Chapter 107 Five Emperors
As soon as those three people arrived, countless people cast their gazes one after another.

Because the three of them are all extraordinary, they even attracted Li Tiandao's attention.

The one on the left is wearing a yellow robe with weird graphic tattoos.

With a handsome face and long hair that moves with the wind, his appearance is definitely one of the best in this world of handsome guys.

Its biggest feature is that there is a yellow gourd with a full two meters behind it.

The leader of the holy alliance, Zhang Shenfeng.

Look at the one on the right who is dressed in commoner clothes. It is Zhou Che, the next leader of the Qi League who failed to find Qinglong a few days ago.

At this moment, in order to show the simplicity of Qimeng, he deliberately put on a set of simpler clothes.

As for the person standing in the middle, he looked about 30 years old, and his appearance was relatively mediocre, but he exuded a shocking sword aura all over his body.

Wearing an ink robe with dragon pattern, it shows his domineering identity.

The leader of the Sword Alliance, Mo Qingtian.

"Huh? Isn't that the leader of the Sword League, the Holy League? Why did it appear at the Wanzong Conference?"

"And Zhou Che, the next leader of Qi League, what are they doing here?"

"Fuck, could it be that they are here to participate in the Wanzong Conference? I remember that these three people are at least in the void realm, are we still playing a fart?"

"It's okay to talk about the Qi League. The three swords of Qingying, a disciple of the Sword League, or the Four Saints of Qingying of the Holy League. If you come to one of them, wouldn't it be possible to beat the audience in the disciple competition?"


Seeing the three lords sitting together on the spectator seats above, those lords who didn't know started to discuss heatedly.

Some people even wanted to curry favor, but were stopped by the guards.

Heijian boy, who had previously terrified Fan Zian, got up and saluted Mo Qingtian, and nodded to him.

"Fuck, why does this boy in black look so familiar?"

Seeing that the boy in black seemed to have some relationship with Mo Qingtian, several suzerains began to guess his identity.

But I can't recall it for a while.

"I said Qingtian, in order to help Heming, you even brought Tianwen."

Sitting in an extremely empty area, Zhang Shenfeng, who was carrying a gourd on his back, said with a smile.

Naturally, he also spotted the boy in black.

Coincidentally, he knew this person.

It is the murderous sword of one of the three swords of Qingying in the Sword League, Qin Tianwen.

At only 26 years old, he is already in the realm of Nascent Soul Consummation.

The sword intent is even more unfathomable, and it is said that it can reach the point of cutting a river with one sword.

"Aren't you the same? Don't think I didn't see that kid Cheng Ran, isn't he also one of the four saints of your holy alliance?"

"Hey, I let you find out."

Zhang Shenfeng smiled brightly, and then suddenly became emotional: "The two of us and Heming have not seen each other for at least a hundred years."

"Almost, time flies so fast."

In the early years, the leaders of the Holy League and the Sword League were still two brats.

At that time, they and Yang Heming were fighting for righteousness everywhere in this continent, and they were affectionately known as the Iron Triangle of Tianyan Continent.

It's just that later Yang Heming asked inadvertently, enjoying the prosperity and wealth at ease, which led to a gap in strength between the three of them.

In the end, one became the revered leader of the Holy League.

One became the leader of the sword alliance who made people fearful.

As for Yang Heming, he could only be reduced to the sky empire in the end, and be a national teacher with power over the government.

But the relationship between the three is still the same as before. When Yang Heming invited the two to come to attack the Lionheart Empire, they brought the next leader of the Qi League and came together.

It's just a matter of rectifying the magic way in the Far Eastern Region, so that the magic league that has been hiding in the dark all year round will bleed once.

"Two leaders, I don't think there is anything worth noting about this Wanzong Conference, but I found that there is an organization called Dao League on the entry list, which is quite interesting."

At this moment, Zhou Che who had not spoken all this time suddenly spoke, interrupting their memories.

"Dao Alliance?"

The two muttered at the same time.

After living for 200 years, although they haven't fully understood the nine domains, they already have nine out of ten.

But they have never heard of any Daomeng.

"Whatever it is, if it's the Devil's Cult, it will be destroyed."

Mo Qingtian said coldly, as if he didn't pay attention to any Daomeng.

Not far away, Li Tiandao, who heard the three people's words clearly, smiled faintly.

"Heh, one Void Stage, two Void Mahayanas, tsk tsk, when the time comes, it's really not sure who will destroy the other."

In his hands, he holds three immortal techniques.

It is enough to break the wrist with the void powerhouse.


As time went by, the horizon finally quieted down.

On Fan Zian's side, he had already withdrawn his gaze, closed his eyes and regained his composure.

In his mind, he had already figured out the opponents of the Ten Thousand Clans Conference well enough.

Of course, Fan Zian also has self-knowledge, he will keep in mind those evildoers who can't be defeated at a glance, and when he meets them, just hand them over to Xuantang.

And Xuantang and the others had already started to close their eyes and meditate.

Li Tiandao continued to talk about love with his wife.

It seems that as long as he chats with Concubine Bing, he has unlimited topics.


At this moment, the entire cyan stone platform was enveloped by a vast aura, awakening all the geniuses.

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded throughout the blue stone platform.

"Welcome the five emperors to this Wanzong Conference!"

After the words fell, everyone looked at the source of the voice with burning eyes.

On the edge of the sky, thunder and lightning flashed.

The dark clouds dispersed, and a huge Kun beast appeared in the sky.

Its body is colorful, and it is said that this kind of spirit beast can reach the highest realm of void, so it is called Caixu Kun.

Behind it, there is a huge palace.

In front of the palace, there is a huge viewing platform.

A middle-aged man in a green dragon robe stood with his hands behind his back. His long hair fluttered, his eyes were firm, and he exuded an air of awe.

The current emperor of the Sky Empire, Feng Tianxing.

Beside him, of course, is the manipulator behind the Wanzong Conference, the national teacher Yang Heming.

In the other four directions, four behemoths also flew over, each with a palace on their backs and seats for spectators.

To the east is an eight-winged dragon, on which stands a middle-aged man in a brown dragon robe.

Its appearance is relatively rough, but it exudes wild charm.

The ruler of the Lionheart Empire, Qi Lu.

It was Yang Heming's main target for this Wanzong Conference.

Looking to the west, a huge unicorn flew over, and behind it stood a middle-aged man in an orange dragon robe.

The ruler of the Sunset Empire, any time.

To the north, there was a black turtle flying in the sky, and a middle-aged man in a blue dragon robe stood on the spectator stand.

His appearance is more handsome, and his temperament is also a little bit romantic. Behind him are two beautiful concubines who are serving the left and right.

The monarch of the Canglan Empire, An Lang.

As for the last one to arrive, it was a giant eagle that covered the sky in the south, and behind it stood a middle-aged man in a purple dragon robe.

Starlight Empire, ruler, Nangong Chengchi.

These five people are the five most powerful people in the entire Far Eastern Region.

"Meet the emperor!"

The shouts of tens of thousands of people were deafening and resounded through the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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