Chapter 80
Nongyu almost thought he had heard wrong.

The master said that he could represent the way of heaven and pass on the exercises to himself!
This is too awesome!

Nongyu just stood up, then knelt down again.

"Thank you, Master, for your love. Nongyu will definitely live up to Master's expectations." Nongyu was full of excitement, and she had already placed Lu Chen in the most noble, greatest, and best position in her heart.

There is a teacher in this life, so the future is promising, and the future is promising!
"Let's go, let's find a quiet place." Lu Chen got up and walked out of the room.

Nongyu hurriedly followed, came to the door, and was about to ask Lu Chen how to get there, but found that Lu Chen had already stretched out his hand to stop her waist.

The next moment, she felt that she was flying up suddenly, and she was in mid-air at once, and then flew out of the city at a very high speed.

Nongyu was both excited and nervous.

This is her first time flying in the air.

In the past, the masters she knew, including Wei Zhuang, let alone take her to fly, let them fly by themselves.

Still her master is the strongest!
Unconsciously, Nongyu hugged Lu Chen tightly.


Soon, the two flew out of the city, and flew north for about 20 miles, and finally stopped at the foot of a hill.

After flying so far in one breath, Lu Chen didn't sweat a single drop, let alone blushing and panting.

The ability of a saint is somewhat beyond his expectations.

In this world, this realm has reached the level of a land god!
Nongyu looked admiringly, let go of his arms reluctantly, and looked at Lu Chen with twinkling stars in his eyes.

It's Lu Chen's current body with a sky-high cultivation and extremely strong concentration, which makes Nongyu look a little old and blush.

There is no way, a big beautiful woman is looking at you straight, no one can help but have a little psychological fluctuation.

"Cough cough!"

Coughing, Lu Chen looked at Nongyu: "You warm up first, adjust your state, and arrange a formation for the teacher."

"Good master!"

Nongyu responded happily, jumped up happily, then turned to Lu Chen and asked, "Master! Do you want to take off your clothes?"

Lu Chen, who was about to open the portable space, staggered suddenly.

Turning his head, he gave Nongyu a helpless look, and said angrily: "Who did you hear that you have to take off your clothes when you teach the exercises? If you want to take off, then take it off, anyway, there is no one else here."


Nongyu immediately looked happy.


Lu Chen hurriedly reprimanded.

This girl, as soon as he finished speaking, was about to untie the ribbon around her waist, as if she couldn't wait. Hearing Lu Chen's reprimand, she stopped what she was doing, and replied with an aggrieved expression: "Oh."

Seeing Nongyu's aggrieved face, Lu Chen didn't know what to say.

In the past, it was him, the master, who tried his best to tease the other party and create ambiguity.

Now, the apprentice wants to seduce the master at every turn, who can resist it.

Lu Chen couldn't help sighing, this is really a turn of events, now it's his turn!

Shaking his head, Lu Chen opened his portable space and took out ten small red flags.

This flag is called Juling Banner, and it is one of the three items that the system rewards him when he reaches the Saint Realm.There are ten rods in total, and Lu Chen doesn't know what material they are made of.

And the effect of Juling Banner is also very simple, which is to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Insert the ten Juling flags in the corresponding positions, and Lu Chen returned to the original position.

Nongyu had finished warming up briefly, her forehead was beaded with sweat, and her chest was heaving violently.

"It's almost there, you need to calm down first." Lu Chen pointed at Nong Yu's eyebrows while speaking.

His unique understanding of the law of heaven and earth was all on this finger and passed on to Nongyu.

This is a great opportunity.

Nongyu naturally understood, calmed down and comprehended carefully.

Lu Chen opened up the meridians of her whole body and baptized her body. The benefits brought to her body have also improved her mind and comprehension a lot.

"here we go."

Suddenly, Lu Chen let out a low cry, and with a wave of his palm, the ten Juling flags automatically swayed without wind, and made a sound of hunting.


I saw that in the sky, a wave of energy surged down like a torrent, and that power seemed to be able to destroy everything.

"Close your eyes and have nothing else in your mind!"

Lu Chen shouted again, and at the same time opened his palm, shooting a ray of light into the sky.

The number of transmissions he has is the most important, and the energy of the heavens and the earth attracted by the Juling Banner is only auxiliary.

At this moment, the sky seemed to have collapsed, and a mighty might reverberated down from the sky.

But at this moment, Nong Yu frowned slightly, and said, "Master, Yu'er can't do nothing else!"


Lu Chen was surprised, there was someone or something in Nongyu's heart that he couldn't let go of?

"What's going on? It just makes you think about nothing at this moment, can't you do it!" Lu Chen was a little angry.

At this moment, Tianwei condensed in the sky, and the energy began to pour out.

Nongyu shook his head vigorously, and said with a hint of tears in his voice: "Master, Yu'er can't do it, no matter how I give up my mind, I can't let him go, and I don't want to give up!"

Lu Chen: "!"

There is such a person living in Nongyu's heart!

He never found out.

For a moment, a trace of loss came to his heart, and Lu Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Forget it, you can't forget him at this time. When the power of the great way rolls down, his imprint will be engraved in your heart forever!"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Nongyu suddenly smiled: "Master, I am willing!"

"I am willing to engrave him in my heart forever!"

"Yu'er grew up, although the time she spent with Master was very short, those experiences were the most profound."


Lu Chen: "?"

The person in Nongyu's heart is him!

For a moment, Lu Chen couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

I even suspected Nongyu just now, but as a result, my precious apprentice "slapped" myself twice, and I became sober in an instant, and I felt strong.


At this moment, Huanghuang Tianwei descended into the world, accompanied by the power of heaven and earth like landslides and tsunamis, covering the surroundings at once.

In Tianwei, Lu Chen and Nongyu's clothes were broken in one fell swoop.

Nongyu's body was as flexible as a fish in the surrounding aura, swimming lightly, wrapping around Lu Chen's body.


Two full hours have passed.

The scorching sun in the sky ran overhead, and it was already noon.

At the foot of the hill, inside the rich aura, a huge wall of energy light suddenly shattered, revealing two figures hugging each other inside.

The two figures were shining brightly, exuding pure white radiance, gradually making the surrounding spiritual energy transparent.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and glanced at Nongyu in front of him, who opened his eyes just in time.

Instead of being shy, Nongyu opened her arms and hugged Lu Chen tightly, as if she didn't want to be separated from him for a moment.

[Reminder: The number of times of teaching has been used, and this time teaching is successful. 】

[Hint: The goal of passing on the skills has absorbed a total of 63 years of skills, and you have also obtained the corresponding number of years of skills. 】

[Reminder: Your cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Saint Realm, and you will receive a random piece of metal reward. 】


The prompt sounded in his mind made Lu Chen nod his head.

Nongyu didn't disappoint him, he directly absorbed the skill of 63 years!

So awesome.


(End of this chapter)

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