Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 79 The Realm of Saints

Chapter 79 The Realm of Saints

A crisp sound, accompanied by splashing sparks, spread across the wilderness.

Holding Shen Yuan in his hand, Lu Chen waved his right hand, hitting the colorful soft gold one after another.

Although this thing looks like soft gold, it is not easy to change its shape, and it takes a lot of work to beat it.


"Clang clang clang..."

Soon, the sound of knocking became one piece.

Lu Chen's forging is very different from the conventional blacksmith's forging.

It can be said that he doesn't know any forging skills at all, he just swings the hammer blindly.

However, when he swings the hammer, he must use his true energy.Forging each kind of magic weapon, the magic weapon catalog will give a true energy running route.

Run the true energy according to the running route, pour it into the deep abyss, and knock it on the metal, and the metal will become the desired shape.

It can be said that this is not forging at all, but a real opening!
"Clang clang clang..."

After beating for about 5 minutes, the colorful soft gold has become slender, and the colorful light flows all day long, which is extremely dazzling.

At this time, Lu Chen took out the accessories, the dress of the trendy banshee.


Lu Chen was really reluctant to use this dress, after all, it was not just as simple as ice silk, it also took countless manpower to weave.

After stroking it for the last time, Lu Chen threw the clothes on the forging table.

No matter what, weapons still have to be forged.

I circulated my true energy and poured it on the clothes, only to hear the sound of "swish, swish", and the ice silk came out of the clothes one by one, and began to weave according to a trajectory in an instant.

The colorful soft gold glowed, and after the ice silk attached to it, it slowly melted into it.

Seeing this, Lu Chen held Shen Yuan again and continued to beat.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and a ray of watery moonlight poured down, hazy, covering Lu Chen and the forging platform.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt something in his heart. When he swung the hammer again, those moonlights were also driven by Shen Yuan, and smashed into the colorful soft gold.

For a moment, the seven-colored soft gold shone brightly, exuding a dreamlike moonlight.

Lu Chen couldn't help showing a smile. He didn't expect to forge in the wild today, and there would be such gains.

The seven-color soft gold has been knocked into Yuehua, and some changes are quietly taking place.

As time passed, half an hour passed without knowing it.

As if he didn't know he was tired, Lu Chen kept beating for half an hour. At this time, the forging was coming to an end.

As for the belt on the forging platform, he forged it into two colors.

A section of colorful, a section of white.


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, the belts of the two colors were actually cut off.

One is two, and the two are completely different.

Although the material is the same, the part soaked by the moonlight has already taken on a feminine attribute.

The moon is yin, representing the dark side.


After exhaling, Lu Chen couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Next there is the most critical step.

Divine Soldier Changing Fate.

Although what he has forged is close to perfection, this last touch can make it more spiritual.

Exercising the divine soldier's life-changing technique, he penetrated into the two belts.

Immediately, the two girdles that were originally extremely hard became soft in an instant, as if they were not made of metal, they swayed in the wind like the softest silk.

It became.

Lu Chen was overjoyed.

The next moment, a reminder sounded in his mind.


[Hint: Forging the artifact [Colorful Belt] will give you a 20-year skill reward. 】

[Hint: Forging the mutated artifact [Yuehua Acacia Belt] will be rewarded with 30 years of skill. 】

[Hint: Obtain the matching move of [Colorful Belt], Thousands of Butterflies Dance Lightly. 】

[Hint: You will gain ten years of skill by practicing [Wan Die Qing Wu]. 】

[Hint: Obtain the [Moon Blossom Lovesickness Belt] matching move, Yue Blossom Shengge. 】

[Hint: Practicing [Yuehua Shengge] will gain 15 years of skill. 】


As the reminder sounded, two huge auras of heaven and earth poured into Lu Chen's head.

In the two auras of heaven and earth, Lu Chen felt something different.

It is slightly different from the aura absorbed by the Heaven-Human Realm before, which contains more profound laws of heaven and earth.

Lu Chen closed his eyes and felt that his clothes were automatic without wind, and his body slowly floated up, and finally he was sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

There is a saint realm above heaven and man.

It is said that the sage has the ability to move mountains and fill seas.

There was one in this world, the ancestor of Confucianism, the sage Confucius!

A muffled sound shook the whole field.

The avenue roars, heaven and earth feel it, and a saint is born!

Lu Chen floated down from the sky, his whole body was glowing, comparable to the bright moon in the sky.

[Reminder: If you reach the level of a saint, you will be rewarded with one pass. 】

[Hint: Passing on the skills does not consume your own skills, and after passing on the skills, you can get the corresponding skills. 】

[Reminder: There is no limit to this transfer, it depends on the qualifications of the recipient. 】

[Hint: Three random items are rewarded. 】

[Reminder: The item has already been generated, please check it yourself. 】


Several notification sounds sounded one after another, and Lu Chen opened his eyes in surprise.

Yes, the rewards this time are very rich!

Three random items have been distributed to the portable space. Lu Chen didn't check it immediately, but put away the forging table and the two belts, and prepared to leave.

late at night.

Lu Chen returned to the capital and entered Zilanxuan, but no one found him.

With his current status as a saint, let alone the capital city of South Korea, there is no place in the world that he cannot go to.


The next morning.


The door was pushed open roughly, Nongyu's figure appeared at the door, and then jumped into the room, seeing Lu Chen sitting cross-legged on the bed, he was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Lu Chen in surprise, Nongyu was shocked.

Naturally, she didn't shock Lu Chen because she woke up earlier today, but rather shocked Lu Chen's whole body.

The sage's talent is fully displayed, even if Lu Chen just sits cross-legged, it seems to be a world of his own, with a great aura permeating, which is particularly frightening.

Nongyu approached cautiously, licked her red lips, and said, "Master, you, have you made a breakthrough again?"

She seemed to want to convince herself of what she said, but it felt so... so incredible.

She knew that Lu Chen's cultivation had already reached the late stage of the Heavenly Human Realm.

So what realm should one break through again now?
Could it be the legendary realm of saints!
Nongyu couldn't help but look at Lu Chen. Isn't that natural aura the capital of a saint?


Nongyu knelt down in an instant, and worshiped: "Master's talent, he has achieved the status of a saint, it is really gratifying!"

At this moment, Nongyu felt that it was pale to use any words of praise to describe Lu Chen.

Such qualifications are already against the sky.

Seeing Nongyu kneeling on the ground, Lu Chen couldn't help chuckling, and the old god said, "Yu'er, you are my only disciple, and I have an opportunity to teach the practice on behalf of the Heavenly Dao, let me pass it on to you today." !"

Nongyu: "!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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