Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 982 Entering the Sahara Desert

Chapter 982 Entering the Sahara Desert

After accepting the task, everyone didn't stay in Yang Tianlong's room for too long, and they all dispersed.

That night, Yang Tianlong rested earlier, because he would follow Hassan and the others into the desert the next day.

Because of the early rest, Yang Tianlong also got up early the next day. In fact, not only did he get up early, even his fellows also woke up early.

Lion Head and the others were no exception. After breakfast, everyone took two Toyota off-road vehicles and prepared to go to the desert.

The lion head sent them off, I don't know what happened, when the lion head sent Yang Tianlong and the others, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he couldn't express this uncomfortable feeling.

According to Yang Tianlong's plan of action, they will drive to Sabo Village, where they will no longer drive off-road vehicles, but will switch to the local means of transportation - camels.

Saab Village is a village located on the edge of the desert. There are two villages established by nomads ten kilometers away from Saab Village in the desert. Their destination is these three villages, because they want to go deep into the Sahara from Egypt. In the hinterland of the desert, one of these three villages must be a necessary supply place.

At first, they could still see pieces of oasis territories, but as they went deeper into Sabo Village, the oases in front of them had been replaced by deserts and the dead Populus euphratica trees.

"This place used to be an oasis." Hassan said seriously.

"It can be seen that those tall and withered Populus euphratica forests." Yang Tianlong nodded and said.

"The environment here is so poor, what do the villagers in that Sabo village live on?" Akinfeev has lived in the plains of Russia since he was a child, where the land is fertile and flat, and it is a famous granary in Europe .

"Actually, Sabo Village is alright, it's just a small village on the edge of the desert." Hassan said with a smile.

"Really? I thought there was yellow sand everywhere, just like Afghans." Akinfeev said with a smile.

"You'll find out when you go," Hassan said.

Compared to Akinfeev who spoke more words, Doc changed from his usual excitement, and he seemed a little drowsy on the tossing off-road vehicle.

As the vehicles gradually deepened, the road under their feet was also more difficult to walk on. By the time they arrived at Sabo Village, it was already past eleven o'clock at noon.

Sure enough, Sabo Village is like a holy place in the desert. There are dense sea buckthorn trees and tall poplar trees growing here, like an isolated village in the desert.

"Are the other two villages like this one?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Hassan nodded, "It's almost like this."

"That's okay." Yang Tianlong nodded.

When they got out of the car, they didn't all get out of the car. Akinfeev and Doc stayed in the car, each taking care of a car. Ajid, Hassan and Salaha took Yang Tianlong away down.

Ajid is a native of the local people, so it is natural for him to communicate with the villagers in this language.

After some simple exchanges, Ajid returned to Yang Tianlong and the others.

"They said that a few groups of people went deep into the desert recently, and they all brought camels, but because they were far away, they didn't see who those guys were, but judging from their clothes, they don't look like It's a local."

"Which direction are they heading?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Ajid shook his head, "They didn't say that, because there is a fork in the desert from this place, which is about ten kilometers away from here. After the fork, it is divided into two, one is to go to Buha village, and one goes to Zhabu Village.”

"How far is the distance between those two villages?" Yang Tianlong frowned. In this desert, a journey of ten kilometers is comparable to the time it takes to travel hundreds of kilometers.

"More than 30 kilometers away." Ajid said after thinking about it.

"Ten kilometers from here, it will fork, and then the two villages will be around [-] kilometers away. That's probably what it means?" Yang Tianlong repeated.

"That's right, that's probably what it means." Ajid nodded.

"Okay, I see, what about the camels?" Yang Tianlong decided to check it with the high-definition electronic map later.

"I'm going to rent their camels now." Ajid nodded.

Not long after, Ajid brought six camels, one for each of them.

"Let's have dinner here, and then hurry into the desert." Ajid suggested.

Seeing that there was indeed no suspicious person around, Yang Tianlong also called Akinfeev and Doc down happily.

Hassan suddenly had some suggestion of his own: "Old man, don't we better get a local guide?"

This was for Ajid.

Ajid smiled, then shook his head, "Don't worry, old man, I am quite familiar with this place, and the camel's ability to recognize the way is quite strong, so you don't have to worry about us getting lost in the desert." Ajid De said while taking out several compasses on his body. These things are all mechanical products, and the quality is very reliable.

"Okay, since you are also a live camel, I won't say anything." Hassan said with a smile.

After lunch in Sabo Village, everyone added some special food of the local villagers, a special food similar to a certain Xinjiang food in Huaxia. It is said that this food can be preserved for a month without deterioration. Take these with you in the desert.

"I will look for the water source." Ajid said seriously.

Although Ajid swore that he would look for the water source, but to be on the safe side, when they set off, all the people still drank their water bladders and stomachs full.

After resting for half an hour, they finally headed towards the desert under the scorching sun at one o'clock in the noon.

After walking less than one kilometer, they found that they were completely in the desert. There was a vast expanse of yellow sand in the front, back, left, and right, and they could not see the edge at a glance. There were no plants at all, only from time to time. The white bones exposed in the sand also showed that people had been here before, but they all died.

For these bones, while full of awe, Yang Tianlong and the others still lamented more.

Although Ajid brought several compasses, under the scorching sun, the positions of the southeast, the north, and the west are still easy to distinguish.

Along the way, everyone didn't talk much, all in order to save the body's water.

"What's in front?" Suddenly Doke couldn't help looking at the yellow sand in front of him and asked.

Ajid lowered his head to himself, as if he didn't notice it, and when he saw it, his face turned pale with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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