Chapter 106
Concubine Bing nodded slightly, looked at Li Tiandao who was holding her, and then said softly: "As long as my husband is around, no matter how noisy it is, I will try my best to adapt."

"Honey, you're amazing."

Hearing this, the arms hugging Concubine Bingliu's waist tightened, and then she moved her face closer.

The two started to chat with each other.


Taking advantage of the arrival of the various sects one after another, the Wanzong Conference has not yet started.

Fan Zian, who was sitting below with Xiao Yan, Qi Caiyun, and Xuantang Ge Zhi, began to look at the disciples around him.

After this observation, he discovered some noteworthy young talents.

To the east of him, there were four women. The beautiful face of the leader moved many men.

His figure was extremely tall, wrapped in a pink and white close-fitting martial skirt, forming an astonishing arc.

The appearance and stature of the three participating disciples behind them were no less than that of the leading woman.

They all wear badges on their waists, engraved with the word "Hundred Flowers".

Hundred Flowers Sect disciple!
On the way, Master once said that they and the Hundred Flowers Sect could be regarded as an alliance.

Just when Fan Zian wanted to look away, the leading woman of the Hundred Flowers Sect turned her gaze to him.

And secretly cast a wink at him, indicating the alliance between the two sects.

Fan Zian, who had never seen a "big scene", quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Sitting northeast of him were four young men.

The leader glanced around fiercely.

And the young man on his left is like standing out from the crowd.

As if walking out of a thousand-year-old iceberg, the cold air is blowing.

He is dressed in a brown martial robe, his eyes are slightly closed, and he stands with his hands behind his back. His aura is like a deep ocean, floating up and down, which is very scary.

"The Lion King?"

After seeing the man's waist card clearly, Fan Zian's eyes showed a murderous intent.

Lion King Sect, Mountain Eagle Sect, Canglan Sect, Snow Fox Sect.

Master has specifically explained that when you meet people from these four sects, you will be beaten to death!
As if aware of Fan Zian's gaze, the man's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were sharp and domineering, and he also looked at Fan Zian.

The eyes of the two collided, and there was a violent killing intent.

But after the other party noticed Fan Zi'an's cultivation in the Ningyuan realm, he looked away and didn't bother to pay attention.

Fan Zian sneered, then looked away, and looked elsewhere.

"These people are so strong. I thought that my cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying would be enough to dominate the entire Wanzong Conference, but I didn't expect that this place is full of monsters from the Yuanying realm..."

Following Fan Zian's gaze, there were four monks wearing yellow martial robes sitting not far to the west of the four of them.

The person sitting on the far left in the middle has a huge gourd on his back.

Although it looks ordinary, it exudes divine radiance all over its body, which makes the evil spirits fearful when they see it in a crooked way.

It is the disciples of the Holy League.

The unfathomable cultivation made Fan Zian feel a strong sense of oppression.

However, looking around, the person who frightened Fan Zian the most was a young man sitting on the Zong Chairman's seat.

He was dressed in a black robe, his eyes were slightly closed, and his hands were placed on his knees.

He had a black long sword on his back, and his expression was extremely cold.

Just looking at him, Fan Zian's heart trembled violently.

That killing intent was too strong.

If this person didn't have tens of thousands of lives under his hands, he would definitely not be able to create such an aura.

"If I were to face this person, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have a chance to make a move."

Fan Zian's self-awareness is very good.

But fortunately, they have Xuantang sitting here.

Although Xuan Tang hadn't spoken much to him in the past seven days, it also made Fan Zian understand that Xuan Tang's strength was definitely far superior to his.

The man with the black sword might not be able to defeat Xuan Tang who taught him for seven days.

"Senior sister, will each sect have a leader?"

Fan Zian, who didn't know the rules of the meeting, asked the senior sister sitting on the right.

Logically speaking, disciple Dabi can only send three people at most from each sect, but he found that in many sects, four disciples sit together.

"Well, after the opening of the Wanzong Conference, we will enter a special plane for competition, and then the participating disciples will lose contact with the suzerain." Xiao Yan explained patiently.

"After entering the plane, the team leaders will be collectively sent to a special spectator stand, and they will always pay attention to the movements of the three participating disciples. If they find that their lives are in danger, they can send them out for timely treatment."

"Of course, after being sent out, this disciple will also lose his qualifications."

After some explanations, Fan Zian only had a half-knowledge.

"What happened to those sects without team leaders?"

"Heh, if there is no team leader, even if they die in the plane, no one will care about them. Therefore, those sects without team leaders are either not afraid of death, or they are too strong!"

Xiaoyao explained again, allowing Fan Zian to initially understand the rules of the Wanzong Conference.

Then, he said to Qi Caiyun on the other side: "Yun'er, after I enter the plane, you will follow my teacher, she will protect you."


Qi Caiyun nodded seriously.

Just now, seeing Fan Zian talking to Xiao Yan made her a little jealous.

However, thinking of those seven days, Xiao Yan was deliberately found fault by herself, which made her unable to sleep, Qi Caiyun's heart was a little more balanced.

At this moment, this group of members of the Dao League has a cold man, a couple, and a person who doesn't like to talk and is controlled by the magic baby and can't speak.

So it seems very quiet.

But the disciples of other sects showed murderous intentions among each other.

The Wanzong Conference can be said to be a real battlefield!

In previous years, how many talented heroes died, but the world doesn't know.

The major suzerains above are different from the geniuses, they all know each other after all.

Therefore, several suzerains from different empires were sitting together in twos and threes at this time, chatting.

It was just because the empires they belonged to were different, there was a faint smell of gunpowder in the pleasantries.

"Old Qiu, let me tell you that your boy lived quite comfortably in the Sunset Empire. The laws there are loose. Do you often rob houses and women?"

"Huh? Old grandson, don't talk nonsense. My Rimu Empire has always had strict laws, but your Canglan Empire is said to be a famous three-way zone. Are you often beaten? Why are you still so short?"

The two old men, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, kept laughing at each other.

The tall and fat one is the Sunset Empire, the lord of the Zhatian Sect, Wang Zha.

The short and thin one is Zhong Huanong, the suzerain of the farming sect.

These two are best friends for many years.

It's just that because of the Wanzong Conference, the two people's emotions were high, and they both wanted to win for the sect and the empire, so they insulted each other.

The other suzerains around were obviously not surprised by this.

After all, it has been several four years, and they are the few of them, and they have become familiar with each other for a long time.

Some other suzerains were still exchanging pleasantries with each other, but the topics were all related to this Wanzong Conference, and some suzerains belonging to different empires even quarreled on the spot.

There was a lot of noise on the suzerain's side, until three streamers of light flashed across the sky.


With the arrival of the three middle-aged people, the entire venue fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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