will squat in the hotel room at any time, waiting for the order from Lion Head.

"Old man, I still want to go to the desert." In fact, everyone knows that the desert is full of too many uncertainties and dangers, and the lion head looked at Yang Tianlong and said seriously.

"Dude, you just stay here, and you can continue to stare at that guy who you think looks like Interpol, maybe the passport he used is a fake?" Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Well, after hearing what you said, I suddenly feel that it is necessary to stay here." Lion Head said with a smile.

"We'll be back in two days at most, so we won't waste too much time. Come back and drink." Yang Tianlong stretched out his fist after speaking.

"Fight for justice." Lion Head smiled and started boxing with Yang Tianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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